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saiko last won the day on January 25 2021

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    Gackt's Hair Stylist

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  1. When I suddenly remember that there still isn't any Starwave Records artist that reached at least a minimum level of relevance in the scene, I question myself how is it that this label still exists, and why would an artist decide to get signed to a house who hasn't managed to put out any decent production and market strategy for any of its members...

    1. violetchain


      I'd assume it's partially because most of them aren't going to get signed to any other labels, and partially because most Starwave Records artists get to go overseas at some point. In just the past few years, THE SOUND BEE HD went to the US and Mexico, Mikansei Alice went to Europe, and Scarlet Valse were set to go to Europe before COVID too.

      If you're a basically unknown VK band with 20 fans that dreams of performing in America or Europe, it's not the worst move you could make.

    2. Jigsaw9


      BLOOD was pretty well-known in the overseas vk community at the time they were active I think (they even toured abroad a few times)... but other than that idk any newer bands with that level of "relevance" (if you can call it that, heh).

    3. nekkichi


      blood were on darkest labyrinth tho... which is presumably most famous kiwamu associated act, mostly because the scene was doing better back than, they had the opportunity.


      starwave seems like a low-budget collaboration between kiwi and FWD where bands that no longer get kagerou sales numbers come to sizzle at.


      I'd say tokami were doing pretty well for a SW band, and they birthed zin who later went onto jupiter and w/e she does now.

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