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Everything posted by Thedane

  1. For the same reason as pulling off practical jokes on strangers, then trying to use 'Chill dude it was a joke' to save your butt, you can't just make fun of someone like that. Unless obviously and clearly specified, making fun of others/bands/toaster brand of coice or whatever, is mean and unnecessary. And no I don't herd around words, never heard of that before. If you got more to say, throw me a private message so we wont fill out this thread with nonsense.
  2. Thedane

    Now we're talking, should be able to grab that. Love the artwork as well <3
  3. Calling names ARE insults.... since when is that fun, sarcasm with no base? You didn't like EAT YOU ALIVE, fine, end of story. Let's all be quiet and enjoy GAGA.
  4. Thedane

    They have enough songs for a one-man already? Good lord <3
  5. It... sounds... so... much... like... アルルカン's vocalist.... please, tell me I'm not the only one who thinks so. Or the guy from 「xxx」is DEAD.... but, he retired? This will bug me all week >-<
  6. Thedane

    This is by far the best decision this band have done so far, if I can get their.. "1st" single, I'll grab this as well.
  7. I'll just join the somewhat empty rows of seats for people that are excited about this.
  8. You'll be missed dearly dude, enjoy your time off! Return with full power!
  9. That's good I'd assume, dedicating their focus to ensure a good quality release.
  10. Not sure what to make of it... sounds alright I guess, just wish the samples were longer.
  11. Oh thank god.. revive was a pain to even find a decent price on.. sad to see them go, but at least they do a decent exit.
  12. Potential to be an even better CodeRebirth... but we'll see. The name... far east dizain... design?
  13. Thedane

    I have no respect for people like that... I hope the band will continue onwards without him.
  14. Since everything... except 'OVER', is marked as trial version (which I assume is their way of saying it's a demo?) makes me assume they'll all be released at a later date, mini-album or full album. I honestly don't see why to go through all the trouble of these "trials" if it's not for a full release.
  15. Nooooo... they were amazing ):
  16. Thedane

    Glorious! Can't wait!
  17. Thedane

    What the actual.. f.... god damn it.
  18. Thedane

    If this is anything like Sicks, then it will be... well... sick!
  19. Thedane

    I can't express how much I'm looking forward to this, they've been rock solid so far.
  20. Thedane

    ZAKU finally using his voice for something decent again, thank god.
  21. Thedane

    Much much much better.
  22. I wonder what happens in this band... since every vocalist they've had just.. leaves, very suddenly. Do they abuse them or something?
  23. Not exactly the best looking cover in history, oh well, it's the sound that matters ^^
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