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Everything posted by yakihiko

  1. yakihiko

    I had lost a lot of scrobbles months ago, Deleting don't help, I report my problem to last.fm twitter and they say for me to wait, it was a bug in some accounts >.> Conclusion: I lost more than 2,000 But it's working now.
  2. yakihiko

    Happy Birthday smilesxchibi
  3. PERFECT!MORE MORE MORE *-* Maybe is something to be like Ozzy Osbourne(?) who ate the bat. Because in the end Tomo eat the tarantula.
  4. yakihiko

    B.C – from HOLE
  5. yakihiko

    Also, Des have the most amazing avi here. I can't slop looking to the kitty giving a "goodbye" or wishing a "hifive"
  6. the reason why I love it! x2 Also, I hope they to make a remaster from December 24 and 21g
  7. Btw is not 27 digital singles,... It's 27 songs. "@officialdid: 【拡散希望2/6】 全27曲6ヶ月連続配信決定 第一弾:the Day I Died/THE VIRTUES/..."
  8. yakihiko

    theDice – Dutchman's pipe
  9. Why I'm not surprise Ken and Hikari to play with him?
  10. I just don't know what to say, but I'm happy :DDDDDD
  11. Happy Birthday Taira Kazuhiro ☆

  12. yakihiko

    Mais um BR x2 kkkkk Podia ser BR Heaven xD Chemical Pictures is cool band *-* Bem vindo
  13. yakihiko

    Thank you for the welcome I don't remember why I left, but I do remember I took days to join because of the puzzle to register on here. My debut with Mucc were Nirvana, and this are one of my fav with Arcadia and yourself name xD When DADAROMA appears, I cried, because it was Yoshiatsu, Shiki and JOL new band. CrazyShampoo is heaven! Try more of them. If you need recommendation ask on PM.
  14. yakihiko

    Welcome Kelly ;D I'm glad you joined MH, Do you like MUCC XD? They are amazing band, also your user name is very cool. Is that your favorite song from them XD ? I also never made a presentation topic, I'm lazy ass, so I will be a part of it, ok ? I joined in 2012, but literally forgot about the site and back last year. My fav band is BORN, along with CrazyShampoo, NAINE, My BACTERIA HEAT IsLAND, ALSDEAD, DADAROMA, B.C.
  15. yakihiko

    ALSDEAD – Twilight
  16. yakihiko

    Junko looks a promise member lol Does she takes chekis too? I said that was scary, now I think it's funny xD I would give a necklace to Junko, since earrings are not usable to her
  17. I used listen ダウト years ago, but since it never give a look to them again. Koki looks different, he did some plastic surgery or something like it?
  18. yakihiko

    My favorite is Roji too, since Belmosaic. Fav songs and release, none yet, but I will try find their songs around to check. That mannequins are kind scary xD And I would never pee with that eye looking to me lol You are in Japan right, have you look on the indie small shops for missing Belmosaic ?
  19. yakihiko

    I haven't try Xaa-Xaa yet, but I used to like Belmosaic a lot. But is hard to find something from them, they had their songs on iTunes with Belmosaic, was way easier xD Thank you for the thread.
  20. yakihiko

    Bring it on BORN!
  21. yakihiko

  22. yakihiko

    BORN – SKIN (live version)
  23. yakihiko

    A little box of chocolate, one pack of strawberry marshmallow and a slice of pizza for my tomorrow breakfast.
  24. yakihiko

    Son of a bitch is a hard single to talk about, at first I really dislike it all. But after a few listening I could enjoy it, for me, the 3rd is the best just because of this repetition xD and 2nd is less a I like because of that style of intro that almost destroy the full song. The Stalin era (mini and live album) for me, saved the band, because releasing a work like Son of a bitch and Satisfaction would not be so accepted in the end. Almost all vk bands are now following the electro/etc tendency, this is kind sad, because vocals are losing their magic to some shit machines >.> About the Kifumi left the band, we can clear see they had a "hole", MOTHER and HONESTY are not that good. Also a friend told me that Kifumi was kind forced to left by PSC after the almost 1 year of hiatus, like they did with SuG.
  25. yakihiko

    My favorite are: DOGMA, both. Sakura (I can't detect what is on it, maybe that's why I like) Dust pain and AHM (Also, because of the simplicity) Blasted Animals limited (Is not usual to see man with different animals heads on cd covers) K should back to design covers Their covers are getting progressively uglier. x2
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