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About tetsu_sama69

  • Rank
    「Vk Treasure Trove」
  • Birthday 10/04/1986

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    music, video games, and generally being excellent

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  1. Been having a weird time adjusting to IBS since I found out I have it about a month ago. Today's really bad in particular. Anyone know any good foods or ways to manage it better?

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    2. Doesn'tEvenGoHere


      My sister has IBS/Dad has UC and they stay away from raw vegetables (cooked is apparently fine), seeds and nuts, spicy foods, and anything that may cause an inflammatory response. They also can't have popcorn,chickpeas, or anything that may be particularly hard to digest. ask your doctor what foods they would recommend and what you should stay away from. It might take a lot of trial and error, but you'll slowly figure it out. Stay strong x2.

    3. Zeus


      you too? i had a sudden on set several years ago that's still kicking my ass. i can't recommend what to eat, just what not to eat. you need to find out what triggers your systems and avoid it. dairy was my kryptonite and once I stopped eating it my symptoms suddenly got better. colitis went away and i stopped feeling like i wanted to die. trade-off is that i can't have ice cream or milk, but it turns out that I never really liked milk anyway and I always preferred almond milk :) the worst part about IBS is realizing that milk is in literally fcking everything even items that say "milk free" aren't milk free

    4. platy


      I haven't been diagnosed but definitely have it. I guess I just thought it was normal to suffer like this so I never went to the doc about it. It's really personal, so everyone will have different foods that work or not. So I recommend a food diary so you can keep track of what to ditch or what's good for you :) takes a long time and trial and error. For me Milk (drinking no, but cakes and other foods with it in the mix are okay it seems), anything with caffeine, beer, white bread and lately I discovered quorn products destroy me. 

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