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Status Updates posted by yakihiko

  1. I'm in a Purple Stone x DADAROMA repeat mix since early morning, is almost my sleep time but I can't stop.

  2. I'm pretty hyped about ZMI band! I'm already waiting for some preview :D

    1. PsychoΔelica


      Me too! The look so cool n_n And I like the final name they chose. I wonder what will their songs be like.

    2. doombox


      I'm waiting to hear them too. I missed Juri's voice!

  3. Is this ghost... OMG LOL priceless

  4. Is this Koba on your avi?

    1. yakihiko


      A rare and cool picture, is very difficult to find a picture that you can notice his forehead while in a long hair ;D

    2. yakihiko
    3. togz


      That's a pretty true statement there. It was between him or Machiya lol

    4. Show next comments  15 more
  5. is Tracer your fav Overwatch player?

    1. Zeus


      It really comes down to your team. If the team doesn't have your back there's nothing you can do in my experience.

    2. Peace Heavy mk II

      Peace Heavy mk II

      I need to get overwatch still ;;

    3. yakihiko


      Yes, the team and in special the support on overwatch makes all the difference. 

    4. Show next comments  15 more
  6. MBHI's I HATE SUNDAY and Tokyo Drift?! Are you playing with my feelings? xD

    1. yakihiko


      Better, imagine Tenten driving one of those cars while singing! This would be so marvelous!


      I still haven't watch the last FF :'(

    2. Shir0


      Hoooly- that would make such a good PV for the next re:mbhi release D:


      DOOO IIIT :DD yet alone because of Paul Walkers fighting scene

    3. yakihiko


      Yesss ;^; for I HATE SUNDAY or my head bursting open call a doctor... Tenten are your hearing us???


      I will do it someday very soon, I just got the FF feels again :D 

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  7. Omedetou, it looks like LACK CO album came on the right time lol

  8. Shogo owns a dark hair now *-* I didn't expected this

    1. yakihiko


      Do you think it will be a darker vibe from what we know? *o* 

    2. hiroki


      possibly. i think it'll be something different from their 'usual' sound, but i also have complete confidence that their composers won't push them too far in a direction that doesn't play to the strength of the band. we'll see! :)

    3. yakihiko


      I'm already waiting for some previews :DDD

    4. Show next comments  15 more
  9. Tets

  10. アナクロさん、おめでとうございます( ´ 0 ` )ノ

    1. anakuro



  11. ザアザア and DADAROMA,... Why you do this to me guys? I'm not there  :'(

    1. doombox


      *cries with you. :lolita_sad:

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