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Reincarnated Really Hot People
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Everything posted by orangetarts

  1. orangetarts

    Totally reminds me of scandal which I love, so yes.
  2. orangetarts

    Suzaku hates all colors other than puke green
  3. orangetarts

    this is cool very much my style
  4. orangetarts

    I like lost in a reverie but im not really feeling the other 2 since im not really a br00tal/screamo fan ;;
  5. orangetarts

    oh shit sorry, Well, here's what Ive liked out of the suggestions thusfar: The Novembers Number Girl Thee michelle gun elephant 9mm parabellum bullet Cinema Staff I still have to keep listening to the rest, Ive been slacking. Edit: Arukara is the shit.
  6. orangetarts

    To be able to have a normal sleeping schedule. If you could only eat one thing for the rest of your life what would it be?
  7. orangetarts

    Woo thanks guys
  8. orangetarts

    Suzaku eats dog tacos with tapatio sauce.
  9. orangetarts

    9/10 cuz colorful, but i have no clue who it is...again lol.
  10. orangetarts

    Oh yeah plenty of times lol. I've got me some sticky fingers tbh. What is the thing you hate most in the world and why?
  11. Just wondering if anyone knew where I could download .zip files of the chapter scans or something instead of reading them online. I really hate reading them on my computer, and its too small on my kindle if i read it from the site directly, so if anyone could help I'd be super grateful 8D
  12. orangetarts

  13. CAUGHT UP ON SNK FFFFUUUUU, I really hope theres gonna be a second season cuz how are they gonna end it in 2 more eps???

    1. Zeus


      I thought it was the fighting scenes that gave it away

    2. orangetarts


      her face totally gave it away. her hook nose lol.

      i wanna see more, its just getting good why would they stop it ;;

    3. Slsr


      Well it is insanely popular so probably it will get another season? But manga is still ongoing so figures they'd take some breaks between the seasons at least.

    4. Show next comments  33 more
  14. snk all day sucka

    1. togz


      gekijou. fml

    2. Jigsaw9


      Shingeki no kyojin, one of the best new anime~ :3

    3. orangetarts


      LOL GENKI THO :333

    4. Show next comments  33 more
  15. orangetarts

    I need a new HDD, probably like a 1tb or more. Any suggestions? Looking for one thats like less than 100$ and wont shit out on me. THANKS BROS.
  16. orangetarts

    FINALLY started SNK, liking it so far. Gonna start Free! tomorrow probably. I need to watch brotherhood too (FMA)
  17. orangetarts

    In honor of Hayao Miyazaki. I plan on getting some more miyazaki related stuff to go with this soon
  18. I need to stay out of the MH Market ><

  19. orangetarts

    Im interested in Schwarz Stein - New Vogue Children & Artificial Hallucination, how much with shipping to the USA
  20. orangetarts

    SPICA's latest single, autographed (and it comes with an earcap and button set YIPEE)
  21. orangetarts

    80gb ipod...but CNBLUE Girl's Day KuRT ELLEGARDEN Dickpunks lynch Lulu codomo a Seo Inguk yeah thats pretty much it. but since it's a pretty good size I really dont have to choose. I dont even remember what it was like to have an 8gb ipod lol
  22. orangetarts

    Fixing my stupid ass itunes that decided to be a dickface.
  23. orangetarts

    Las Vegas, USA Sin City baby~ hehe.
  24. orangetarts

    Too much...especially with not having a job. But since CNBLUE like to release shit every other day it seems, I guess I would be spending about....75-100$ a month-ish a LOT more when I was working tho
  25. orangetarts

    Tbh...me too. :/ I still love KuRt but then everything after that was really shitty imo. I REALLY tried to get into Chempics but...i just couldnt. it wasnt the same. at all :/
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