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Posts posted by Jigsaw9

  1. 21 hours ago, Bear said:


    Currently holds 100% on RT with 62 reviews as well, which is pretty damn good for a movie like this.

    I am convinced this is some elaborate trolling, lol. I tried to watch the movie last night, but gave up a bit after halftime, it just wasn't doing anything for me. I skipped into it for a few minutes afterwards but it was just all so lame-looking and weak... Also, seemed very much jumpscare-heavy, which I absolutely hate. Guess this just wasn't for me.

  2. I've had a bit more time to digest the album now, overall I'm quite pleased with it. It has small nods to Manson's previous stuff but not in an in-your-face annoying way, only certain motives for a few seconds, which I thought was neat. The tracks flow together extremely well too, making for a pretty seamless listening experience. He hit the nail on the head when he described it as "a wax museum of [his] thoughts".


    I enjoyed most of the songs too, or at least I can appreciate how there's no sore thumb among them. I'm not too crazy about the title track and "Paint You with My Love" but everything else is either good or great. The acoustic bonus tracks are kinda lame tho, since they chose the two songs that were already heavily unplugged-sounding so it doesn't really make any difference this way... But that's my only "major issue", lol.

  3. 2 hours ago, carddass said:

    They said they could ship to me again and I've placed my order.
    So depending on which country you're in, they might be able to ship to you again.

    Oh that's awesome, thanks for the info! I'll shoot them a mail later about Hungary (I've been ordering stuff from Japan in the past few weeks without issues so hopefully it'll be alright with the Zoisite guys too).

  4. LOL, they keep us in suspense with the availability of the CD I see... :D


    I'll have to wait until I can buy a copy, hopefully they'll have them in stock for a few more weeks.

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