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Everything posted by Thedane

  1. Thedane

    They better not disband, they're amazing.
  2. Thedane

    Explains why they haven't added it to their online shop yet.
  3. Thedane

    1. Casually frozen Crown's cheek 2. Shatter Silence 3. HEXVOID 4. INFERNAL REVULSION 5. Apoptosis 6. My Eggplant Died Yesterday 7. Day of reckoning 8. Blood Stain Child 9. INFECTION 10. HONE YOUR SENSE Not exactly j-rock, but all japanese non vk bands.
  4. Thedane

    Like a bloody Valluna, at least the first look I saw of theirs.
  5. Thedane

    That was close, oh well, there goes another one. I assume so at least.
  6. That moment, when you give someone a CD as a present, and the first thing they do, is toss away the obi... a small piece of you die inside.

    1. hiroki


      it's the slip of paper that wraps around the spine of the CD

    2. Tetora


      Oh, I am familiar with obi used for many things. Yeah I always keep those even though they are useless, lol.

    3. Thedane


      It's a part of the CD, without it... it's incomplete... just... bah!

    4. Show next comments  57 more
  7. Depending on what valuable goods he is "taking"... doubt they want to see him again. Sucks though, I liked his vocals.
  8. Thedane

    ^ Well, they've might been having a lot of bad luck. More popular bands touring/playing at the same dates elsewhere, lack of advertisement.. all that. I knew they had it a bit rough... but, not this bad.
  9. Oh.. so he is not leaving? Fair enough, seemed too odd to just leave like that.
  10. What the hell.. guess his throat still has problems.
  11. Thedane

    .... god damn it. That wont change anything about their album, right?
  12. Thedane

    They just want to bond with their fans.
  13. Thedane

    And I'll just remain confident, that DEATHGAZE will keep on releasing songs I'll enjoy. This was solid, I can't point a finger at any second that I didn't like.
  14. At long last, the stuff arrived. Technically it arrived pretty fast, but the customs held it back for a bit, I have no idea why. No damage, just perfect. Thank you!
  15. Thedane

    Aww... I liked shibuya, it had a catchy thing to it.
  16. Thedane

    BALLY, purely for Ryo's flawless vocals. They really hit the spot for me. Leaves me with high hopes for SIREN.
  17. Thedane

    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BUV9ZZCRt5Y I've missed his voice so much
  18. Thedane

    Current line up: Vo.RYO (ex BALLY) Gt.LEO (ex NaiL) Gt.YUNE (HYBRIDS) Ba.AMA https://www.facebook.com/VisualrockSiren Their first demo 'Sabbath' will be available for download, when they get around to posting it (today I think, if I got the time difference correct and such) Live footage of another song, WONDERLAND
  19. Thedane

    So for the European eat you alive tour, hide yo' women, hide yo' sisters, hide yo' mothers.
  20. Time to play, and finish, Dino Crisis 2 in 2 hours and 30 minutes.

  21. Thedane

    Aw no, I'll miss his voice.
  22. Thedane

    Good to know I'm not the only one from Denmark (as far as I've seen anyway)
  23. Thedane

    This is by far, one of the best single malts I've ever had. If you want a highland single malt, that massages every inch of your tongue, this is a must.
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