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Reincarnated Really Hot People
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Everything posted by orangetarts

  1. orangetarts

    Yay i love survival horror games! What's your favorites?
  2. orangetarts

    Excuses self. SEEYA.
  3. orangetarts

    Attack on Titan. Especially Jeanmarco.
  4. snk ending.....sdlfkhsjdkfh



      time to read manga w

    2. Zeus


      ^ all you're doing is trading blue balls now for purple balls later

    3. Jun_
  5. Got my ONE OK ROCK ticket today!!!

  6. orangetarts

    Im starting to feel like im never gonna get a job. or that im forever going to be this lazy piece of crap that I am now and never get anything done. I hate life sometimes.
  7. orangetarts

    DISHONORED for Xbox, good but its really confusing and difficult at times because what youre /suppoed/ to do is try and stealthily sleeper hold people and not kill them (because its set in the time of the plague and killing people = more rot etc etc) but other than that its cool and the story line is good. My roommate scored bioshock 1&2 from someone for 10$ so i think i'll try those too. Im honestly surprised i havent played them yet lol.
  8. orangetarts

    Lol I do love me some CNBLUE but they are definitely not 'rock' Marystory is def one of my favorites I like a lot of korean indie thats not necessarily rock either tho haha.
  9. orangetarts

    Hey there nice to (officially) meet you! I like to sing too hehe And you have good taste in Music A+
  10. orangetarts

    Congrats on getting your shit together broski. Will miss you <3 I'll def have to come visit you and val at some point soon tho!
  11. orangetarts

    Hi and welcome! I feel your pain, Idk how to talk about myself either.
  12. OOR IN LA!!!!!!! /cries loudly

  13. orangetarts

    He still has /some/ makeup on but like compared to this: its nothing lol CAN WE TALK ABOUT HOW HOT HE IS THO UNF

    1. stylelover


      well they wont move away from their usual stuff, but a song like that was expeceted after all the problems they had to face in the past 12 months. so no worries

    2. stylelover


      3 other songs at the minialbum

    3. stylelover


      and this is not the title song of the album.

    4. Show next comments  27 more
  15. orangetarts

    I know a good chunk of those! but the ones I dont know I'll have to look up~ and blues rock sounds interesting.
  16. Uploading all my KuRt stuff on jpopsuki....

    1. nick


      Yay, thank you a ton! It's even in lossless. 8D huggy

    2. orangetarts


      \o/ only the best <333 Hugs forever

  17. orangetarts

    Yes. Anime or Manga?
  18. orangetarts

    McDonalds. Who would you cosplay?
  19. orangetarts

    The photo is fine but its like... just a photo with some bad typography on it. like at least edit the photo and make it super rad you know?
  20. orangetarts

    new lycaon album like...wow they really didnt put ANY effort into this at all did they.
  21. orangetarts

    cries a river. that is so awesome. this was one of my favorite movies growing up~
  22. orangetarts

    I actually know most of the artists from your list so i dont feel as dumb lmao. But you have a spiffy taste in music and I approve. its pretty similar to mine tbh~ yey. Kazoku - Akai hana, fuyu no kai Pierrot - Domestic Violence SEKAI NO OWARI - TONIGHT Monkey Majik - Car Crash 9Goats Black Out - Red Shoes Schwarz Stein - Last Hallucination VanessA - Arlequin Lynch. - Rasen AILE - Love Sweets +ISOLATION - Sayonara yabu issha san im actually suprised no kpop songs came up during this. lol. but yes, ugh Lynch. ❤
  23. orangetarts

    this is catbug and i love her. she grunts like an old man all the time its hilarious. she also loves giving kisses. even tho she has nasty tuna breath.
  24. orangetarts

    Picture from yesterday. Randomly decided to go have Korean BBQ at 11:30pm. Best decision.
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