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Posts posted by colorful人生

  1. I'm surprised that this thread is only 2 pages :o.


    I wish I was familiar with more composers (and classical music in general), but I'm kinda picky since I'm partial to ambient/atmospheric classical music.

    At least from my experience, I would consider Erik Satie and Claude Debussy to be my favorite composers.



    Satie's Gymnopédies compositions are my favorite, and I also like Debussy's orchestrations of them.

    Something I found interesting from a video I watched is that Ryuichi Sakamoto ("Merry Christmas Mr. Lawrence" Composer) drew inspiration from Debussy whom he states took inspiration from "Asian music". 

    (quite a bit of back-and-forth there)


    I would love to have been at this performance:


  2. Out of all my listening devices, I actually prefer my 2004 car speakers to my ATH-M50s...

    I don't know if it's the mastering or what, but I've been really bothered by my hearing lately.

    Every sharp "s" sound or cymbal hit literally gives me headaches and I can't listen to a lot of "brash" VK stuff at full volume. 


    A few months ago my dad was surprised when I told him how bothered I was when he was playing some stuff through our living room speakers.


    Fortunately, I've set up my eq on iTunes to reduce a tad bit of treble and boost the bass a little. I need to invest in a pair of open-ended Fidelo X2s

    or Mad Dog Pros to widen the soundstage a bit to get some distance.

  3. you managed to find プルメリア and 魅惑のMEW? :o or did you mean their normal releases?


    and to stay on topic: i just bought nil vanish's live limited stuff and luccica's 1st single.


    *muted whimper* While I typically pride myself as a connoisseur for live-limited items, I was actually blissfully unaware of both releases that you've mentioned.

    So yea, I just got Tears, 桜色, and Unlimits.


    I absolutely love this Aerosmith cover by FEST VAINQUEUR.


    Not sure if this counts (Yasu has a visual aesthetic). Acid Black Cherry has done an insane amount of covers (I love them all btw)
    from Japanese artists. 


    UCHUSENTAI:NOIZ has done some decent OPM (Original Pilipino Music) covers in Tagalog. Not too crazy about the band though.

    I can confirm flips went crazy over this one, lol.


  5. Just noticed I've never contributed to this thread. I'll go ahead and post a couple of my favorites.


    ^This is probably my favorite K-Pop song...ever... (Kill it Baro >A< )

    ^(technically J-Pop, but I really like the melody)

    ^(similar situation as above)




    I like a lot of female bands/artists too like Apink, f(x), and Neon Bunny (thanks to John Oliver).

    Similarly to J-Pop though, I'm not a huge fan of most large female idol groups. 

  6. Anybody know stuff similar to this:



    I love listening to harmonic hammock and contrary parade (I also picked up that rimacona album at a bookstore several months ago).

    Super calm, acoustic, "cafe" music (that I literally listen to in cafes.)

  7. I don't know if I'm crazy thinking this way, but I'm really nonplussed (inf.) about the "elitism" and the overall negatives about VK.

    It's probably because I have a very "shouganai" mindset (which undoubtedly has its negatives). 

    People make mistakes/do stupid shit, individuals grow up (mostly), and you're really bound to always be surrounded by people you probably don't agree with. 


    As for the genre or subculture that is Visual Kei, my only qualms are usually band-specific.
    If your entire objective as a band is to merely emulate other artists in hopes to become popular, and your music is obviously uninspired; I probably wont listen to you.
    Live-limited items are to gain attraction at lives, and personally having to pay more is really subject to supply & demand. It can't be helped. 
    If most of your bands discography is live-limited releases and I can't get my hands on them, too bad, it's one band; I can deal with it. (I'll be sad though T_T)


    以上です。 *proceeds to strike Buddhist gong*




  8. I think (not entirely sure) -NOVA- might be alluding to an auction service.

    That being the case, it would be too much of a time investment on Rarezhut's part w/ sniper bidding and real time stuff.
    Even if the item has a "buy now" option, it's common courtesy to have an account available to provide user feedback, etc (which FJ does function as). 
    It's a ton of extra steps.


    Edit: *FACEPALM*. I totally forgot that all of this is done through FJ so you don't... really... have... to... worry... about... that...
            Well, cool. Basically I'm getting the advantages of a reduced shipping fee due to items being sent en bulk. 

  9. Additionally, as someone from the U.S, I'm super interested in this. 
    A 12% fee on each of my 6 CDs (in my most recent shipment) would amount roughly to $7. My FJ overseas fee for that shipment cost $33.

    If you're able to chop shipping fees like that... 



    This would be extremely helpful since I buy more stuff on webshops than I do on yahoo or mbok (b/c specials). 


    That being said, I'd like to hear more about the logistics. 

  10. Hi guys! So considering this is going to be the year of Virtual Reality headsets, I feel inclined to go ahead and start a thread.

    (I was initially hesitant since I'm not sure how many of you are familiar with this platform, but it's been such a huge topic in tech news.)




    While I haven't messed with Oculus' first and second development kits, I have owned the Innovator Edition of Gear VR for almost a year now. It's served as one of my main media-consumption devices since I use it to watch videos (anime, 3D movies, etc.), play VR games, and use a plethora of apps. Even using a roundabout process, I've also managed to use it with PC games like Portal 2 (via nvidia gamestream and tridef).


    Here is just a small example showing Oculus Video on GVR (previously known as Oculus Cinema) playing a DIV MV.

    (Keep in mind I was streaming this over wifi, so there's jitters here and there):

    Tell me if you want to see more (exciting) content!


    Now, this year (and the following) with the HTC Vive, Oculus CE, Razer OSVR, Playsation VR, and other upcoming headsets, there is going to be
    this "VR War" that is almost reminiscent of the late 80's - early 90's console war. Each headset has different specs and different content that 
    aren't necessarily cross-compatible. Companies are going to butt heads when it comes to price point, FOV, PPI, etc. when it comes to their
    releases and iterations.

    Has anyone else had experiences (or lack of) with Virtual Reality and want to offer their thoughts/predictions?
    If you're intending to purchase one in the future what type of content would you like to see?


    Edit: I think I've covered enough. I also forgot to mention that Gear VR is for the Samsung Galaxy Note 4 and is part of Samsung's mobile
    VR lineup (including the Galaxy S6 and Note 5 in all of their varieties.) So far there are mostly desktop VR headsets that try and allow for 
    more mobility. Mobile VR like what I have (targeted toward more "casual" consumers), has started to become a focus since you don't have

    to necessarily be in one spot. There's also augmented reality like Microsoft's Holo lens, but that's in its early stages.

  11. Well, last season to me was really disappointing. I only finished Gakusen Toshi Asterisk, which ended on an overwhelming meh.
    Rakudai, for the most part, was leaving me with the same vibes so I have it stalled (much better than Asterisk though.)
    I think most of the shows left everyone on a sour note. (I'm not feeling these battle harem plots recently :/...)

    In regards to this season, the adaptations of Kono Subarashii Sekai ni Shukufuku wo! and Saijaku Muhai no Bahamut
    are airing. Since I'm reading both, I'll probably pick them up a couple episodes in. 


    Dagashi Kashi and Ao no Kanata no Four Rhythm this season are a bit of a refresher. I've been reading Dagashi Kashi,
    and the tsukkomi/boke roles between "Coconuts" and Hotaru are great. Ao no Kanata no Four Rhythm is the second sprite VN
    adaptation that's been put out there, and I liked the environment of KoiChoco so I'll probably stick with this one. Mami Kawada

    and Ray are doing the OP and ED, respectively, which are both amazing. 


    I might pick up what P.A works is doing and Shouwa Genroku Rakugo Shinjuu.
    Joshiraku was a rakugo-based anime, but I think it also bounced a lot between that and a "cute girls doing cute things"/comedic premise.
    I'll probably like something a bit more serious for a change. 

  12. When it comes down to strictly streaming, I use a combination of Apple Music JP on Itunes (get Danger Crue and BP stuff on midnight of release), Youtube (usu. if I'm feeling lazy), and Google Music (which houses my entire library on the go).

    Last.fm has always been a fustercluck (refuse to scrobble Ipod Classic -> terrible site update/slow as all hell). I deleted my old account to change usernames to my current one, but now I don't use my new one (which is my name on here btw).
    I created a couple band pages and and submitted a bunch of artwork which I found satisfaction in, but I miss the old site and how responsive, customizable...

    Eh, If I'm going to express my sentiments I should probably do that on the "en memoriam" thread. 

  13. (although maybe that's just because the sampling in SECRET annoyed the shit out of me?)


    Exactly this. I'm not entirely informed about the nitty-gritty aspects on the production side of many "electronic" genres, but the synth in "SECRET" + B-sides of "Ikenai Kiss"  def. lacked depth/substance.

    It's like some default space noises from FLS or something; however, I have a feeling that this could be attributed to the bands recent venture into "EDM" (in particular) and them trying to push those types of tracks out there. 

    Liking the overall sound/melodies of their last single and having listened to cheap synth from certain crustacean-based "-core" bands in the past *shamefully rolls eyes* has allowed me to overlook the flaws.


    Hopefully with time they'll get better at this, particularly with their upcoming mini-album.

    On a side note, what is up with that weird sounding dubstep that comes out of Japan with literally no bass. Usually in the U.S it's absolute overkill/grating, but it seems flip-flopped over there.

    (I actually find slightly less bass more tolerable, it's just interesting to me.)


  14. While I didn't care for their dubstep infusion in SECRET, Ikenai Kiss completely blew me away.
    I enjoyed their old sound, but I think the band has finally found their element.

    I didn't know what this forum's response was at the time, but I'm curious if there was a similar reaction when xTRiPx transitioned into their
    "Free Style Anthem"/Electronic Rap Rock stage (esp. with Astrovibes and double).


    Personally, I'm shaking in my boots with excitement. If this mini is what I think it's going to be.... Oh lawd... 


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