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Everything posted by Thedane

  1. Thedane

    Poor guy.. that's horrible :S
  2. Thedane

    Vodka, sweet, potentially good.
  3. Grabbing Psycho-pas$ the second I see it's available for ordering.
  4. Sweet jesus, that's jyulie alright. Sounds amazing
  5. Thedane

    They're amazing <3
  6. Sure as hell looks like JyuLie... swords and everything.
  7. Thedane

    ... Good lord, that's sad.. he was talented. Rest in peace.
  8. YES!!!!! <3 Can't wait :b
  9. Rik Mayall is dead... what a loss.

  10. Thedane

    I'm literally fucking crying... this is the worst... poor him... I'm out of words.
  11. Sounds... hollow... not too sure, guess I'll find out when I buy it o:
  12. Thedane

    God damn it... they were fantastic.
  13. Thedane

    That... was short oO
  14. Yay!... not really more to say about this.
  15. Thedane

    That could potentially be good.
  16. Thedane

    Photo number 6 looks like Vanish http://www.last.fm/music/%EF%BC%B6%EF%BD%81%EF%BD%8E%EF%BD%89%EF%BD%93%EF%BD%88/+images/40009007 Some of the rest looks familiar, but bands change looks so often.. it's hard to remember them all.
  17. Fingers crossed this seed will grow into something.
  18. Thedane

    This will be my last update by the way.
  19. Thedane

    That's the first t-shirt I've disliked from a band, rather unfortunate...
  20. This doesn't seem well for them... gah, time to cross my fingers on both hands.
  21. So their full album, what'll become of that? Oh well, fingers crossed their previous one will get back with them, still my favorite vocalist they've had.
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