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  1. Like
    WhirlingBlack got a reaction from Zal in Difference between male and female vkei fans?   
    From my experience both IRL and online, here are some quick observations based from my own perspective.
    Male fans tend to be more deeply into the music and as many bands as possible. Most walking Wikipedias of VK (myself included) are male, I find.
    Female fans are the absolute majority and the span of kinds is much wider there, but I generally don't tend to find as many die-hards when it comes to general scene knowledge as when it comes to the male fans, but rather often specialized highly on one particular band, or just a casual fan. 
    Most major collectors of physical media tend to be male as well. Except for cheki, most male fans I know don't care for those. 
  2. Like
    WhirlingBlack got a reaction from Komorebi in Difference between male and female vkei fans?   
    From my experience both IRL and online, here are some quick observations based from my own perspective.
    Male fans tend to be more deeply into the music and as many bands as possible. Most walking Wikipedias of VK (myself included) are male, I find.
    Female fans are the absolute majority and the span of kinds is much wider there, but I generally don't tend to find as many die-hards when it comes to general scene knowledge as when it comes to the male fans, but rather often specialized highly on one particular band, or just a casual fan. 
    Most major collectors of physical media tend to be male as well. Except for cheki, most male fans I know don't care for those. 
  3. Interesting
    WhirlingBlack got a reaction from YuyoDrift in Difference between male and female vkei fans?   
    From my experience both IRL and online, here are some quick observations based from my own perspective.
    Male fans tend to be more deeply into the music and as many bands as possible. Most walking Wikipedias of VK (myself included) are male, I find.
    Female fans are the absolute majority and the span of kinds is much wider there, but I generally don't tend to find as many die-hards when it comes to general scene knowledge as when it comes to the male fans, but rather often specialized highly on one particular band, or just a casual fan. 
    Most major collectors of physical media tend to be male as well. Except for cheki, most male fans I know don't care for those. 
  4. Bitch, excuse me?!
    WhirlingBlack reacted to secret_no_03 in random thoughts thread   
    Holy shit wall of text. Paragraphs are your friend. 😵
  5. Like
    WhirlingBlack reacted to Naaaaani in Separating art from artist   
  6. LOLOL
    WhirlingBlack reacted to Tokage in What has the worst fandom?   
    Some of the demographics that annoy me the most (on a personal level):
    - ''Goths'' who literally only listen to that sadboi soundcloud rap shit and are all about that 'tfw no big tity goth gf' bullshit
    - Furries ('ha ha what do you think sonic's toes smell like ha ha just wondering')
    - K-Pop
    - Boomers who are invested in that Minions/Garfield/Ggetto Tweety stuff to an unhealthy degree
    - Visual Kei
    - MCU / Star Wars / Game of Thrones / literally anything that attracts 'alt-normies' (i hate the term, but unfortunately it's accurate)
    - Videogame speedrunners 
    - Drag race fans
    - Metalheads
    - Anime in general, but ESPECIALLY both the 'UwU this anime girl is LITERALLY me & i have a 5 o' clock shadow that won't quit' and 'I want to FUCK this anime girl & my civilization still hasn't invented taking showers' demographics
    - The absolute fucking retards who for some reason believe in raising their pets 'vegan' just because they themselves are (not a 'fandom', but still a community)
    Bronies would've been up on that list once but it feels like that demographic has just spontaneously Jonestowned  overnight in terms of their web presence compared to half a decade ago. Sherlock/Dr. Who/Supernatural and all that stuff could've been in the list along w/ MCU and stuff but for those Tumblr-tier fandoms it also kinda feels like the fanbase's web presence just evaporated overnight. I guess with Sherlock and Dr. Who it was more a case of the last couple of seasons just being THAT irredeemably bad
    In all honesty though, if we're just talking about singling out the  'most toxic communities' or whatever,  you can literally just narrow it down to 'whichever ones attract the highest numbers of  furries, nu-commies, incels, SJWs, alt-righters & nerds LARPing as actual nazis, transwomen or 15 year olds tryna act like they're hot shit' within communities mainly frequented by people up to like.. age 35 or so, IMO. In all honesty, whenever I see some shit-flinging or drama going down in some particular community there's pretty much always a 95% chance the person causing it will fall into one or more of those categories.
    Boomer environments, on the other hand, are much more unpredictable, and the most venomous shit can legit come from the most unexpected of places. I rembmer for example how a couple of years back there was some pretty serious shit going down on Facebook in some of the Dutch ''moms sharing pictures of Tweety wishing you a nice weekend''-communities when some middle-aged guy started reposting some of those house mom's edited Garfield pics on his own page w/o crediting them, and it culminated in a situation where the guy stealing and reposting other people's pics was sending out death threats, doxxing people and creating fake accounts of his accusers to try & slander the housewives accusing him of stealing their ''Don't talk to me before i've had my coffee!'' pics.
  7. Like
    WhirlingBlack got a reaction from kuyashii in Great musician but shitty person?   
    I'd say Yoshiki but I'm unsure if he knows how to make good music anymore, hasn't made anything worthwhile since the 90s. 
  8. Like
    WhirlingBlack reacted to suji in Goodbye for now   
    Didn't you just make a new topic, like, just a few minutes ago?
    Nevermind that, it's sad to see you go this quickly. Thank you for reviving discussion on MH with your threads, especially since you're a newbie who has lots of questions and there's nothing wrong with that. There hasn't been a lot of discussion on certain subjects before you came and posted about them, so I commend you for that; it really helps other newbies navigate this weird world of visual kei through a newbie's standpoint, followed along by replies of longtime fans with years of experience (which largely makes up the majority of this forum)
    However, you must also realize that this is an open forum, where anybody is free to dish out their opinion, whether it be good or bad. You don't have to agree with it, but you have to deal with it; that is reality. I know you're young and you stand by your opinions, but I used to be like you, blowing up when someone said something negative about someone or something I care about, and it escalated to the point where I suffered consequences and basically had to grow up and redeem myself. That's basically how it is in the real world; sometimes you can't convince people that you're always right, and they stand by their own ideals no matter what. What's most important however is at the end of the day, their way of thinking shouldn't matter to you. You live your life by your own principles and your own beliefs, and you alone are in charge of that, not anyone else. All I'm saying is, don't let these people get in your head, and you'll be ok. 
    Hope to see you again soon!
  9. Like
    WhirlingBlack reacted to platy in A Rapid Increase in Domestic Violence Against Men in Japan   
    Feminism is necessary and it is a good movement. In most Western countries women have achieved what feminism is set out to do, I mean there are some wrinkles still that need or be ironed out but I'd say we lead pretty great lives and there are those (a small percentage) who are now looking to fill the void of no longer suffering under the patriarchy, so they go on the news to say that offices are usually cold because men tend to be in charge of the air con, making women, who usually wear lighter clothing, suffer. Therefore patriarchy is still in effect in their eyes. These people would be much better off seeing what ways they can be of use to other women who genuinely need help, perhaps listening to  women who live in countries where they can't even leave the house by themselves, or those who suffer female genital mutilation, volunteering at charities that support those who have been domestically abused and so on. Those women do need feminism. I believe feminism in Japan is necessary, but like I mentioned in another topic, only Japanese people know which is the best way to approach it for them. 
    Regarding the rise in domestic violence against men, I don't think it's a direct by product of women getting cocky cuz giRl pOwER. Men are ridiculed (by other men above all) if they try to seek help coz their partner is a psycho. It is much more common than anyone imagines. I come from a country where having a girlfriend that beats you up and controls your life is desirable because it means she cares about you and because "that's just girlfriends/wives do! The old ball and chain haha". I have seen a lot of men suffer quietly because they believe this is how things are supposed to be. 
    If more cases are being reported that's good, because they sure as hell have been happening all along. It is surprising though that this is rising in Japan, although with the whole "herbivore man" phenomenon, maybe not so surprising. Considering that Japan is already a society where feelings and problems are hidden away by default, imagine being a man with all the added baggage that comes with "masculinity". 
    Also, men can't expect women to do all the work regarding feminism. This movement is supposed to benefit all parties. They need to do their part also in dismantling unhealthy stereotypes which do more harm than good when it comes to divorce, custody and reporting abuse. Support each other, discuss your emotions, etc. The ones who create such toxic, harmful standards for men are... Men after all! The reason there are SO many resources for female abuse survivors is because women fought and worked their hardest to make these places available, no one would've done it otherwise. Men should work just as hard to make sure that these institutions and resources are there for themselves too.
  10. LOLOL
    WhirlingBlack got a reaction from norse_hell_wolf in DISREIGN members new band "Awoken by Silence" has formed   
    Jonas Åkerlund (ex. Bathory)
  11. Like
    WhirlingBlack reacted to Karma’s Hat in Dadaroma at Japan Expo   
    Now that'd be value. 
    who's going? I can't be the only one interested
  12. Like
    WhirlingBlack reacted to Karma’s Hat in Dadaroma at Japan Expo   
    If you can get a separate ticket for this gig without having to shell out 100 bux for some naruto convention then I'm in for sure.
  13. Like
    WhirlingBlack reacted to Tokage in DIMLIM new single “離人” release   
    yo this is actually legit really, really good & it's p fucked up how thoroughly mediocre this makes like the majority of the contemporary vk scene look by comparison 
  14. Like
    WhirlingBlack got a reaction from saishuu in LAY ABOUT WORLD new album "真っ赤な嘘" (Makka na Uso) release   
    I like the Black:List throwback look, the sound is pretty good too, but to be honest I wish they'd just reform Black:List for a bit and release all the tracks they never got around to releasing. They are some of the best unreleased material in VK.
    Either way, Kyotaro back in VK makes me happy.
  15. Like
    WhirlingBlack got a reaction from deadman in DIMLIM new single “離人” release   
    I knew it, it was worth the hype. It's amazing. Saviours of VK.
  16. Like
    WhirlingBlack got a reaction from yuugure in DIMLIM new single “離人” release   
    I knew it, it was worth the hype. It's amazing. Saviours of VK.
  17. Like
    WhirlingBlack reacted to nomemorial in DIMLIM new single “離人” release   
    me right now
  18. Like
  19. Like
    WhirlingBlack reacted to Seelentau in Worst case of toxicity you’ve experienced in the VK fandom?   
    Those who understand, understand.
  20. Like
    WhirlingBlack reacted to Biopanda in Things elitists say?   
  21. LOVE!
    WhirlingBlack reacted to Tokage in Things elitists say?   
    ''Audience members taking photos of bands at lives is in fact a bad thing and should be forbidden, even abroad'' 
  22. Like
    WhirlingBlack got a reaction from lichtlune in Great musician but shitty person?   
    I'd say Yoshiki but I'm unsure if he knows how to make good music anymore, hasn't made anything worthwhile since the 90s. 
  23. Like
    WhirlingBlack got a reaction from lichtlune in LAY ABOUT WORLD new album "真っ赤な嘘" (Makka na Uso) release   
    I like the Black:List throwback look, the sound is pretty good too, but to be honest I wish they'd just reform Black:List for a bit and release all the tracks they never got around to releasing. They are some of the best unreleased material in VK.
    Either way, Kyotaro back in VK makes me happy.
  24. 悲しい
    WhirlingBlack reacted to Jigsaw9 in BUCK-TICK   
    Today was the 1st gig of the band's 2-day event "Locus Solus no kemono-tachi" at Makuhari Messe, and looks like they played some stuff they haven't for quite a while! Also some acoustic versions, which is not something they usually do. Here's the setlist:
    05.謝肉祭 -カーニバル-
    09.FUTURE SONG -未来が通る-
    11.Moon さよならを教えて
    ENCORE 1:
    02.BOY septem peccata mortalia(Acoustic)
    03.形而上 流星(Acoustic)
    ENCORE 2:
  25. Like
    WhirlingBlack reacted to Shaolan974 in LAY ABOUT WORLD new album "真っ赤な嘘" (Makka na Uso) release   
    LAY ABOUT WORLD new album "真っ赤な嘘" (Makka na Uso) will be released at 2019/08/31 (10 songs, sleeve case, 12-page booklet, 3500Y)
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