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Everything posted by colorful人生

  1. Well, someone went 88 mph. :P

  2. colorful人生

    I've taken three different tests including the official Pottermore one... All of them are... SLYTHERIN It actually ended up being really fitting >_> (I thought I was a Ravenclaw, but this is much better :P)
  3. MH is back ;_; . I thought you were gone forever...

  4. colorful人生

    LOL, I totally forgot about Handbrake, killer software. @itsukoii w/ the goallll
  5. colorful人生

    Yay for old Neverland rarezzzz
  6. colorful人生

    Isodisk has worked great for me! http://www.isodisk.com/ (It can be a bit finicky sometimes, but it has been generally excellent) Another method is to record a "chapter" of the DVD via VLC (avi/mp4 format), but that's a bit more roundabout. (Plus you can just drop ISO files into VLC/MPC-HC and get them to play anyway.)
  7. colorful人生

    Shed a tear. What a wonderfully put explanation.
  8. Too many, haha. My favorites are documentaries, sci-fi, adventure, and action, but I'm a huge sucker for rom-coms (which I usu. watch in television format.) I also oddly enjoy war movies, particularly WWII ones. I enjoyed Private Ryan, Pearl Harbor, Letters from Iwo Jima, etc. (Second to that is stuff based in the Vietnam War) Martial Arts movies are great (I love Ip Man *_*). Oh and let's not forget the best movie ever.... Mean Girls
  9. colorful人生

    Yay, another Charlie fan xD. Similarly to hiroki, I'm a bit more partial to Ray C, not so much otoiroha. I haven't really listened to zigzag so you've piqued my curiosity, since they seem vastly different. Other than that, enjoy your stay on the forum! It's nice to find someone with a different perspective of the VK world :D.
  10. colorful人生

  11. Rub a Dubtrack : https://www.dubtrack.fm/join/monochrome-heaven_145247137777434
    Anything goes.

    1. Jun_


      I'm joining. 

  12. colorful人生

    Hmm... I wasn't crazy about how it started out, but I like the chorus! (I need the whole song nowww *_*) Looking forward to the B-Side tracks tho since they're always my favorite.
  13. colorful人生

    I've had this going in the background for half an hour... WHAT IS WRONG WITH ME?!
  14. Sounds great, but.... WHAT DID THEY DO TO DRiVE O_O. Sii sounds even more out of tune xD. Re:Re:Re & Hide and Seek sound pretty cool :D.
  15. colorful人生

  16. From what I've shown to friends of mine (in the U.S) it's either one of the following: 1. Language Barrier ("I can't listen to it w/o understanding the lyrics" or "The language sounds "weird") [Totally understandable BTW] 2. Any guy who wears makeup/cross dresses/etc. is automatically gay (More specific to VK) 3. Your interest in Japanese pop culture was supposed to be short-lived fad from your teenage years ("You're still listening to anime music?"/ ASSIMILATE PLZ) 4. It's simply not my taste [Again, totally understandable] ...and something actually interesting to talk about.... 5. The melodies are "cheesy". Idk if this has been mentioned before, but whether it's the preconceived notions they get from watching idol groups or anime songs; "cheesy" gets brought up a lot. Since I'm not really versed in Music Theory, I can't explain this very well... This first comment from "nonotan" does though (to some extent): https://www.reddit.com/r/musictheory/comments/2e5v76/what_makes_some_japanese_music_sound_japanese/ ( Also reaffirmed my love of DeBussy ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) ) Now, w/ idol groups and certain J-pop artists (who cater to a certain demographic) it makes sense for them to be "cheesy" (your "Pretty Cure" openings will never be edgy =P). Cheesiness can also be applicable visually, so many can find a lot of VK MVs to be really cheesy (additionally dependent on taste). However, I've seen this comment with less flashy, run-of-the-mill J-artists and more importantly, instrumentals/OSTs. I can't really delve into more since my knowledge is limited w/ this topic, but I just found #5 to be an interesting take on all of this. --- Also 6. YO JAPANESE MUSIC R SHIT CUZ OF PEARL HARBOR & THEY GOT FUCKED UP BY THE NUKES. (Very, very, uncommon lol. Though that Women's World Cup (soccer/futbol/football) win caused a shit-ton of comments like that xD. People are strange)
  17. I should also clarify, as someone who as experienced this, this situation will only happen if your library is WITHIN Itunes and you're using Apple Music IN CONJUNCTION w/ Cloud services activated (which the individual who wrote the article alluded to w/ the "cloud icon".) The cloud is also automatically activated, but I did turn it off initially... Itunes takes liberties to make your collection "easily accessible" over the cloud and locally, which can mean lowering the bitrate in some cases. Apple Music's recognition also is not always up to par either when it comes to recognizing metadata, so mix-ups can occur. but... I have yet to experience a situation where I couldn't access my files locally w/o wifi even w/ an ended subscription (which happened once since my Itunes JP balance ran out.)
  18. ... Seems like I ended up a victim of this as well. I noticed when modifying metadata on recently imported tracks (w/ artists I already had), I couldn't get certain albums/singles in their respective spots. Come to find out a good chunk of my library has been uploaded to the cloud (I also unintentionally made it worse sharing my library between both my PCs via. said cloud.) While It looks like I haven't lost anything, apparently I only have 111 GB in my Music folder v. the 124 GB stated on the status bar. Fortunately, I still have mainly 320 rips, and backups of my collection in both my Ipod Classic (which I haven't synced in months =P) and Google's Cloud (although I should take caution w/ that as well.) Apple Music is a great service when it comes to listening to artists that do midnight releases (up to the label.) That being said, I'm probably going to actively backup my tracks to my secondary drive and start using MusicBee again. Gratz Apple, you now have a bunch of VK rarez xD.
  19. colorful人生

    Looks like vine works too =P
  20. colorful人生

    I just randomly clicked this since I got notified that Mi'ihen randomly clicked this, and I have no regrets. After watching the PV I'm HOOKED [2] (I have no idea why I wasn't subscribed to SiM's label o_o) I like the Echosmith-y, PVRIS sound, and the vocalist bounces back and forth between languages really well *_*.
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