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    Jigsaw9 reacted to sai in new band "Cannibal" has formed   
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    Jigsaw9 reacted to Bear in Horror Movies   
    I guess we're finished with the 60's, so let us just jump straight to the 50's. I exect even less respnse and entusiasm here, but it'll be fun anyway. The 50's were when Hammer Horror started, and even if they started late, they released some amazing films this year. But even if you remove every Hammer Horror film, you still have a fabolous year for horror. Jesus, Gojira started to destroy Tokyo, but he was not the only monster on the loose. The giant monsters were everywhere, and they destroyed and killed everything in their path. The Thing came to planet earth and scared a bunch of guys shitless far out in nowhere, and you had a house of was that might not have been exactly what it looked like. This decade, man. Awesome!
    1. Gojira
    We all know Gojira aka Godzilla, don't we? This awesome monster film is oneof the best, if not THE best monster film ever made. Fuck, everything looks so good in this film. Gojira looks amazing, and his movements and growls weren't much worse. Gojira really IS terror and horror. This film will never be topped as far as giant monster films goes.
    2. Dracula
    This film gives you both Christopher Lee and Peter Cushing, two of the biggest horror icons ever, and is directed by Terence fucking Fisher, a man who would direct a shitload of great, classic Hammer Horror films. This film isn't very gory or anything, and it put all its faith in atmosphere, and it worked so well. This gothic horror masterpiece is stylish, grandiose and very sexy. Both Christopher Lee and Peter Cushing and great beyond words in this film, as they mostly have been throught their careers. Great actors! Two of my favourites to be exact.
    3. The Hound of the Baskervilles
    We all know The Hound of the Baskervilles, even those who'se not read the novel. This is another Hammer Horror film with Christopher Lee and Peter Cushing in the leads, and it's another Hammer Horror film directed by Terence Fisher. This is often regarded one of the best Hammer Horror films ever, and I do agree. They've turned in into a gothic horor mystery, and it works so bloody well. This is, without no doubt whatsoever, the best Sherlock Holmes adaption ever made. That's how bloody good this film is!
    4. Them!
    This film is one of the first nuclear giant monsters films, and it's also one of the best. And you can all it sci-fi, horror or just sci-fi-horror. Who gives a fuck? I do, and I call it horror. It starts out as a regular mystery film before slowly turning into a horror film about something less nicer than your mom. You know. The pacing is incredible, it's very suspenseful and for someone who hates all kinds of insects, this is still freaky as fuck to me.
    5. Les diaboliques
    Les Diaboliques is such a great film. It's a psychologial horror based of a novel, and can you guess who was close to directing this? The master of suspense himself. But he just missed out on it, and it's a good thing because that led Alfred Hitchcock to make Psycho instead. Robert Bloch, the writer of Psycho, has stated many times that this is his all-time favourite horror film. It's a bit predictable, but with suh great suspense and atmosphere it's easy to forget that. The direction is superb, the acting is great and its atmosphere is just top notch.
    6. House of Wax
    Über classic horror with the always amazing Vincent Price, in one of his best roles ever. You also get Charles Bronson, which is great here despite not having the biggest of roles. This isn't as much atmospheric as it is suspensful, but it does have its moments with geat atmosphere too.
    By the way, if you have seen the 2005 version and disliked it, do not wory, the 05-version is NOT a remake of this. But the 50's version however, is a remake of the great, though not as good as this, horror film Mystery of the Wax Museum. Worth checking out too.
    7. Invasion of the Body Snatchers
    Sci-fi or horror? I say both, but I've always called it horror. This is suspenseful, but not in the same was as Les Diaboliques. This is scary, but at the same time not scary. I can't explain it at all. It's a great film! The first remake of this film is also worth seeing. Not as good, but still damn fine!
    8. Tarantula
    Another big monster film, and another great one. Of all monster films I have seen, this is by far the scariest, and in fact one of the scariest films ever. I hate spiders more than anything else in this world, and this film gives you real, giant spiders that are bigger than fucking houses. Yes, that is fucking scary, and it nearly made me shit my pants. Fuck, do watch this film, guys, especially if you hate spiders. Eww!
    9. The Creature from the Black Lagoon
    This seems to be one of those films everybody has heard about, but a lot haven't seen. And it's a shame, because this is a great film. It's a fun film that gives you this b-film feeling, and who doesn't love that? It's a fun ride. Check it out!
    10. De dødes tjern
    I just had to include this as well. This is one of very few Norwegian horror film, and is my all-time favourite Norwegian film. This is a classic piece of atmospheric horror. Too slow for many, but god damn amazing to me.
  3. Like
    Jigsaw9 got a reaction from Miasma in BUCK-TICK new album release   
    Some neat artistic comparisons concerning the album's cover art and band style:
  4. Like
    Jigsaw9 got a reaction from Pretsy in BUCK-TICK new album release   
    Some neat artistic comparisons concerning the album's cover art and band style:
  5. Like
    Jigsaw9 got a reaction from Heroin in New retro wave/retro electro/synthwave   
    I'm not really into this type of revival music, but def gonna check out what you've linked so far.
    I do listen to some Noir Deco now and then, I guess they fit here?

    ...they even have a song titled "Escape with Snake Plissken" hehe.
  6. Like
    Jigsaw9 got a reaction from Wonrei in BUCK-TICK new album release   
    Some neat artistic comparisons concerning the album's cover art and band style:
  7. Like
    Jigsaw9 reacted to Trombe in 地獄絵(jigokue) live-limited CD "昏睡の針と蜘蛛の糸" release   
    their on-line ordering has been available in their OHP
  8. Like
    Jigsaw9 reacted to Bear in Horror Movies   
    Daaaamn, boy. That's a great list! Your best (in my eyes) till now. Every films mentioned is pure gold. Respect, my brotha' from anotha' mutha'!
    And you gotta watch the original Psycho. It's brilliant, man.
  9. Like
    Jigsaw9 got a reaction from Bear in Horror Movies   
    ^ Almost got those right! I'm actually unsure whether I've seen Psycho or not -- I was really young and it didn't leave that big of an impression on me. Also, it might have been that infamous shot-for-shot remake from 1998, not sure at all. xD Anyway, here's my list. I chose 7 main movies and then some notable mentions (this is basically like 80% of all horror related flicks I've seen so far from the '60s xD).
    1. Black Sabbath
    I heard the band got their name from this movie, so naturally I was curious to check it out. I watched the "Italian version" cuz supposedly that has some different/better editing, pacing and whatnot (so the order of the segments was "telephone" -> "wurdulak" -> "creepy corpse lady" xD). The last segment is my absolute favorite, such a cool job on makeup effects, the whole thing is totally freak-out creepy. Of course the other two stories are cool too, I like the variety in here (giallo-ish thriller and vampire horror).
    2. Repulsion
    Yeah, Polanski has that reputation of his, but I cannot not love this movie! Its atmosphere is absolutely surreal and dreary, it sucks you right in. At times it might feel a bit too "artistic" (that's code for "pretentious") but I love how it gets more and more psychotic gradually. A really interesting piece of psycho-horror with the super-pretty Catherine Deneuve in the lead.
    3. Carnival of Souls
    This movie kinda has a similar surreal atmosphere as Repulsion, tho totally different story and pacing. It feels like being stuck in a dream where you have a feeling that something's not right, but it's not a full-blown nightmare (...yet). Some very striking and effective scenes in here, don't wanna give anything away cuz it would soon end in spoilers. Highly recommended!
    4. Night of the Living Dead
    I actually saw the remake first, but this was thoroughly entertaining as well. A black & white gem that has aged quite gracefully. There's not much to say, it's a stone-cold classic of the zombie subgenre. A solid movie.
    5. The Devil Rides Out
    Really cool Hammer Horror flick with such acting staples as Christopher Lee and Charles Gray (who, the latter, is especially good in his evil role). I love the culty satanic vibe that's going on, somehow it manages to keep up the sinister tension. It also has some neat/cute special effects.
    6. Eyes Without a Face
    As Bear already mentioned, this one has that certain aesthetically pleasing quality to it. A compact but nice tale with some pretty freaky things interspersed. Very pleasant and intriguing to watch.
    7. Horrors of Malformed Men
    If you'd let mangaka Suehiro Maruo go back in time to the '60s and direct a movie in the spirit of The Island of Dr Moreau, that would be pretty similar to this movie. Well, no wonder, the story is spliced together from a few shorties of famous Japanese mystery novelist Edogawa Rampo - whose stories Maruo often likes to put to manga (you'll find that The Strange Tale of Panorama Island has many things in common with this movie). A totally surreal and weird ride.
    Honorable mentions:
     - The Innocents: classic tale of the supernatural (or is it?) adapted from a very good Henry James novel,
     - Rosemary's Baby: a classic in its own right, tho I don't recall much from it (otherwise being decent),
     - The Haunting: based on Shirley Jackson's spooky novel, a pretty eerie and subtle flick.
  10. Like
    Jigsaw9 reacted to Bear in Horror Movies   
    C'mon boys and girls, let's do the 60's! I've been waiting for this decade because it was such a massive one with directors taking different types of horror films to a whle new level never seen before and so on.
    1. Night of the Living Dead
    There had been zombie films before this one, but George A. Romero took the whole zombie subgenre onto a new level of madness and revolutionized the whole genre. The whole film is so dark and grim, and you just can't deny the fact that this is one of the best horror films ever. #2 on my all time horror list, and with good reason.
    2. Psycho
    This is Alfred Hitchcock at his best, and that says it all. Psychological horror which is all about the suspense, and the master of suspense himself didn't fail anyone. Such a great film, such an important film and such a revolutionary film. We all know the shower scene, don't we?
    3. Onibaba
    One of the most overlooked horror films ever. The most part of this film is in fact a historical drama, and there is very little actual horror here. But there little horor we get, is some of the best, the scariest and most shockingly good horror ever catched with a camera. Eerie as fuck to be honest. It's a beautifuly shot film that's visually striking, and the cinematography is insanely good. Do watch, if you haven't done so already.
    4. Blood and Black Lace
    This giallo film by Mario Bava isn't just one of the earliest and most influential of all giallo films, also to the slasher genre, but also the best giallo ever made. The flair and style almost makes this a classic on its own. It's so insanely good and well-made you can't miss it. Claustrophobic, erotic and thrilling are the keywords here.
    5. Viy
    This is the first ever Soviet horror film and was made in 67. This film contains some of the coolest special effects you'll ever see in cinema, especially considering the budget and how minimalistic this film as a whole is. Why this film hasn't become more know is beyond me. Masterpiece!
    6. Kwaidan
    This is a Japanese anthology horror film consisting of four shorter films called "The Black Hair", "The Woman of the Snow", "Hoichi the Earless" and "In a Cup of Tea". The titles says all you need to know about this film. It's a massive one, and one of these stories will scare you shitless. I'm not saying which though.
    7. Black Sabbath
    Another anthology horror film, but this time consisting of three short films. "The Telephone", "The Wurdalak" and "The Drop of Water" are the three titles, and The Wurdalak has Boris Karloff in it. That alone is more than enough to check this out. But not only does it have Boris Karloff in it, it is directed by Mario Bava and is the film that gave its name to Black Sabbath. Yes, the band. Do you need another reason to check this out? No.
    8. Eyes Without a Face
    This is an atmosheric pice of horror that is almost poetic as it is beautiful and fairytale-like. The whole film is very toned down, yet it still manages to be shocking. Very shocking. The most beautiful film on this list for sure.
    9. Black Sunday
    More Mario Bava. You surprised? Well, you shouldn't be. One of the best film makes in history of horror, and the 60's was his big year. The cinematography, the flair and style, the atmosphere. Jesus, it's all here. It even has Barbara Steele, perhaps the best and most beautiful actress ever, and was her beakthrough film. This is gothic horror at its finest.
    10. The Devil Rides Out
    Christopher Lee! Terence Fisher! Hammer Horror! Now, there you've got three reasons to check this out. What a film!
  11. Like
    Jigsaw9 reacted to Tokage in Horror Movies   
    I'm mostly an '80s b-movie guy myself, but I'll try making a list of '70s stuff just for the hell of it....
    1. Suspiria
    I just LOVE the surreal effect this movie evokes, the set design is great and the soundtrack was pretty awesome as well. It totally deserves its status as a horror classic.
    2. Texas Chainsaw Massacre
    Several scenes involving Leatherface unnerved me the first time I watched this movie. There's some sort of really gritty quality to this movie that makes it feel like a hazy summer day and I like that. 
    3. Halloween
    I must admit, I wasn't exactly spooked by this one 'cuz I saw it at a point where I'd already seen too many slasher flicks to care. Still, it's one of the big names in the subgenre and I can definitely see why it ended up being so influential. Never saw any of the sequels, nor any of the remakes. Don't think I'm missing out on much in either case, although I might check out Halloween 3 at some point just for shits and giggles because it's different.
    4. Zombi 2
    I really love how nasty the zombies look in this one. And as Jig said, dat underwater scene...
    5. Hausu
    As surreal as Suspiria almost, but WAY goofier. I really feel like this is something only the Japanese could have done. Everything about it is quirky, eveything about it is weird. I can't see this movie actually SCARING anybody, but it's still oh so entertaining to watch.
    I guess I ran out of '70s horror I actually saw and found to be legitly good (as opposed to 'so bad it's funny'-good). Whoops. I gotta confess, I sort of disliked Eraserhead. Maybe I need to give it another try, but the first time i watched it I just felt bored more than anything.
  12. Like
    Jigsaw9 got a reaction from Flash-Fab-Supernova in Horror Movies   
    I personally found The Conjuring okay but didn't leave that big of an impression on me. It was a bit better than the usual modern "haunted house" type fare, which isn't saying much tho. xD Also, I just cannot tolerate Cabin in the Woods - I know it's supposed to be "clever" and stuff but the whole movie looked and felt... I dunno, kinda dumb, plastic and lifeless. Couldn't enjoy it at all.
  13. Like
    Jigsaw9 got a reaction from Bear in Horror Movies   
    ^ Ahhh I've been meaning to watch Hausu for quite a while now, but never really in the mood for it when the opportunity arises (or I just forget). xD Tombs of the Blind Dead sounds cool too, gonna check that one out later as well.
    It turns out it wasn't all that hard to compile a list for myself, tho I "padded it out" with some not-quite-horror titles.
    1. Suspiria The one and only. Dario Argento at his horrortastic atmospheric best imo. Fantastic music and visuals, always something interesting and spectacular to witness. Excellent, can't get enough of it!   2. Alien A true sci-fi/horror classic, really hits a nerve every time I watch it. Needless to say, owing much to H.R. Giger's fantastic designs.   3. Eraserhead Not really horror but surreal and dreary as fuck still. Some of the sickest and weirdest stuff in here (I'll only say "dinner" and "baby"), it's really a far-out trip to be experienced if one is accustomed to such oddities.   4. The Rocky Horror Picture Show Again, not 'pure horror' - still it has a mad scientist, a creature, some killing and whatnot. Oh, and of course we can't forget the wonderfully quirky musical numbers and awesome cast (iconic performances from Tim Curry, Patricia Quinn and Richard O'Brien)!   5. Halloween Well, what is there to say? A solid slasher classic. Haven't seen much of the sequels but I suspect I didn't miss much.   6. Zombie ...or Zombi 2 or whatever. Fulci's gross-out zombie flick, tonnes of atmosphere, messy makeup, it's all excellent really. Can't forget the underwater zombie scene either, so nice!   7. The Texas Chainsaw Massacre One of the better '70s horror movies. It's pretty nice, nothing more to say.   8. Rabid I was hesitating whether include this or Shivers (both very similar Cronenberg films) for the 8th spot, but went for this because it looks and feels just a bit more professional and finished. Pretty good 'zombie virus/infection' type movie, sort of.   9. Demon Seed I just put this here because I remember it being somewhat good. Not much other recollection of it. Super-computer attacking humans (and uhmm... doing some other stuff too xD), it was decent.   10. The Brood Typical Cronenberg body horror, takes a while to get started (if I remember correctly) but has some fun moments and effects.
  14. Like
    Jigsaw9 reacted to Bear in The general Metal discussion thread   
    This years Inferno Festival is over and I am back home. What a great fucking festival this is, and what a brilliant year! Their best ever.
    Wednesday (aka club day); I saw Infant Death and it was OK, but we left after that. Didn't bother. Great evening as a whole, though.
    Thursday: Impiety started off the day for us, and it was cool, but the triggered drums ruined a lot of the experience. The bass drums was awful. Typical type writer shit. But the geat riffs and amazing frontman Shyaithan made this a worthy gig anyway. Not amazing, but enjoyable.
    Fleshgod Apocalypse was awful. Saw a couple of songs and regret it. Waste of time. Shite band.
    Dimmu Borgir was another band I was looking forward to. They were to play an album from begining to the end and we didn't know which one until the gig started. It was Deathcult Armageddon, my favourite Dimmu Borgir album. I was excited as fuck until they started to play. The drums were awful, the vocals were awful and Shagrath is a horrible frontman. Unlike Impiety, who also had a poor drum sound, these guys didn't have anything to make up for that. Ended up a horrible gig.
    Mystifier was one of the bands I was looking forward to the most, and they didn't disappoint. What a gig, man! This brazilians know how to CRUSH! One of the best gigs at the festival. It was amazing!
    Friday: We started off the day with a boat ride around in the fjors of Oslo, and later one Church of Misery played on the boat. It was a small boat with about 100 paying audiences. I went there with some great people, had great weather and it was all amazing. By far one of my best concert experiences ever. 10/10
    Mgla was next out and one of the bands I was really looking forward to, and they did not disappoint. Brilliant gig by a brilliant band. Superb!
    Tristania was boring. Saw a few songs and left. They sounded like a cover band to be honest. A big meh.
    Hatebreed was awesome. Pissed off metalcore with the right attitude. Jesus christ, when they played I WIll Be Heard, man. Awesome!
    Necros Christos did sound great and delivered a great gig, but they did look a bit tired. But it was a good gig, and rumors says probably their last one.
    Blasphemy was pure brutality from begining to end. It was almost too brutal. It was almost ridiculous. But it was a badass gig. Brutality in its purest form!
    Saturday: Sigh was amazong and the winners along with Church of Misery and Mystifier. Brilliant gig!
    Gehenna did sound very professional, but it looked uninspired. Left after a few songs.
    Tulus was pretty boring, but Inskripsjon etter Jordferd and that made me feel good. Awesome song!
    Rotting Christ was boring, but The Sign of Evil Existence with guest vocals from Mirai was good fun. But why the fuck didn't they play Fgmenth, Thy Gift? That song IS Rotting Christ. Disappointing.
    Black Witchery was crushing! not as brutal as Blasphemy, but not too far away. Awesome concert!
    Watain was übershite. Clowns!
    Missed Deathhammer and Vemod. They played too early and we had too much fun drinking. Shame they played so early, wanted to see them.
    Anyway, best Inferno ever. It'll be hard topping this.
  15. Like
    Jigsaw9 reacted to nekkichi in tetsuya(L'Arc~en~Ciel) first child will be born   
    does it mean there's a 3 consecutive children release planned already, or?...
  16. Like
    Jigsaw9 got a reaction from appl- in Moi dix Mois in Russia   
    Mana finally getting some well-deserved goth cred for playing next to DA BLACK SEA. \m/(◣_◢)\m/
  17. Like
    Jigsaw9 got a reaction from Tetora in グリーヴァ (Grieva)   
    Yayyy Grieva, they're one of my favorites from the newer bands~
    I was a bit skeptical at first when hearing Dead[en]D but then came the fun stuff and I was completely sold. I love how they evoke that turn-of-the-century DEG-and-related-acts style while having a nice modern production at the same time. They also seemed to be moving away from those direct references on their last album, which was quite a big beast -- more consistent in atmosphere imo, but less standout tracks than the 1st one.
    They look like they make quite a live show, so hopefully they'll tour overseas sometime too (or just release more live material, heh).
  18. Like
    Jigsaw9 reacted to Senedjem in VK Themes I Don't Understand (Can Someone Explain)   
    What happened to the moon and why is everyone crying for it
  19. Like
    Jigsaw9 got a reaction from Pretsy in Moi dix Mois in Russia   
    Mana finally getting some well-deserved goth cred for playing next to DA BLACK SEA. \m/(◣_◢)\m/
  20. Like
    Jigsaw9 got a reaction from Scarlet Obsidian in グリーヴァ(Grieva) new maxi single & mini album release   
    Niiiiiiiiice  Dat band look is pretty sweet too~
    (btw I love how there's like 3 months till the actual release and we already have a PV preview, lol)
  21. Like
    Jigsaw9 reacted to Pretsy in グリーヴァ(Grieva) new maxi single & mini album release   
    Kyouki looks like a crossover of Kool-Aid Ryoga and under-world '09 tour Gara...o_o
  22. Like
    Jigsaw9 got a reaction from doaseternity6 in Hannibal   
    Watchin' it & lovin' it! Can't wait for the next ep, it's always so exciting~
  23. Like
    Jigsaw9 reacted to Bear in Horror Movies   
    OK, so I saw Goblin a couple of days ago. I had a great time on the bus in to Oslo. Listening to music, drinking beer and enjoying life. Met a friend in Oslo and we went to see Suspiria on a big screen. That was amazing. It added a whole new dimension to the film. They were lucky enough to be able to find a good copy of a 35mm, so that was what we saw. Awesome! Sadly, Goblin did not play the soundtrack while the film was screening. BUt some guy from the place who sent the film had a talk with the band before the film and that was cool. Seemed like such humble and good guys.
    Later that night Goblin played live and it might just have been the best concert I've seen. The band obviously had a good time and the soun was pitch perfect. Hands down! Best moment was when they started playing Tenebre. Insane!
    In the talk before the film they said they were looking forward to play the Dawn of the Dead soundtrack live with the film screening in the US soon, and they were planning in inviting George A. Romero (the director of Dawn of the Dead) as they had never met him. SO they finally hoped to meet him.
    And they mentioned a fun John Carpenter story. They met him a while back and Carpenter thanked Claudio a lot because he had stolen basically every sound he had made. Hah, made me laugh.
    Ayway, great time!
  24. Like
    Jigsaw9 got a reaction from Licio123 in Last movie you saw.   
    Only Lovers Left Alive - Excellent romantic vampire flick with Tom Hiddleston and the always wonderful Tilda Swinton (and yay for John Hurt). It's not how you'd expect a "romantic vampire" film to be, especially these days I guess, heh. Smooth, contemplative and dreamy... plus, the music was just absolutely amazing, so fitting to the whole world view of the characters (it's no surprise it got a soundtrack award at Cannes). Highly recommended.
  25. Like
    Jigsaw9 got a reaction from -timecapsule- in THE HAKKIN new mini album "晩成(bansei)" release   
    Samples of 3 songs (among them the live-dist one) can be listened to on their Soundcloud:
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