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Everything posted by yakihiko

  1. yakihiko

    /\ That Warped Tour needs to come to Brazil!
  2. yakihiko

    /\ Emarosa... \m/ Also, adding the new cat.
  3. yakihiko

    Happy 1 year MBHI \o/
  4. yakihiko

    10,000 yen!??? This must be called Expensive Edition, instead of Super Edition.
  5. My Gab mags arrived! *\o/* last time tooked 4 months, now was less than 1 month.

  6. Another NAINE's is back! Rise your hands people \o/
  7. yakihiko

    Update the main post with the lyrics in Kanji and Romaji made by @peffy, you can find it clicking on the song of your wish on the spoilers and begin redirected to it.
  8. Rui was a great bassist with the bands he act with, I was sad when he leave music. But now I'm really happy that he comeback, I don't care if is vk or not... Just want to enjoy he singing 8D
  9. yakihiko

    I'm very addict to yugioh cards again, since I found my old ones. – Starter Deck: Kaiba Reloaded - Yu-Gi-Oh!
  10. yakihiko

    , I thought you were adding Mucc, I was a bit surprise, like: "is this happening" xD Rendez-Vous is really great, probably my second best. TONIGHT was the song I less enjoyed, the begin kind remind about Welcome to the Jungle from Guns and Roses. the Lotus is always surprising me, in good or bad ways hahaha but hopefully they did it in a good way xD
  11. Someone know how to rip soundcloud for mp3 ?

    1. Tetora


      Follow the Heart of the Card's...

    2. yakihiko


      Omg Terora LOL

      Using a lot of plugin on my Firefox was one of the reasons that my last pc crash.

    3. Show next comments  150 more
  12. Is so nostalgic the Remix of Green Hill Zone and Malice Mizer. I feel like playing an old rpg ♡
  13. yakihiko

    None of my picks were chosen 8D I will look for some full releases from which and @beni's picks (the users that I have more compatible music taste), and @fitear1590's Kidori Kidori that I was already looking forward to listen xD About Alexandros, I personally like the tone of what the vocalist can get when singing, in special that song you listed here. Famous Day was a song a do really enjoy from the album with others like Adventure and Boo. MUCC - 睡蓮It was pretty hard to choose one, the mini is full of beauty songs. The intro is something really epic that brings a weird, but good sensation. And then comes Tatsuro with his amazing voice, cool boots and an almost 8 min song of massive quality. Miya also were able to make a perfect work with the electro part... All fits perfectly well. Serious, I'm out of words for this guys with this mini. NOCTURNAL BLOODLUST - PROVIDENCE This new song coming from Nokubura is a bit different from what they are used to do, the rap part is something new to me together with this guys. I really enjoyed what they were able to do here and mixing things. I hope they can keep their own heavy style and this new too. the LOTUS - Clarity After their last release, Providence of Jesus, I thought they were not able to make a good song in the level of Causality, but they did it with Providence of LUV \o/ Their newest mini is great, and in my opinion Clarity was their best, with a possible keyboard and a mix of rhythms that reminds a lot of selfless love and LUCIS. This song is increasing in my list of best's Lotus songs. D.I.D. - Fatal Error Race (Demo ver) I know this is still a demo, but it's almost finish..., I can't describe how excited I was for this to come, after so much time of delay due to Akane's health just made wanting it more and more. I had lost all my hopes for those guys, but after Tekede always saying to me that they would back and this keep me up. So finally, Akane still have the deathly vocal tone from before his personal problems, and Tohma taking the place from Satoshi just making his own guitar skills increasing more and more, and it's surreal how Tekede can overcome my expectations when talking about his powerful drums skills.
  14. teenAge Dream MV
  15. yakihiko

    ^ I don't, he is very mysterious guy xD But I'm following both
  16. yakihiko

    New twitter account for Tenten: https://twitter.com/9ef6re0b8aromay/
  17. yakihiko

    Thank you so much @beni awesome gif. Happy Birthday @Jigsaw9, hope we can share many others here.
  18. yakihiko

    plz put this on a cd, sounds powerful
  19. Happy Bday to us Jigsaw :D

    1. Jigsaw9


      Thanks! Right back at ya! XD

  20. yakihiko

    Jurassic World, such a lovely mosasaurus. I want one in an aquarium, I would call it Momo and will feed and play all day long. Best pet ever ♡
  21. yakihiko

    Perfect ! XD
  22. bebebebeni bebebebeni bebebebeni (/'3')/

    1. beni


      <33333333 ♥(ˆ⌣ˆԅ)

  23. yakihiko

    Good art works I like more the triad one
  24. Someone explain me why I can't stop to listen new MUCC's mini and ??蓮 in special

    1. nick


      No need to explain. So can't I.

    2. allisapp
    3. Dark Kinma

      Dark Kinma

      No need to explain [1] some thing doesn't need to be explain, just enjoy !

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