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Posts posted by Jigsaw9

  1. I've found MUCC has been getting progressively worse and worse for the past decade, but still it will be weird/sad to think of them without SATOchi... He always seemed like a fun/cool dude too. Hoping he'll find happiness in whatever the future has in store for him (I'm not realistically hoping anything for MUCC, they're beyond help by now).

  2. MUCC has just announced that drummer SATOchi will be leaving the band and retiring from musical activities in spring 2021. The exact date of his departure is as-of-yet unknown. Based on his comment, he told the rest of the band about this back in May. He also says that there were lots of good/bad times but he regrets nothing.


    SATOchi's as well as the other members' comments can be read in Japanese HERE.


    edit: Sorry, I just saw someone else made a thread just before mine, please delete this one.

  3. Yeah, I tried seeing some kind of meaning into it, but it's just the usual esoteric fluff saying nothing in particular then, lol.


    Oh well as long as their songs remain cool, they'll be cool to me. :) 

  4. Their new photo is pretty lit (literally)!



    Also they wrote about their "new band concept" but I'm not too well-versed in Jp to translate it:





  5. Oh so that's why they released that new look. Awesome! Too bad it's only 2 new songs but I'll take what I can get. :D 


    Here's a sample of the title track:



    It sounds super familiar, but looks like they haven't released it before (?). I probably heard it on one of their livestreamed gigs.

  6. FOXPILL CULT has announced that they will temporarily suspend their activities as their frontman Takaaki Nishimura fractured part of his knee at a recent live (while they were performing a ballad apparently... just mentioning this cuz it was kinda amusing to me, lmao).


    Their last live before the hiatus will be held on 2020/11/25 at 下北沢SHELTER.


    Just to have something positive too, along with this news they published a new music video too:



    Keeping my fingers crossed Takaaki will take his time to heal so that they can return in the near future~


    The full statement from the band's homepage:







    FOXPILL CULTとして更なる道を目指す為に一度活動休止期間を設けることにしました。









    Shinpei Mörishige


  7. Yeah, let's hope the title means some more good news / surge in activity (maybe a new member or new release announcement too? :) ).


    edit: Maybe we'll finally get an official release with this track on it.... soon, I hope.



  8. 13 minutes ago, VESSMIER said:

    So the new Anaal Nathrakh is pretty dope, what you guys think?

    I'm actually not too impressed by it. I've only listened to it once tho, so that might change... it checks the usual Nathrakh boxes, but this time it doesn't grab me like their previous album (which felt like a nice kick in the balls...of my ears :)).

  9. cali≠gari will release a new CD titled "15予告版" (15 yokoku-ban) early next year. The oneman gig commemorating the release will be held on 2021/02/11 so there's a good chance that the CD comes out around that time (no further details are known yet). Judging from the title it's safe to assume that it will be a single preceding a future album.


    The band also announced a tour titled "Tour 15" that will last from 2021/03/06 till 2021/06/28. This makes me think that the potential album that will follow the "15予告版" CD might be released around that timeframe, but the guys haven't talked of an album yet, so we shall see...

  10. I must admit, re-reading the thing it doesn't sound too harrowing, but very poor choice of words / expressing himself. Like, he could have just said "hey guys, these times have been tough for all of us, and we know we didn't do much like other bands, but we do have this big gig coming up now so please come see us live there, we're counting on you"... instead of just going "what's the future of this band? well idk, but you better come and find out ;^)"


    I guess I'm just too tired of all the cryptic bullshit after all these years, but vk's gonna vk.

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