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Everything posted by tetsu_sama69

  1. I was thinking the same thing. Definitely getting the vibes here.
  2. tetsu_sama69

    what the unholy fuck is going on here? ...I'm for it. VK trolling ftw.
  3. hopefully them ceasing activities as a limited project means they will form an official active band once more.
  4. finally! i have internet once again!

  5. omg this preview. made my heart so damn happy.
  6. Oh my god. Yes, yes, and more yes. VK comeback kings 2k14. Also THIS
  7. tetsu_sama69

    Yes, I use steam. It's a great platform for indie gaming as well as big name titles and their sales they run are fucking amazing. RIP wallet for steam summer sale. I love it. Especially since I can even run games using it's launcher that steam doesn't sell just because they're cool like that. I keep up with work friends on there and play a lot of games on there. Feel free to add me. I play a lot of MMO's and whatever tickles me at the time. Steam sn: tetsusama69
  8. not quite sure to quit last.fm especially since I use it mostly just for the scrobbling. Going to see how it goes at the end of the month...

    1. plastic_rainbow


      same. i can't let it go quite yet.

    2. pinkmakona


      Yeah, i doubt it's going to change back. But... i dunno, the scrobbles i have and everything. I will see later on.

    3. pinkmakona


      Probaly won't though tbh, ugh

  9. tetsu_sama69

    I do hope something comes of this.
  10. did last.fm literally fuck up all my scrobbling... what the hell

    1. Tetora


      It's not gonna ever be fixed because they are clearly clueless. Product Development Rule #1: Focus on ONE feature that you do best. They totally ignored this and slapped us in the face with a billion useless features nobody asked for while taking a dump all over the features people actually come to the site for.

    2. Zeus


      ^ tetora gets it

    3. tetsu_sama69


      You're quite right. It took out all my custom gifs as well. I'm pissed.

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  11. tetsu_sama69

    Great advice She did give me money up front to move in but not being able to pay is what got me in the snag. Work doesn't allow advances and I get paid enough to pay for this place the problem was the surgery that made me get behind in the first place. Being alive was a bit more important on the scales. I do usually keep it pretty cheap when it comes to food for myself. I can make 20 last a couple weeks if need be with some creativity. I've had really bad experiences with roommates in the past from craigslist and going there again makes me really hesitant. This whole problem was rolled up when it came to my surgery. I got some help paying for it but I had to take care of it. Yeah, I had given her the option to be added on the lease but she was hesitant and got added as a resident instead of something more permanent until we could catch up and move into a two bedroom, oh well on that one, huh. I wish I had some stuff to sell for money but I don't. I lost all of my collection due to stupidity so I don't have much of value besides my computer and my personal belongings (clothes and things of that sort). Yeah, I know my leniency is what got me into this in the first place with my last couple roommates. I just have a really bad anxiety disorder and confrontation is the last thing I can do without breaking down and I'm already at that point because of this crap out of nowhere, especially twice. When I do buckle down on people and tell them to pay me rent they just break down and run off. Maybe it's a generational thing. My past couple roommates have been much younger than me and maybe they just don't understand the concept of consequences. Honestly, I just have a sinking feeling her parents have been up her ass and she wanted a reason to have to go back home that wasn't entirely willing on her end. She has a lot of domestic issues and it's a big part of the reason she moved in with me for the relaxed environment. Now as far as I'm concerned if she wants to go back so badly and leave me with this crap, I won't be sympathetic even when I do have a need for help myself. Maybe that's the wrong thing to say...
    1. Tetora


      Added to the end of my post.

    2. tetsu_sama69


      Yeah, I feel ya there, tet. I really do appreciate the advice.

  12. tetsu_sama69

    So recently I've had some difficulties like most people do when they decide to live on their own. At first everything was fine and after some struggle I managed to get the utilities in my own name after getting some help with them. But still even after getting all my bills squared away I somehow got behind and was having too many problems. So my answer to this was to get a roommate after the issues I had with having someone living with me before I was pretty hesitant but dove into it anyways. I got a good friend from work to move in and things were going very smoothly until I had some health problems. I had to get a surgery done (don't worry, I'm just fine) and it would put me behind but since she was moving in she said it would be okay and she would help me get by. Then when it came to time for me to start getting the money help she suddenly had a bad speeding ticket and car payments. Since I don't own a car myself and rely on public transit I don't have an issue with payments for a car but knowing people who have tackled them no problems and with lots of problems I know how it can be a problem sometimes. So I asked her if anything if she could get 100 and she said she could but then when the weekend rolled around and it was rent payment time she did not deliver and hadn't been staying at my place and just leaving her things there. On top of that having to borrow money from a friend just to pay for food because she wasn't paying me. I told her since she couldn't help me and left me to tackle everything as I recovered from a surgery that she had to go. I couldn't deal with what was going on with myself at the time and have someone staying with me who wasn't intending to pay for at least a couple weeks. So she moved on and it wasn't any drama or issues. So instead I had someone else move in yet again even though I was still having a bad taste in my mouth I needed the help gravely. Now this time everything was good, she was starting to pay but I was still behind because of paying for my surgery. But then this last weekend rolled around the complex informed me if I didn't have a certain amount they weren't going to work with me anymore and I understand where they are coming from as a business and a rental company. I'm a fairly nice person as well. I don't have a lot of rules either. Just pay my rent, don't make a lot of noise when I'm sleeping as I'm a light sleeper and work 38+ a week, and don't turn my apartment into a fucking icebox since we live in Arizona and the summer cooling bills can be murder. She followed these rules well until this weekend rolled around. I had managed to scrounge up what money I could from my family and close friends as this would get me caught up and I was making payments for the money I owed them. I told her as long as I get her 100 we would be caught up and I wouldn't need anything from her until the end of the month. She assured me it wouldn't be a problem over the course of the weekend until this morning when I asked her if she had dropped off the check in the office drop-box so things would be fine. She said no and that she had to make a payment on her car insurance which just happened to be the amount I needed for the rent. This is after also avoiding me most of the weekend because she had personal matters going on and that I understand as well. I'm at a really tense moment right now. I had to call for some more money help and I had to spend all my money on rent so I have no food or bus money to get around for the week while she went on a date with her boyfriend and got herself things to eat. I told her she didn't have to move out if she was going to be able to at least pay me the 100 this following weekend that things weren't going to work out. Instead of apologizing to me and admitting that she lied to get me off her back she is deciding to just move out. I'm a fair person and would be willing to work with her but after all of this the last thing I want to consider is having yet another person move in and get fucked over again. Now I'm at an impasse. I have no money for food, no bus money, and to make up for rent I have to pay 200 from each of my paychecks until the end of the month leaving little yet again for food and bus money to get to work. I'm quite unsure what to do. I know there are places to pick up food boxes but I have no transportation to those places since I don't have a car or public transit. If there is any advice or help I can get I would really appreciate it since I have no idea what I'm going to do to make it.
  13. aww yisssss he is back

  14. tetsu_sama69

    What the fuuuuuuuu-
  15. tetsu_sama69

    Despite their "style" which I like a lot. Their music is pretty fucking solid from what I've heard so far. Really digging them~
  16. anyone know if there is a way to change your username on last.fm i think my sn on there is a bit confusing

    1. beni


      We all feel you. Wanted to change mine ever since I started using it. xD (Should have just made another account, lol) You can always just go ahead and make one but keep scrobbling on your current one and decide later. And no problem, happy to help! Also... 'hey boss?' x'D Best avi. God bless.

    2. tetsu_sama69


      lol thank you beni. hey b0ss~ I'm still trying to decide if this avi means I am very brave or very insane LOL

    3. saishuu


      I have mine for so long now that it still has a "-kun" after my name. I would've changed it ages ago if I could.

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  17. no context just go
  18. I'm so ready for this. I don't even care if it's just old school style Kuroyume I'm on board and hoping to hear anything from this show.
  19. INKT's new mini is pretty fantastic! Such great flow~

  20. I wonder if I should change my name on here....

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