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Everything posted by Thedane

  1. Thedane

    Getting this without a doubt, both of their singles are beastly
  2. COCOBAT <3 15 CD's to listen through, going to be a great weekend

  3. Thedane

    B.C were absolutely amazing, sad they only got to release 2 albums. Hopefully these guys will be just as solid, with even more releases (that are not damn near impossible to get!!)
  4. Thedane

    Sweet jesus YES, this can't be anything but good.
  5. Thedane

    Well they look promising, hope their sound is as well ^^
  6. Thedane

    Fair enough, don't mind waiting a bit longer for more content.
  7. Ordered this a little week ago or so, can't wait for it to arrive <3
  8. Thedane

    Holy hell that song is awesome, can't wait for my copy to arrive... dang I'm going to miss these guys.
  9. Sweet jesus, this is christmas alright
  10. Thedane

    YES! Can't wait <3
  11. Thedane

    Cocobat Crunch, Footprints In The Sky, Posi-Traction, Return Of Grasshopper, I Versus I, Tsukiookami, Araña, SUPERCHARGED CHOCOLATE MELTDOWN, Ghost Tree Giant, Fire Ant Moving Co., History 10x20 and 12 STEPS. All by the amazing band COCOBAT.
  12. Thedane

    Noooo!.... they were bloody amazing T_T
  13. Thedane

    What the actual... hell??? The new songs sound worse than invaded rot... and that sounded like it was recorded in a toaster....
  14. CD's, DVD's. And towels, they're pretty damn awesome... not much else to say.
  15. Thedane

    Damn that guy is good live... I did not see his mouth move, and there not being any vocals... so, I actually think this is legit live recordings.
  16. That's bound to be awesome, now here's hoping for releases that are not live limited.
  17. Thedane

    I got everything, customs we're not too mean this time around, didn't have to sell my soul or anything. I haven't gotten around to listening to either of my ヒステリックパニック releases, I really do hope 般若 gets a proper release, that song is so good.
  18. Thedane

    Young gun bandmen?... Is that going to be a 'bring your child along on stage' thingy?
  19. It's surprising how friendly people get after a few beers... suddenly there's hands where no hands should be.... .-.

  20. This hopefully wont affect the band too much... I'm craving a 3rd album so much
  21. Random steam invites... stop... stranger danger

  22. Thedane

    6 seconds are better than nothing. Still, if he's able to make 6 seconds sound good, respect.
  23. 69... that's... not.. a lot... *fingers crossed*
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