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Status Updates posted by colorful人生

  1. So my DIV CDs are going to arrive at home earlier than expected (like tomorrow)... I won't be home until Friday though *sobs* The good news is I get to see I See Stars on Thursday :D.

    1. Tetora


      Didn't even want to work today, just wanted to listen to Butterfly Dreamer.

    2. hiroki


      Too many things releasing tomorrow lol. DIV, Guild, ViViD, A9, the LEM, etc. XDD

    3. Tetora


      Yeah, this will be a good week to be alive.

  2. So, a new state of matter was found, "quantum spin liquid"... *adds name to "future mixtape titles"*

  3. So...I can't view any content on the Danger Crue channel since I guess they blocked the U.S now... Hopefully it's a glitch.

    1. -NOVA-


      Im in LA and its telling me not available in your country WTF

    2. Tetora


      Works for me.

    3. doombox


      Not available for me anymore either. D;

  4. Someone managed to send a mass email to all the students at my Uni with Guy Fieri pics. I'm dying, lmao.

    1. leafwork


      sounds like they took a class trip to FLAVOR TOWN

    2. Biopanda
    3. Tetora


      That was the funniest back in the day, especially when everyone would reply to it and people started getting pissed that their e-mail was spammed.

  5. Spent a day and 1/2 messing around with XBMC, to come back to a ton of updates. Thank you based VK uploader gods.

    1. paradoxal


      same thoughts :D so many uploads <3

  6. Starting Undertale and (hopefully) Mother 3 this week. All aboard the feels train...

    1. Tetora


      Mother 3 is the GOAT.

  7. Suddenly BORN is getting a bad rap for the whole eyeball licking news even though its ELEMENTARY & MIDDLE SCHOOLERS...smh

    1. bonsaijodelfisch


      haha, Masamune is on teh news :P

    2. Tokage


      elementary and middle schoolers are born's intended audience tbh

      also smh @ people who actually believe born invented it

    3. nekkichi


      I wonder if Tomomi paid guardian for born's viewcount. and Japanese eye-licking porn has been out there since ever, IAMX used it in 2004 video footage.

    4. Show next comments  18 more
  8. Thank goodness I'm in a hotel in the mountains right now, hurricane is br00tal. In other news, Loud[&]Round is the best thing since sliced bread.

  9. The day has only started for me and I'm so EXCCCITTEED!

  10. The day someone walks in on me doing LUCHe. furi ... *don't judge =P*

    1. Sakura Seven

      Sakura Seven

      i know the furi to several moran songs despite never seeing them in person. do not feel shame friend

    2. Tetora
  11. The new Giru, AA, and HLH material have completely reinvigorated my interest in post-h stuff. So stoked rn.

    1. Tetora


      New giru was sick. Not sure what AA and HLH is, maybe I know them, maybe I don't.

    2. colorful人生


      Asking Alexandria and Hands Like Houses. English + Aussie (respectively). Asking Alexandria has "The Black" coming out with new vocalist Denis Stoff. Hands Like Houses had "Colourblind" coming out (softer in comparison to AA)

    3. Tetora


      Oh I don't know them, will Youtube.

  12. The new YouTube comments section *screams internally*...

  13. There's going to be another Harry Potter book. Oh my...

  14. They finally released more information on the LEM's first album :D

    1. hiroki


      they are soooo good! =D

  15. This is the DEATHGAME! Now have a new DIV favorite :P

    1. hiroki


      That's fast.. I'm still waiting for Zeal Link to ship it out ;_;

    2. colorful人生


      I waited on Itunes and refreshed until it popped up at midnight JST. Super fun single. If 320 doesn't get uploaded in a week I'll upload my m4as. If you want it now just PM me.

    3. colorful人生


      ROPPU has also returned w/ other 2 tracks on YT https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCs_VZXF_PFjVcN-oJ6D6hzg (just scroll down)

    4. Show next comments  18 more
  16. TIL there's a group of 30-ish individuals who meet in a hidden loft at my SU to play J-games. It took me a year to know this? lol

  17. TIL you can rip any DVD that properly plays on VLC with guess what?... VLC!

    1. Tetora


      Never watches his DVDs or clips that come with singles- Crew checking in.

  18. Too excited for the releases next week (and week after)!

  19. Two simultaneous single releases by DIV in 2014... Damn these guys are fast...

    1. Spectralion


      I'll wait patiently for next two months. This will be great!~

    2. Rize


      DIV goes speedyyyyy~ :3

    3. Flash-Fab-Supernova


      One of the best sounding new vk acts to come about~! Can't wait for more.

  20. Waiting for 11 P.M to come by for PSN to update *rocks violently*

    1. Mihenno


      @Tetora & @colorfuljinsei: What are your PSN names?

    2. colorful人生



      (I'll go add mine to the thread as well)

    3. beni


      /o/ more MH PSN peeps, yash~

    4. Show next comments  18 more
  21. Well outside of Sena's cat + eye combo pic on twitter scaring me shitless, new releases got me stoked https://pbs.twimg.com/media/BvptSlnCEAAGlP-.jpg:large

  22. Well Re:niver had a last-minute bidding war I did not want to take part of, but I got some "the Raid." stuff so I'm happy.

  23. Well, back home early. Seems like the concert I was going to go to was in a mildly sketchy location downtown >_>...

  24. Well, my 70-something CD collection I nabbed on auction finally arrived, but there are several rarez I can't identify b/c of language barrier (ex: a KISAKI CD that doesn't exist on puresound.jp , that has a creepy intro). Can anybody suggest a thread where I can post pictures of them?

    1. fitear1590


      Oooh, how exciting!

  25. Well, since xTRiPx hasn't put the MV for Lovers up I did. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Df8IozhXLx0. lol I might get a strike for this... XD

    1. Raburr7


      1st like by me :D Thanks for uploadin the MV :)

      Good luck not gettin a strike ^^

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