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Reincarnated Really Hot People
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Everything posted by orangetarts

  1. orangetarts

    i am one with the short attention span, man. ugh. I feel like i just...dont put enough effort into ANYTHING. i am so fucking lazy ugh.
  2. Gonna do a jrock panel at AnimeVegas next year. hopefully gonna get my friends to cosplay as golden bomber with me to do it 8D

    1. Ito


      You should come to Acen so I can show you how to do a real Jrock Panel :D

      (But seriously, if you want some tips, just ask. I have run the MH panel for what, 6 years now?)

    2. orangetarts


      I was actually gonna ask if i could use MH as a source so yeah def we should talk and you can help me.

    3. Ito


      For sure! If you need any ideas, just hit me up.

  3. orangetarts

    I seem to post a lot in this thread.... I realize more and more how fucking mediocre I am at everything I do. like i can /kinda/ do all these things, but im not good at anything :/
  4. though this was relevant somehow: I can't believe they only sentenced her to 4 years tho?? Whether she admitted it or not, she's still guilty.
  5. orangetarts

    some attempts at halloween makeup. I realize only now my lipstick was too pink. **EDIT: here's what i actually did:
  6. I have a runny nose on halloween. fuck me.

  7. orangetarts

    i think im gonna do this just to do it. lol.
  8. All I hear is 'Dance My Generation' coming from my roommate's room.

    1. orangetarts


      But i like that song too

    2. digi


      Your roomie must be rad

    3. Biopanda


      Now I'm just sorry for you both :(

    4. Show next comments  18 more
  9. orangetarts

    Halloween costume. my face looked gross tho so
  10. orangetarts

    SEX-ANDROID - 灼熱のメロディー ♡
  11. orangetarts

    Well really, it's just one thing but I think it came out pretty well. im trying to practice using a tablet more OTL its hard man!
  12. orangetarts

    This is why I shouldnt be allowed to take naps. I went to sleep for what should have been an hour. I woke up 4 hours later.
  13. orangetarts

    I've seen quite a few on ebay... I think it just depends on what you type in the search bar.
  14. orangetarts

    You should watch old boris carloff movies. those are the shit.
  15. I think the only think I would like from being japanese was thick hair, discipline and cleanliness. lmao those are things I do not possess! *looks around at my dirty ass room* but the societal standards there are like wow wtf no. I am the laziest fucking student ever, and I think If i was Japanese I would be one of those girls in suicide club that jump off the train bridge e___e But I'm mostly German and English, born and raised in America. Ive studied Japanese since I was in 5th grade (albeit not seriously until later) so at this point in my life I guess I can speak/read/write it decently. I am nowhere close to fluency anymore since korea came in and invaded my life, so i get my languages mixed up a lot. It is what it is.
  16. orangetarts

    Hello and thanks for the proper introduction XD continue to have a blast~ keke
  17. orangetarts

    I tend to like asian horror movies more. just because I like the psychological scare factor more than the whole being chased by a serial killer type thing.
  18. orangetarts

  19. orangetarts

    ALL THE HORROR MOVIES. but i feel thats kind of compulsory for this holiday.
  20. orangetarts

    What are your plans for halloween? ionlylikehalloweenalittlebit.
  21. orangetarts

    Just sat here and blazed thru 999 in like 6 hours. Imma try and get all the endings before I have to return it to gamefly XD
  22. ugh why am i in the shironuri tag /blames digi-kun

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