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Status Updates posted by JRD

  1. I did an interview for a high paying job. I think I fucking failed OMG I'm gonna kill myself.

    1. Zeus


      i thought i did too. then i got the job. have faith!

    2. JRD


      Yeah I'm keeping faith right now. I'm just gonna look forward to Monday with optimism!

  2. I spent half of my pay check on CDs. I am uber upset with myself. At least I got Vier la drain's last single :3

    1. Mihenno


      I know that feel bro :(

    2. Tetora


      You dont know the true value of money until you spend it brah, make it rain, lololol.

    3. JRD


      I don't think any ratchets would like CDs being thrown at them D:

  3. Gonna go see Periphery at DNA on Sunday. Can't contain my wet panties.

    1. Augie1995


      Just saw them tonight at SOMA, I couldn't contain the eargasms and content. Had the VIP pacage so I also got to see the sound check and have a meet and greet, and band photo. They played with Born of Osiris, Twelve Foot Ninja, and Dead Letter Circus

  4. I uploaded Teddy's live DVD if anyone is interested

    1. ricchubunny


      loved these guys, thank you very much :))

    2. Biopanda


      Hey brony check last.fm :v

  5. sliced my top ear in two cutting my own hair. at least my bangs still look nice.

  6. Hipster by Marc Jacobs

  7. Sei from F@nny is turning 17? More like 27.

  8. Got AILE's eternal love PV today!

    1. Raburr7


      Awesome *_* Thank you :)

  9. Finally after 5 years I got AILE's Eternal Love PV!!! Also managed to snag Somatic Guardian's Best Album as well. It almost kinda makes up for not being able to get vier la drain mini-album.

    1. pinkmakona


      Sweet. I would love to see that AILE PV. :o

    2. JRD


      cause the DVD was webshop limited and sold out immediately :/ of course I will upload when it arrives :D

    3. Biopanda


      Can't wait to see it <3

    4. Show next comments  27 more
  10. I think everyone at work is tired of me twerking. Twerkalicious!

  11. Puresound had Vier la drain's Aurolla and it fucking already sold so fast. I am now extremely depressed.

    1. Manic


      Don't give your best smile to them D:

    2. digi


      aww vier la drain were good ;<

  12. NSFW or Carnist. I think I got like a Venereal Disease https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g-Spay1ui-8

  13. Sennheiser HD 429s, great for being only $100. FML I waste money on unnecessary items.

    1. bonsaijodelfisch



    2. JRD


      That's the 429, The 429s comes with a mic(I like listening to songs on my phones cause I can change the equalizer and answer the phone without having to take off my headset)

    3. JRD


      I bought it for $80 on sale as well :x(Don't have to wait for shipping!)

    4. Show next comments  27 more
  14. I need new Over Ears Headphones.

    1. Zeus


      Price range and open or closed? I'd be happy to help.

    2. JRD


      Price range would be about $200 top.

  15. I need a prescription for the D.

    1. nick


      ^ lmao! good song, though.

    2. JRD


      Gawd I Love E-Rotic, takes me back to my DDR days~

    3. -timecapsule-
    4. Show next comments  27 more
  16. New last.fm homepage looks neato.

  17. I wish I was a professional twerker.

  18. The highlight of my day is waking up for morning poops.

    1. freesia


      that's healthy!

    2. DeithX252


      it's normal I guess

  19. Clopening shifts are the worst. I hate bitches.

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