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JRD last won the day on April 4

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About JRD

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    Follow me at @nameinbiography or @JRD KTO#8970 discord
  • Birthday 04/25/1989

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    @JRD KTO#8970 discord

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    I listen to EVERYTHING. I don't hate on music <3

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  1. So~I totes came across this post that was passively agressive indirected at me without saying it was about me, but I totes know it's about me. All I can say to that is, get the fuck off your high horse bitch, just because someone uploads your favorite bandoman-samas CD, doesn't mean he isn't going to die of starvation and don't act like your ass don't download music either, would you kindly delete all the music you don't own then? That's what I thought, sit your as...

    1. JRD


      s down and shut the fuck up, bitch!

    2. Gaz


      hoarders who leech others stuff while saying "UPLOADING WOULDNT BE MEAN TOWARDS THE BAND" are the biggest cancer of this community.

    3. hiroki


      lol it's quite stupid for anyone to police what others do with *their* purchases, regardless whether he/she agrees with it. that said, sometimes i do wish more people can buy CDs to support the band, especially if they can afford it..

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