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Reincarnated Really Hot People
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Everything posted by orangetarts

  1. orangetarts

    We are people. we come from our mothers, and idk about you but im Candy is dandy, but liquor is quicker, but the real question is...which do you prefer?
  2. jeanmarco is taking over my life (i regret nothing)

    1. lenji


      same, high five

    2. orangetarts


      Yesss all the hi5's

  3. orangetarts

    I like you more with dark hair tbh. but i think im biased because I like dark hair in general.
  4. orangetarts

    Yay for more info on this, still practically wetting my pants at the thought of it XD
  5. orangetarts

    Absolutely nothing. because Im lazy.
  6. orangetarts

    Master's Sun and Good Doctor...more korean shit. But Ive been thinking about watching supernatural. Ive seen it sometimes on TV and liked it but my attention span is so djskhf shitty that idk how im gonna get thru it all even if its on netflix sobs.
  7. orangetarts

    アルカラ - ミックスジュス this song makes me happy.
  8. orangetarts

    shinsyoku and i have not met in person.
  9. orangetarts

    Um...closed? idk what that means tbh. If your entire personality could be expressed by a color, which color would it be?
  10. orangetarts

    Im down for some korean stuff too!
  11. orangetarts

    Sitting here reading angsty fanfics. why is this my life.
  12. I just want someone to be with me...just to hold me and to feel loved. is that too much to ask?

    1. Peace Heavy mk II

      Peace Heavy mk II

      have you tried finding these same mutual feelings with pizza

    2. Umi_Niwa
  13. orangetarts

    old pics but whatever.
  14. orangetarts

    Milk. What's your favorite food (so cliche)
  15. orangetarts

    suzaku makes a wicked tuna casserole.
  16. orangetarts

    Hell yeah I would. Buy me all the things. If you could change your ethnicity what would you be?
  17. orangetarts

    NO THIS IS PATRICK. shinsyoku is a giraffe.
  18. Waited till the next day to install ios7. ugh so pretty

    1. stylelover


      yea i failed yesterday and i did it now. dont like the new folder max, but other than that its great.

  19. orangetarts

    suzaku lives in a pineapple under the sea
  20. Phew Last.fm is back

    1. CAT5


      I was hoping they were gonna update it or overhaul the layout or something!

    2. orangetarts


      Same! but alas, Im happy its at least not gone

  21. orangetarts

  22. orangetarts

    LMAO Suzaku is my boyfran
  23. orangetarts

    7/10 cool
  24. orangetarts

    Um...no not really I have no rhythm. lolz Would you date me?
  25. orangetarts

    Okay well whatever it was i didnt like it.
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