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JRD last won the day on April 4

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About JRD

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    Follow me at @nameinbiography or @JRD KTO#8970 discord
  • Birthday 04/25/1989

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    @JRD KTO#8970 discord

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    I listen to EVERYTHING. I don't hate on music <3

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  1. only on FB can I get chastised for caring more about coronavirus than Kobe Bryant's death. I get all the contributions he had made and all the liveshe has affected, but only in America can celebrity death outweigh something that can turn into an epidemic.

    1. colorful人生


      having facebook, fertile ground for that zero-sum/"false dilemma" mentality, is the first mistake in that sentence, lol (though that's clearly reflected by the people, not so much the platform.) the deaths of those helicopter occupants was tragic, but people have to understand that the nCoV situation has exponentially higher priority for those dealing with it. 


      dunno, stupid gonna stupid.


      *also forgot to mention that I realize the need for FB, for like work or extended family where it's the SNS of choice. i'm glad I can just get away w/ LinkedIn and GitHub when it comes to my actual identity... for now...

    2. diryangrey


      coronavirus won't be an epidemic. you're no more at risk than from the common flu. spreading panic only helps US spread propaganda against china & racism against chinese people

    3. platy


      I like how people would rather you fake-cared about some celebrity's death (sorry, I never heard of him until now and that's the truth) than actually express your real feelings about a real issue that's affecting people on a global scale. USA is gonna USA. 

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