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Sakura Seven

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Status Updates posted by Sakura Seven

  1. ATTENTION FORUMS POSTER "SENEDJEM": does this turn you on yes or no http://youtu.be/astISOttCQ0

    1. Senedjem


      i think im going to be sick

    2. nekkichi


      omg @ this leaked zoro single tier perfection

  2. whatever happened to vallquar???

    1. Sakura Seven

      Sakura Seven

      this is URGENT i'm drunk & this seems important

    2. Miasma


      hikari left the band to start a solo career singing on the streets of shibuya and the rest of the band went on to form grieva.


  4. New look is avaliable. Vote for it.New look is avaliable. Vote for it.New look is avaliable. Vote for it.New look is avaliable. Vote for it.New look is avaliable. Vote for it.New look is avaliable. Vote for it.New look is avaliable. Vote for it.New look is avaliable. Vote for it.New look is avaliable. Vote for it.New look is avaliable. Vote for it.New look is avaliable. Vote for it.

    1. CAT5


      are u ok

    2. Peace Heavy mk II

      Peace Heavy mk II

      He's reading the DuelJewel last.fm page

  5. anyone have a reliable link to born's discography? i can hardly find anything

    1. Tetora


      Which ones are you missing?

    2. Sakura Seven

      Sakura Seven

      i like to get into a band through their singles so im mainly looking for working links 2 proudia, psycho diva, satisfaction, devilish of the punk, etc. i have blasted animals, mother, and demons..any help would be super cool

    1. hiroki


      beautiful ;_; hitomi has an insanely attractive voice :x

    2. Tetora


      I was watching but Beautiful last night on youtube, is there an hq version up?

  6. The new AvelCain is so summery and perfect. (??´∀`??)

    1. Peace Heavy mk II

      Peace Heavy mk II

      And it's even named "the end of summer" and came out towards the end of summer. Attention to detail op

    2. Elazmus


      I couldn't agree more lol. even down to the cover

  7. the doremidan THEY don't want you to know! http://youtu.be/uW9VDgmg7LE

    1. Biopanda


      Doremidan was waaay unappreciated ;/

    2. Sakura Seven
  8. lycaon avatar supremacy

    1. shizukasou


      It's a competition with the Kyo legion I guess haha

    2. Peace Heavy mk II
  9. [passive aggressive whiny status]

    1. Karma’s Hat
    2. nekkichi


      [snarky judgmental comment, throwing the opposite of light on people I do not like seeing here]

  10. i think ive chcked the forum like 300 tmes for camera obscura. help.

    1. Tetora


      Monsieur, you are beyond both King and Cardinal's help. The Devil will take you, pray be it that you are en garde.

    2. kyoselflove


      Me too, I'm to impatient for my copy to come.

  11. writing grown-up emails anxiety

    1. Senedjem


      letters of resignation

    2. nekkichi


      yuupppppp. (

  12. does anyone have any decent quality jakura releases they'd be willing to upload?

    1. Lestat


      I own two releases. Downloads coming up.

    2. Peace Heavy mk II

      Peace Heavy mk II

      I would like this too.

  13. looking 4 imitation crab meat. need crab meat. pm me 4 more info. thanks.

    1. Yasupon


      I can't help, although I can say that imitation crab meat is something I generally prefer over actual crab. Especially in sushi and salad.

  14. sat here havin my tea

    1. Umi_Niwa


      when a pink rocket landed on me.

  15. is it okay to stan for mejibray. having a crisis

    1. Jigsaw9


      yeees yeees~ ヽ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ノ

  16. just woke up to find my baby lookin over me wiv is big smiley cheekey? :) chops ov a face loves u lots furik 4 ever and always to death do us apart u always have a place that lies wiv in my hart deep to the bottam xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx .................. my dreams have all cum ture xxxxxxxxx at onnce ur the only man in my life baby u no its ture im the only gal 4 u xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

  17. lmao yuuki couldn't even learn to walk in these things b4 doing a video in them? cling on to that railing girl #BottomTwo http://youtu.be/EnHK6c7VoDI

    1. Peace Heavy mk II

      Peace Heavy mk II

      Orange is the new Black s3 looks fuckin weird

  18. is it weird how much i enjoy this song? http://youtu.be/mM_4nKu0qhE

    1. nekkichi


      ecco the dolphin-kei

  19. current mood: wanting to smoke hella weed w/ cuushe http://youtu.be/WYXESvNspGA

    1. Senedjem


      this is frightening

  20. let us all join in prayer for lucifer luscious violenoue to make music again. amen.

    1. Ada Suilen

      Ada Suilen

      I am doing a prayer for that for three years... *fingers crossed*

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