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    Furik reacted to nekkichi in 砂月 -SATSUKI- new album, "REBOOT" release   
    Cardi B ain't safe from the legendary trap nihonjin chanteuse and her food-court crowds
    I wonder how long this embarrassing phase is going to last for her
    is she gonna drop an official mosburger urban EP
    is Japanese rap doomed or saved
  3. Like
    Furik reacted to herpes in 砂月 -SATSUKI- new album, "REBOOT" release   
    this bitch isn't even the first result on spotify for "satsuki" how does he expect to sell an album
  4. Like
    Furik got a reaction from Mamo in DEXCORE   
    DEXCORE has officially been uploaded onto Spotify as of today. 
  5. Like
    Furik reacted to nekkichi in 砂月 -SATSUKI- new album, "REBOOT" release   
    I'm lowkey speechless and I'll have to buy a dozen healing crystals or smth to ground myself and separate art from the artist to enjoy ReS again at this point.
    I wonder what was her thought process if she considered this a worthwhile risk
  6. Like
    Furik reacted to EzraEroguro in 砂月 -SATSUKI- new album, "REBOOT" release   
    Seriously, Satsuki used to be queen back in the day.
    Girl is seriously busted as fuck, now. I dunno what she's doing with her life.

    Why is she rapping? Who gave this the okay?
  7. Thanks
    Furik reacted to ghost in Dir en grey   
    This is how I would describe all their albums. I figure you can start with what sounds appealing to you and make your way around. My personal favs are Macabre, Vulgar, and Arche.

    Gauze - Classic 80's/90's jrock with a bit of bite, a nice mix of pop songs and heavy metal
    Macabre - An evolution of Gauze with more experimentation
    Kisou - Crunchier, heavier, and more industrial than the previous two
    Vulgar - An evolution of Kisou, heavier, more industrial and refined. Still retains a fun upbeat atmosphere. Strong Western rock influence.
    Withering to Death - A stripped down form of Vulgar with less industrial sounds. Even stronger Western influences and a darker more vicious listening experience.
    Marrow of the Bone - Raw, violent, unrefined and dark. Very depressing and hopeless atmosphere.
    Uroboros - A change in direction. Injects strong oriental and spiritual vibes into their sound. The album is a journey.
    Dum Spiro Spero - It's like an exaggeration of Uroboros. Takes the sounds from previous album and intensifies everything. More spiritual vibes, heavier, more contemporary/avantegarde song writing.
    Arche - A return to form. You can hear a bit of all their past work mixed in with their current sound. Overall, a softer more tame listening experience.
  8. Like
    Furik reacted to WhirlingBlack in Dir en grey   
    Start from the beginning and work your way forward. It's a time investment but it's interesting to follow the bands evolution and as a new listener you have a chance to do it much faster than the rest of us could. 
  9. Like
    Furik reacted to Saishu in Dir en grey   
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    Furik got a reaction from patientZERO in dexcore New Single 「BLACK PIG」   
    It’s not good but at least they are making an effort of releasing it on multiple streaming platforms. I guess they know they have a decent following abroad. 
    I think they put out more good stuff than crap anyway so I’ll let this pass. 👍
  11. Like
    Furik got a reaction from Mamo in dexcore New Single 「BLACK PIG」   
    It’s not good but at least they are making an effort of releasing it on multiple streaming platforms. I guess they know they have a decent following abroad. 
    I think they put out more good stuff than crap anyway so I’ll let this pass. 👍
  12. Like
    Furik reacted to Nowhere Girl in DIR EN GREY new single "人間を被る" (Ningen wo Kaburu) release   
    It'll probably surface sometime in the next two weeks.
    Release date is 25th April, which is almost no time at all.
  13. Like
    Furik reacted to Saishu in DIR EN GREY new single "人間を被る" (Ningen wo Kaburu) release   
    Looks exactly the way I thought it would sound. 
  14. Like
    Furik reacted to Nowhere Girl in Dir en grey   
    Totally agree. Best album since ARCHE for sure. Much meta in concept. So memes. It's good to see them poking fun at themselves for a change instead of taking everything so seriously.
    My personal favourite tracks are 'Self-Indulgent Pretentiousness' and 'WE MADE VK BRÖÖTAL'. I'm sure I'm not alone in thinking that 'Another Song About Suicide' is absolutely the greatest album closer they've done to date, seconded only by Taiyou no Ao.
    The cover of TOOL's 'Maynard's Dick' is just icing on the cake.
    Even though 75% of this album is just remakes, I still feel it'll go down as one of DEG's finest works. Hearing the entirety of Lindbergh's speech in the new MASK is especially poignant, especially after the crushing brutality of the new shovel-djent version of Zakuro. Don't know about you guys, but I absolutely love that they gave The Domestic Fucker Family the JEALOUS -reverse- treatment.
    I wonder if they would have performed 'INWARD SCREAM pt. 524' live the same way as it appears on the album or whether they'd have just continued on with 525 in the next show. Shame we'll never know. The coolest thing is that if you take all 523 previous INWARD SCREAMs and play them back-to-back at 325 times the speed, they actually make a demo of this song.
    It's sad we'll never see them live again. But hey, I guess being on the road for over 20 years will do that to a band. I'm happy we were able to get one final great effort from them before they disbanded. 
  15. Like
    Furik reacted to saishuu in Dir en grey   
    love this new album, can't believe ningen wo kaburu led us to believe it would suck
  16. Like
    Furik reacted to heresytrash in the GazettE   
    TOMORROW NEVER DIES is a fan favorite I believe because of the message. It's a song Ruki wrote for fans and encouraging them not to commit suicide, that it's not the answer even if life is hard. So I'm thinking that's part of the reason why people love it so much, even if the song itself isn't so great. At least two of my friends within the fandom have TOMORROW NEVER DIES tattooed on them.
  17. Like
    Furik reacted to Saishu in Dir en grey   
    Fuck all of DEG’s production. They never get that shit right. 
  18. Like
    Furik reacted to Manji 卍 in Dir en grey   
    Please just give me that same "Vulgar" guitar tone from the last three re records,fuck utafumi production.
  19. Like
    Furik reacted to Jigsaw9 in Dir en grey   
    Can't believe the full song is finally up. It's a bit tricky but I found it at [THE CONTENT OF THIS POST IS FOR PREMIUM MEMBERS ONLY.  YOU NEED A MONOCHROME HEAVEN PREMIUM ACCOUNT TO ACCESS THIS POST]
  20. Like
    Furik got a reaction from Nagisa in the GazettE   
    I’ve had a Heresy membership for the past three years and to be honest I find it relatively cheap compared to other bands. I’m excited to see what they have in store for members during this new era. That being said, I think for what you pay for, you don’t get a whole lot out of it when it comes to their international fans. That’s to be expected. 
    I’m not the biggest GazettE fan nor are they my favorite band but I do appreciate that they’ve since earned the respect they deserve over the years and continue to push out good music for what it’s worth. I don’t mind supporting them any way I can because after bands like 12012 and Sadie calling it quits, there’s only a few other Japanese bands that I even care about anymore.
    I’m getting older, I’m married, have a kid on the way, work way too much and really don’t have the time to get into new music like I used to. So, seeing the GazettE still active and doing their thing and seeing them grow from their Cockayne Soup days to NINE really puts a smile on my face. 
  21. Like
    Furik got a reaction from Ozileras10 in the GazettE   
    I’ve had a Heresy membership for the past three years and to be honest I find it relatively cheap compared to other bands. I’m excited to see what they have in store for members during this new era. That being said, I think for what you pay for, you don’t get a whole lot out of it when it comes to their international fans. That’s to be expected. 
    I’m not the biggest GazettE fan nor are they my favorite band but I do appreciate that they’ve since earned the respect they deserve over the years and continue to push out good music for what it’s worth. I don’t mind supporting them any way I can because after bands like 12012 and Sadie calling it quits, there’s only a few other Japanese bands that I even care about anymore.
    I’m getting older, I’m married, have a kid on the way, work way too much and really don’t have the time to get into new music like I used to. So, seeing the GazettE still active and doing their thing and seeing them grow from their Cockayne Soup days to NINE really puts a smile on my face. 
  22. Like
    Furik got a reaction from EzraEroguro in the GazettE   
    I’ve had a Heresy membership for the past three years and to be honest I find it relatively cheap compared to other bands. I’m excited to see what they have in store for members during this new era. That being said, I think for what you pay for, you don’t get a whole lot out of it when it comes to their international fans. That’s to be expected. 
    I’m not the biggest GazettE fan nor are they my favorite band but I do appreciate that they’ve since earned the respect they deserve over the years and continue to push out good music for what it’s worth. I don’t mind supporting them any way I can because after bands like 12012 and Sadie calling it quits, there’s only a few other Japanese bands that I even care about anymore.
    I’m getting older, I’m married, have a kid on the way, work way too much and really don’t have the time to get into new music like I used to. So, seeing the GazettE still active and doing their thing and seeing them grow from their Cockayne Soup days to NINE really puts a smile on my face. 
  23. Like
    Furik got a reaction from AyaRukiA in the GazettE   
    I’ve had a Heresy membership for the past three years and to be honest I find it relatively cheap compared to other bands. I’m excited to see what they have in store for members during this new era. That being said, I think for what you pay for, you don’t get a whole lot out of it when it comes to their international fans. That’s to be expected. 
    I’m not the biggest GazettE fan nor are they my favorite band but I do appreciate that they’ve since earned the respect they deserve over the years and continue to push out good music for what it’s worth. I don’t mind supporting them any way I can because after bands like 12012 and Sadie calling it quits, there’s only a few other Japanese bands that I even care about anymore.
    I’m getting older, I’m married, have a kid on the way, work way too much and really don’t have the time to get into new music like I used to. So, seeing the GazettE still active and doing their thing and seeing them grow from their Cockayne Soup days to NINE really puts a smile on my face. 
  24. Like
    Furik reacted to nekkichi in 砂月 -SATSUKI- new album, "REBOOT" release   
    deaf ppl
  25. Like
    Furik got a reaction from Seimeisen in the GazettE   
    I’ve had a Heresy membership for the past three years and to be honest I find it relatively cheap compared to other bands. I’m excited to see what they have in store for members during this new era. That being said, I think for what you pay for, you don’t get a whole lot out of it when it comes to their international fans. That’s to be expected. 
    I’m not the biggest GazettE fan nor are they my favorite band but I do appreciate that they’ve since earned the respect they deserve over the years and continue to push out good music for what it’s worth. I don’t mind supporting them any way I can because after bands like 12012 and Sadie calling it quits, there’s only a few other Japanese bands that I even care about anymore.
    I’m getting older, I’m married, have a kid on the way, work way too much and really don’t have the time to get into new music like I used to. So, seeing the GazettE still active and doing their thing and seeing them grow from their Cockayne Soup days to NINE really puts a smile on my face. 
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