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WhirlingBlack last won the day on September 29 2019

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About WhirlingBlack

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  • Birthday 03/30/1991

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  1. I keep seeing posts everywhere that I've seemingly written but have no memory of, then I notice that the username reads "doombox"...

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    2. doombox


      I think I might have had ears once but I'm not sure where they've run off to. :c Now all I can do is make a lot of noise. Which isn't so bad, I guess. I once was told "no one can hear you scream in space" but I'm guessing they've never spoken with a black hole before. 
      Thank you. Not only am I missing ears, my eyes seem to have gone as well so it's hard to tell if my tie matches. But not wearing clothes is nice too, think of all the money you save! 

    3. WhirlingBlack


      Maybe your ears transformed into speakers? But speakers can be reverse-engineered into microphones, so perhaps you could do that? Just need to make sure you have something that can process sound in there.

      Oh, I'm a black hole that's decided to take up residence within the atmosphere of earth, otherwise I wouldn't have been able to receive sound waves at all. If there were life on other planets who made music I'd like to explore how a different atmospherical composition affects sound though. Perhaps it's the next thing after FLAC.

      Indeed, I can instead buy rarez with all the money. Sadly they all disintegrated upon arrival as well though. Life is tough.

      I was kind of hoping you'd be immaterial too, or at least indestructible. For some reason people doesn't want to hug you when their atoms are subjected to fission and compressed into nothing.

    4. doombox


      I might be able to manage a reverse engineering job, at least I think my brain is still somewhere in here. Hearing again would be A+ 

      Ah, an Earth resident, that explains your ability to use the internet. Sadly I am very much material and would disintegrate along with the rarez. But I have seen others who are likely candidates for indestructibility. Maybe that Grecian deity fellow. ..

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