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Status Replies posted by Elazmus


  2. Maybe I'm missing something, but why is LIN/CELL - Infinite release set on the calendar for every day..?

  3. Maybe I'm missing something, but why is LIN/CELL - Infinite release set on the calendar for every day..?

  4. Resident Evil 6 or...Resident Evil: Operation Raccoon City?? or both? :v

  5. I'm listening to Shedia's mini album now and ist freaking awesome <3

  6. GHOSE album shipped today

  7. My copy of Lycaon's Shadow has been shipped~

  8. I genuinely think KILL THE KING could be a contender for VK song of the year. Aside from musically having great pace, a catchy chorus and an awesome solo, the lyrics challenge you not to conform to society but, in the spirit of visual kei, stand up and be different.

  9. the guy i went on a date w/ tonight told me he loved the lycaon pv i sent him (akujo no hohoemi). yuuki ha impact!!!!!

  10. The best message I got last night lol: omg if u oplad mjebray they wil dzband nd brek ^ 4-evr nd that will mak me sad!!!!!!! thy ar my bfav japan band (sry bd inglish xDDD) nd u need 2 RESPECT them by pay 400000 yen 4 a shity musiv bibeo bc they ARE aWeSoMe. such rude blohg

  11. Just finished listening to GANGSTA, which was a complete drag with only a few good songs. Recovering with 12012's AWESOME EP!! Why can't Sadie be the band that's going on hiatus? Why does it have to be 12012? :(

  12. I feel hypnotized by Tsuzus eyes ☆_♠ http://instagram.com/p/tupX3okEMZ/

  13. XII is making me so mad that 12012 is going on Hiatus. Wow, this is a boss release.

  14. that's the worst cat i've ever seen. srsly wat a terrible cat! http://worstcats.tumblr.com/

  15. Yes Ruki I had the seam reaction when I saw Ryogas tweet hahaha (pretty sure the other person on this picutre is Tsuzu) https://twitter.com/RUKItheGazettE/status/517667098776977408

  16. OMFG Tenten did a Kaneki Ken cosplay *~* & it looks good too ;)https://pbs.twimg.com/media/Bync66sCYAE2bSR.jpg

  17. Hmm... playing around with a shopping cart on CDJapan. I definitely wanna get 妖の匣 and GHOSE mini, but do I really wanna pay $11 for アヲイ's last single when it's ONLY one song?? I gotta make decisions!

  18. Mejibray's new single is a fucking 10 i love it <333

  19. No one of my classmates know if school start tomorrow or on Tuesday.. should I be good and go tomorrow just in case or wait till tuesday and blame it on my classmates if it was on monday after all? I guess I'll be lazy and go on tuesday?

  20. My beloved dog passed away. I can't do anything except cry now.

  21. I was thinking of writing reviews for Phase 2 and AVALON by Matenrou, are people still interested even if the reviews are late and the albums came out a while ago?

  22. which gazette track did screw steal for deadlock? I'm thinking something off DIM or stacked rubbish, something really familiar

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