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Everything posted by efuru

  1. efuru

    Canzel's FuTureswoRd. I usually don't pay much mind to SE's but that was one I would listen to regularly.
  2. efuru

    My favorite snapchat filter.
  3. I like this. The chorus lost me a little but it didn't go where I wanted vocally but the vocalist is still good and the music is good as well.
  4. What the hell is taking them so long to release something? They already did covers of the old songs and they recorded them and they have been doing lives. Release already please.
  5. The vocalist looks like Mamo so much. As for the music I just hear synth for real so I'mma need to hear a demo or a preview of a finished track.
  6. efuru

    I did the same thing. I listened to each song on ikenai kiss and I was so disappointed but I'm hoping this release will be better.
  7. efuru

    Not that snapchat filter for the mouth. Lmao happy ten ten is back tho.
  8. Not bad! A little soft but ryoga's voice is nice
  9. Not bad! Nothing special but it's nice. I'll definitely keep an eye out on them.
  10. Downloaded the app, can't wait to listen when I get off work.
  11. Aww I loved Saran. I hope he joins a new band full time
  12. Yaaay. I hope this band stays around for a while they have such good releases so far.
  13. Love the band name but ex Cradle vocals....
  14. efuru

    The 2nd press of Reincarnation by Develop One's Faculties
  15. Why wouldn't they perform Allegro????
  16. Very good. I like it a lot.
  17. The pic was cute and the song sounds good. Ready for the other tracks. Those are usually better for them.
  18. First album was very good so I hope this one is as good.
  19. efuru

    Why can't y'all just let Lycaon die in peace?
  20. YES! Release to your hearts content.
  21. efuru

    Banned for misuse of Katakana.
  22. Can't watch the video cause I'm at work and they block youtube but I'm glad to see a tracklist and it doesn't sound like there's much in the video anyway. lol Can't wait for some samples. This is such a promising band with an original sound.
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