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Reincarnated Really Hot People
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Everything posted by orangetarts

  1. gekijou is now orangetarts. holla.

    1. Rize


      You like orange tarts? :D

    2. orangetarts


      I like orange everything lol. but its mostly because orangetarts is my username everywhere else XD other thank lastfm really

  2. Sleep hangovers suck a lot.

  3. A lot of people i know are very into the compatiblity/personality aspects of the zodiac but mine doesnt really fit me. im a taurus which is said to be stubborn and kind of asshole-ish. but i dont think im those things... asshole-ish, yes on occasion, but im really not stubborn at all. Impatient maybe...
  4. orangetarts

    I am a total cheap ass and end up having to buy new earphones like once every couple months. for a while now ive been using the JVC marshmallow brand, and theyre pretty decent considering the price of them. I should eventually invest in some nice ones. but for now these do the job. also i agree with everyone who said skullcandy essentially blows. They never last me very long... even tho my cats do tend to chew them up on occasion lol. but the sound quality of them isnt too horrible they just arent durable for shit.
  5. orangetarts

    かくれんぼ ー アルカラ
  6. orangetarts

    I realized I know nothing about the technical aspects of music. I just listen to whatever is pleasing to my ear and dont really worry about how it was composed or who wrote the lyrics, or even what the lyrics are about half the time. sighs.
  7. orangetarts

    I really like both! I learned of cinema staff from SNK (like a lot of the world probably did lol) and I really like sound that they have but I really prefer Arukara's...eccentricity (IS THAT A WORD EVEN) and i feel like they have a lot more feeling in their songs. IDK HOW TO TALK ABOUT MUSIC.
  8. happy barfday dispo

  9. orangetarts

    Hello and welcome! I also loved m10m when juka was their vocalist ;; <3
  10. orangetarts

    (first of all, how is there not already a topic for this? unless there is one and im not seeing it?) So far there's been 3 seasons (the third one has just started 2 weeks ago) and with each season comes a new theme first season was just the general haunted house theme (although, I will say some crazy shit happened) second season's theme was a "christian" asylum set in the 50s (im speculating here) so of course with the time period being back then there's gotta be some general lapse in the practices as compared to today. again, more craziness ensues. now with this third season, its based on a common day witches' coven. only 2 episodes have aired so far, so there really isnt much to tell just yet. does anyone else here watch it? thoughts? comments? ANYTHING??? also im sorry i dont write with proper capitalization and things. aint nobody got time for that shit.
  11. orangetarts

    I totally agree with you, Saku!! It was really exciting. Im really excited to see where it's headed.
  12. orangetarts

    I really really loved master's sun /cries but im still watching: Good Doctor: Im on ep 12 or something still because im watching it with my roommate and neither of us ever seem to bring it up lol. Vampire Idol: Its not really a drama but more of a sit com starring Kim Woobin, Lee Soohyuk and Hong Jonghyun aka really pretty boys. its kind of mindless but i love it. there's 79 eps in total but theyre slowly being subbed by one person. so right now im on ep 31, im about 7 eps behind right now, but theyre only 20 or so minutes long. A Gentleman's Dignity: idk I started watching it but its pretty boring in the beginning, so im kind of putting it off.
  13. orangetarts


    Hello and welcome to MH! enjoy your stay and have fun n_n <3
  14. orangetarts

    Aaaaand I'm back, that didnt last long did it? Im going to go ahead and say I was drunk and had a lapse of judgement.
  15. Got 2 invites for Jpopsuki pm if you want one and if i like you enough maybe you can have it.

    1. Gaz


      ^really? okay. GIMME THE INVITE THEN!

    2. orangetarts


      Thats why i said if i like you enough. lol.

    3. rekzer
    4. Show next comments  24 more
  16. Been to sidetracked to make my way here recently. has anything exciting been happening anyway?

    1. CAT5


      I'm here, that's enough excitement! :')

    2. fitear1590


      Cat posted accidental nudies and MH imploded.

  17. orangetarts

    Thanks! Im trying to pick up drawing again. >< im a bit discouraged.
  18. orangetarts

    Gunji actually still uses this picture on his twitter https://twitter.com/thefoolG I really havent avidly drawn since 2010 unfortunately...
  19. Fuck yeah AHS premiere! and walking dead on sunday

  20. orangetarts

    I need to add アルカラ and SEKAI NO OWARI to my list somewhere
  21. orangetarts

    This is gonna sound so....corny? I dont know. But all I remember was that I was in 10th grade and I was living with my older sister and her psycho ass (now ex) girlfriend My mom and I were fighting all the time and I was just really depressed. At that moment I was seriously contemplating suicide (i promise this gets better) and I guess I had sat on the remote for my stereo or something and the CD I happened to have in there was SHOCKWAVE THE SELECT and the song that started playing just /happened/ to be KuRt's supparation...and I dont know, I just felt like.. wow i can totally get through this because I have awesome music to help me. /end cheese but yeah, music has always been the one thing that never walked away from me in my life, so i always hold it so dear to my heart <3
  22. orangetarts

    From what Ive read in this thread, I feel like mostly everyone wants the same thing. As well as everyone having very valid points of whats happening. I help run a fansite blog and I can say it's not really a glamorous thing, its very tedious and sometimes your life just gets in the way of doing it. I really hope the staff will take some of the criticisms here and use it to make the forum better. There is my 2 cents as a member.
  23. orangetarts

    Playing Silent Hill HD Collections...it's kind of lame tbh.
  24. orangetarts

    I was skyping with Valicious and she just happed to make this face.
  25. orangetarts

    Hi and welcome! Hope you enjoy your stay here in MH
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