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Everything posted by Thedane

  1. I honestly don't think they'd bother to repress it, unless they're certain it'll sell. Since they're based in Nagoya, what 'competition' do they have there?
  2. Thedane

    YES!!!!!!!! Oh god yes <3
  3. Thedane

    Oh dang that's awful, hope he'll make a full recovery, their most recent sample sounded killer!
  4. Thedane

    I expect great things from this mess.
  5. Thedane

    This is going to be awesome <3
  6. Just as cheesy as I had hoped for ^^
  7. EROS <3 Finally they sound decent, grabbing this for sure.
  8. Thedane

    Noooooo... please come back soon ;-;
  9. Thedane

    Sorry, couldn't resist. I wonder what on earth will be on that DVD, since that's their demo live? First even.. so.. pre-demo live footage?
  10. YES!! XIBALBA was amazing, hopefully they'll pick up where they left <3
  11. Thedane

    Daaang, hopefully I can get my hands on that.
  12. Thedane

    Well... even if they wanted to, I don't think they could extend the tracklist (SE's don't count, curses on any band that pushes the tracklist by simply adding SE's) since they don't appear to have any more songs than that. However, 2-2500 would have been a fitting price.
  13. Thedane

    Their single was amazing... I really hope the remaining members form something new together :'c
  14. Thedane

    Oooh, looks like my kinda thing, let's hope they sound like it as well.
  15. Thedane

  16. 「秘密」 and sister is from their very first release, 「秘密」 should also be their first PV as far as I recall. ゴシック is the only new song, yes.
  17. Bleeeeeeeh... oh well, if I somehow win the lottery I guess I have a chance of getting that.
  18. Thedane

    I'd rather have them take their time, than rush anything. Whatever it takes for Akane to stay within the scene, and not push himself beyond his limits.
  19. Grabbing this one, never thought I'd ever own anything by these guys.
  20. So underrated, shame, they're amazing.
  21. Thedane

    Japanese releases. Oldest: Cocobat - Cocobat Crunch (april 1992) Newest: GAGA - 恍惚の花-コウコツノハナ- (2015/02/25) <-- I'm not entirely sure that's my newest one.. it's the newest one in my hand, but there's some newer stuff on the way. I only support japanese bands, so there's nothing else to add.
  22. Daaaaamn that sounds like an amazing rerecording. Just hope it wont be as hard to get my hands on as the first.
  23. Sounds like I want him to, can't complain, unless this is just as hard to get my hands on.
  24. Thank god, did not like the new name.
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