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  1. Like
    peffy got a reaction from platy in ギガマウス(GIGAMOUS) Vo.式(shiki) will depart and will be on hiatus   
    tbh Shiki's vocals are something I just tolerate, I wouldn't mind seeing the band continue with a slightly better vocalist. 
    But they're going on "hiatus" so they might just never come back.
    *sigh* I'm a big fan of their stripped-down garage band party rock style, which is unique in my limited stable of VK bands I like.
  2. Like
    peffy got a reaction from sakuran in ジン (Zin) will disband and members' new band "游彩 (Yusai)" will form   
    I noticed that ソノココロ (the b-side from their last single) didn't have any Japan-esque sound to it. If that's an indication of what their new band+sound will be like, I'll be kinda disappointed...
  3. Like
    peffy got a reaction from CAT5 in Favorite Japanese Female Vocalists!   
    in no particular order
    Shiina Ringo
    Jyou (exist†trace)
    Nobuchika Eri
    Amuro Namie
    Koda Kumi
    Mikami Chisako (fra foa)
    Suzuki Yukiko (BUGY CRAXONE)
    Hamasaki Ayumi, from LOVEppears up to Rock'n'Roll Circus
    Hatakeyama Miyuki
    Kuriyama Chiaki
    Goto Maki
    Yui (Yousei Teikoku)
    Suzuhana Yuko (Wagakki Band)
    Tsuchiya Anna
  4. Like
    peffy reacted to hiroki in LIRAIZO new releases   
    LIRAIZO new mini album will be released on 2017/03/22.
    Additionally,  2 new full albums will be released in 2017 summer, and their new maxi single will be released in 2017 winter.
    They will hold their 3rd anniversary one-man live at Takadanobaba AREA on 2017/11/18.
  5. Like
    peffy reacted to YuyoDrift in The Upcoming Video Game Discussion Topic   
    SE why are you making me chooooooose?!?!?
    Aranea's sexy voice doe hnngggg
  6. Like
    peffy got a reaction from hiroki in Do any of you seriously wish you are Japanese?   
    Nah, I only wish I was totally fluent in Japanese. Japan is an awesome place to visit... I spent most of my time there just walking the streets and going into random little shops and restaurants. The only big problem was that I am Chinese, so naturally Japanese people assumed I was Japanese and thought I was a lost dumbass who couldn't understand them well. It was a different experience from what I've heard Caucasians say - that random people would sometimes come up to them eagerly trying to help them out and practice their English. That could've been a fun thing to happen to me, but it wouldn't happen unless I had a big sign that said "I AM CANADA GAIJIN PRACTICE EIGO HERE"
    Anyway, going to school in Japan (and Asia in general) sounds like a special kind of hell, and they still have a ways to go with respect to women's rights. i.e. attitudes towards women's roles in the household and workplace. From what I hear. So I wouldn't really want to live and work there...
  7. Like
    peffy got a reaction from Aferni in Cracked officially roasts Visual Kei   
    I actually read that specific interview maybe 4-5 years ago, and that's exactly where I first heard of the ghostwriting stuff. (in fact, it might be the ONLY article/interview about the VK industry I've ever read)
    Unless I missed something, because I skimmed parts of it, I didn't see anything there that mentions ghost musicians, which is what I've been asking about in this thread.  It did say that typical band members start out as teenage dropouts who want to be rock stars and "want to learn to play guitar", which implies that they are being taught to play their instruments. Maybe.
    ... I suppose I could believe that other people are playing instruments during studio recordings, and the actual band only plays during lives (or mostly dances during lives), which is why lives can sound shitty, which is why I usually ignore the existence of lives.
    In any case, no one's shown me any concrete proof of it, but I suppose it doesn't really matter to me. I like the studio recordings and the photoshopped images, no matter how "fake" they are. I'm not interested in going to lives, I'm not into meeting band members, and I'm certainly not into stalking them, sending them money, or sucking their dicks.
    ... ?? Yes, I know you really hate Mejibray.
    I just wanted to point out that, at the very least, MiA appears to be able to play a guitar. Whether or not you think he's good at it is another matter entirely.
    I can play a piano. I learned piano for years and years with a bad teacher who didn't train me very well. I do not have a creative bone in my body and cannot write music or improvise, but I can read sheet music. If I was forced to practice it and play it for a living, I could probably perform well enough to impress untrained listeners.
  8. Like
    peffy got a reaction from CAT5 in Show us your lock screen wallpaper!   
    I almost never change mine, because it's usually covered by notifications, and it also gets replaced by album art if I'm listening to something. 
    And thanks to the fingerprint scanner, my phone jumps to the home screen almost instantaneously anyway.
    This is my friend's kitty <3 
    I hope to have my own kitty someday...
  9. Like
    peffy got a reaction from IGM_Oficial in Show us your lock screen wallpaper!   
    I almost never change mine, because it's usually covered by notifications, and it also gets replaced by album art if I'm listening to something. 
    And thanks to the fingerprint scanner, my phone jumps to the home screen almost instantaneously anyway.
    This is my friend's kitty <3 
    I hope to have my own kitty someday...
  10. Like
    peffy got a reaction from saishuu in Show us your lock screen wallpaper!   
    I almost never change mine, because it's usually covered by notifications, and it also gets replaced by album art if I'm listening to something. 
    And thanks to the fingerprint scanner, my phone jumps to the home screen almost instantaneously anyway.
    This is my friend's kitty <3 
    I hope to have my own kitty someday...
  11. Like
    peffy got a reaction from nick in Show us your lock screen wallpaper!   
    I almost never change mine, because it's usually covered by notifications, and it also gets replaced by album art if I'm listening to something. 
    And thanks to the fingerprint scanner, my phone jumps to the home screen almost instantaneously anyway.
    This is my friend's kitty <3 
    I hope to have my own kitty someday...
  12. Like
    peffy got a reaction from YuyoDrift in Show us your lock screen wallpaper!   
    I almost never change mine, because it's usually covered by notifications, and it also gets replaced by album art if I'm listening to something. 
    And thanks to the fingerprint scanner, my phone jumps to the home screen almost instantaneously anyway.
    This is my friend's kitty <3 
    I hope to have my own kitty someday...
  13. Like
    peffy reacted to Kiyoharu is God in jealkb new single "reboot" (2016.11.02)   
  14. Like
    peffy reacted to echo in General news and drama regarding Rockstar Records   
    He's referring to the picture that Kiryu posted of their LINE conversation. He said that it was a group chat with him, Kiryu and Irodori and is basically saying that Kiryu cut it at a "convenient" place and it makes it seems like Kiryu harbored ill will towards Avanchick from the beginning. I'm not sure what that last line is. I think it was just a group chat that they were told to make by the label? 
    but all the bangya responding are calling bs and saying if that's true he should just screenshot the whole conversation instead of saying that it was being taken out of context or cut conveniently or whatever. haha 
  15. Like
    peffy got a reaction from suji in General news and drama regarding Rockstar Records   
    So he's basically denying the allegations. This is my rush-job interpretation:
    I can't follow that other tweet about LINE easily, someone else can translate that =_= I think he said, from the way "that person" spoke in their LINE conversations he might've had bad intentions/feelings toward Avanchick from the beginning.
  16. Like
    peffy got a reaction from IGM_Oficial in General news and drama regarding Rockstar Records   
    So... does this explain why Rockstar's BLACK MARKET GANG I compilation sounded like such a mess?
    I got the distinct impression, from the one time I listened to it, that every song EXCEPT for Avanchick's had bad quality recording. Like, bad mastering/mixing or whatever you call it. Also not enough auto-tuning to fix the vocals, so I ended up disliking every song except Avanchick's and maybe Devil Kitty's.
    idk maybe it's just my bad ears or my bias because I was already a fan of Avanchick and had never heard of any of the other bands before.
  17. Like
    peffy got a reaction from inartistic in General news and drama regarding Rockstar Records   
    So... does this explain why Rockstar's BLACK MARKET GANG I compilation sounded like such a mess?
    I got the distinct impression, from the one time I listened to it, that every song EXCEPT for Avanchick's had bad quality recording. Like, bad mastering/mixing or whatever you call it. Also not enough auto-tuning to fix the vocals, so I ended up disliking every song except Avanchick's and maybe Devil Kitty's.
    idk maybe it's just my bad ears or my bias because I was already a fan of Avanchick and had never heard of any of the other bands before.
  18. Like
    peffy reacted to enyx in random thoughts thread   
  19. Like
    peffy reacted to Ito in random thoughts thread   
    You know what else is fun? I.P. Bans!
  20. Like
    peffy reacted to orange~ in random thoughts thread   
    The big picture would most likely be the same even if Hillary won. What's been going on 15+ or 50+ years in the US remains the same. People pulling the strings are probably the same. It's only what appears outside that's changing.
    What Trump's presidency introduces - it gives momentum to far-right movement and gives approval to all the racial, social and backward thinking bullshit Trump has spouted during his campaigning. That's the thing I'm most worried about.
  21. Like
    peffy reacted to Valicious in random thoughts thread   
    Mike Pence is for defending HIV treatment and finding "gay conversion" programs - including electroshock therapy for gays
    He wants to make it a bailable offense for same-sex couples to apply for a marriage license. 
    Pence has seriously protested parts of the Matthew Shepard bills regarding hate crimes as against gays. 
    We've all seen how Trump publicly mocks those with disabilities. He has been quite clear about wanting to slash disability benefits too. 
    Violence against women and minorities has skyrocketed since Trump started running. 
    As a gay woman with a physical disability that puts me in a wheelchair, I am legitimately afraid for my safety. 
    Biopanda works as my healthcare aide, and his job is in jeapordy  too now. 
  22. Like
    peffy got a reaction from -NOVA- in KILLANETH will disband   
    Sucks, their songs got my website a decent amount of page hits.
    Then again, I had been cursing them because I had to spend a few hours studying the HEBREW ALPHABET for one line in Apocrypha.
    (and after all that work, still couldn't figure out how any of it was pronounced)
    F U Kai >:(
  23. Like
    peffy got a reaction from Hakoniwa in Show us your handwriting!   
    My writing can change depending on my mood/energy level and what kind of pen/pencil I'm using.
    This is my quick scribble writing. (also, fuck lines)
  24. Like
    peffy got a reaction from clow_eriol in Your favourite Japanese word/phrase?   
    These phrases frequently appear in my thoughts
    as you can see, I am frequently annoyed by things
  25. Like
    peffy got a reaction from beni in What video games are you currently playing?   
    i need to play this game more
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