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Everything posted by tetsu_sama69

  1. tetsu_sama69

  2. tetsu_sama69

    That really fucking sucks. I really enjoyed them even though I saw it coming with another collection album.
  3. tetsu_sama69

    Oh thank you yes
  4. tetsu_sama69

    yes please! can't wait for this one!
  5. Is it bad that I miss the days when I used to upload?

    1. Takadanobabaalien


      just start uploading then :P

    2. tetsu_sama69


      Thanks for the motivation :P

    3. shinobu.


      Ya, I felt the same way and started uploading again. Feel like after a few more releases, I'll stop for a while.

  6. tetsu_sama69

    That was fucking great! That bass line is giving me so much life~
  7. Full Masquerade PV yesssssssssss
  8. tetsu_sama69

    aw man sad to hear this...
  9. tetsu_sama69

    Oh no! I hope this won't interrupt any of their future activities! I hope he gets better in the future!
  10. Sorry I haven't been around much. I had a really bad week and ended up getting rid of someone extremely evil.

  11. tetsu_sama69

    Oh no! I hope he has a smooth recovery.
  12. Great to come online after a very long and annoying day of work to see posts by robkun and Jrockdrama :D

  13. Current Gender: The handheld camera used for Occult Proposal

  14. Messed with my signature but now it has this empty box in it? Whatever is that about? o.o

  15. tetsu_sama69

    Finalllllyyyyyy it's heeeerrrreeeeeeee
  16. tetsu_sama69

    I hope he recovers smoothly.
  17. Love that preview! Rame's look is so insanely wonderful!
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