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Everything posted by jduv86

  1. jduv86

    So now that we finally got our hands on full versions of the songs, what do you all think of the follow up to Grimoire? Zoey - right on par with Abzu! Sets the stage for some really epic sh*t to follow beautifully! These voices they keep using in their instrumentals ARE AWESOME! 5/5 Venom - And it comes rolling in! Believe me, sir I already "Got the f*ck up!". That "Penny toe, penny toe, penny toe" (I know that's not what he's saying) part in the pre chorus gets annoying to me after awhile and I wish they just let the instrumental play during that part. The chorus is underwhelming to me though. THE BREAKDOWN IS F*CKIN' BRUTAL AS HELL! Really great song with minor imperfections. 4/5 Puppet Creature - Perfect except that weird transition around 1:40 where it almost sounds like a completely different song. It reminds me of when Disaster went into that transition into the slow part. It just doesn't fit that well to me. I think it should have been left out. Other than that, a very good song to keep the energy going. I love the quirky clapping too! 4/5 V.I.P. -PERFECT. Seriously! PERFECT! No complaints AT ALL! A great lead single! So catchy! 5+/5 Defect in Perfection - Despite, the great vocals and instrumental, the only thing that really stuck with me this song is the brutal breakdown at the end. I'm just a sucker for brutal breakdowns. All I heard was cool guitar riffs and nice harsh vocals, but nothing different. 3/5 FATE - F*CK....YES! Another perfect song! The beginning before the instruments kick in kind of reminds me of what Rise Above was doing but this is done on a much better scale. This is an EXCELLENT finisher and is my favorite on the album! I feel he could have been a little more emotional on the chorus (hit some higher notes maybe), but it still works well. 5/5 The mini seems to be more focused on energy and melting your face which is great. The instrumentals and vocals are outstanding! If anything, this proves that NB are top notch in their genre and deserve praise. They also use electronic elements EFFECTIVELY EVERYTIME! There isn't an "over the top you're doing it too much" thing ANYWHERE. There are small imperfections here and there. They have to work on their weird 180 transitions in the middle of the song. Sometimes it works, sometimes it's like "Wait...what did you just do there?" I would have liked to hear them try to do another ballad like Aster as well. We know they can be brutal as hell, but can they do more than just Aster? or was that just a ballad thrown together just so you could say you have a ballad on the album? Overall: 4.5/5. Hands down the best mini album release this year IMO with Grimoire possibly being the best album of the year. THESE GUYS ARE ON FIRE!
  2. jduv86

    But I do find myself being more and more fond of Stupid Tiny Insects. It totally replaces Headache Man, Discharge, and all the other numerous heavy songs like it (Ogre and more).
  3. jduv86

    After my old account was hacked into, I'm now on this one https://twitter.com/FraeCanvas
  4. jduv86

    I like the song but not as much as "Be the Light". I really like their ballads a lot. The song is definitely no "Nilli Mambo" or "Nalina", but for taking a year off and dealing with all that controversy, I think this is a good comeback. I'd prefer out of the whole mini album if their lead single would have been "Nice Day", but this'll do. I don't like the video or dance of this song to be honest though. I don't get it at all and the dance is seems kind of like they through it together right before the video.
  5. jduv86

    I actually think this is their best come back ever since like Lucifer. Sherlock was close, but I think that chorus for Sherlock is kind of "blah". The other songs that were lead tracks were IMO not memorable or just not that good (couldn't STAND Dream Girl). This song actually is very very good! I feel like they tore it up and the dancing is awesome! Probably my favorite SHINee song ever to be honest.
  6. jduv86

    I agree...the songs aren't really that great for Trouble Maker. But I must say that Hyuna sounds really good in "I Like" with Flowsik. Why can't they have her do more songs like that for her solo albums instead of songs like "Ice Cream"? or more songs like "Change" (her first solo single).
  7. jduv86

    Drunk drinking a milkshake...lol
  8. jduv86

    I love that picture of Gunji! You have a really distinct style! Love it!
  9. jduv86

    Really awesome work! I can't say there is one that I particularly like over the other to be honest. Your color schemes are really great too!
  10. WELL DAMN, NB!! You just can't wait to get more music out there! Sh*t! I'm not complaining!
  11. jduv86

    Oh! lol My bad. I guess I should have clarified better. But I do agree that in those two songs his bassline was interesting though I expect that from Karasu since he wrote that. lol
  12. jduv86

    ^ Bro, I didn't mean audio wise. I can hear the bass fine...I meant nothing too interesting is going on bassline wise IMO
  13. jduv86

    Being the band that actually got me into VK scene, I have an undying loyalty to them that will cause me to always follow them. That being stated, I haven't been too impressed with them like many of you as of late. However, I always approach anything they do with optimism kind of like a puppy who is always glad their owner comes home after work. So here goes! MALFORMED BOX: Probably their best intro song for any of their albums! Usually, I listen to the instrumental once and them skip over them the other times. This one can't be skipped at all! it sets up a perfect mood for what's too follow...5/5 INSIDE BEAST: With the lyrical content of this song and the children in the video/ possibly the background voices, I was like "WTF" lol, BUT this song is put together very well. A fun and catchy song that shows a great blend of their electric sound. Like someone mentioned before, the Gazette do it right this time by having an electronic lead and just flowing along with it instead of having it be an added bleep or so just for the sake of having an electronic noise. Always gets me dancing! 4/5 UNTIL IT BURNS OUT: I want to like this song a lot, but I find myself zoning out half way through it. I do like the chorus, but after hearing Inside Beast, this is kind of just standard. Nothing too special about this... song...2.5/5 DEVOURING ONE ANOTHER: Yeah sounds like a Manson song...I can hear it. However, this somehow feels more of a B-side on a single than a song that should be on an album. That being stated, I really enjoy a lot of Gazette's B-sides...I do commend them for exploring territory here (I don't think I've heard them do a Manson style song before), but it's not strong enough for an album 3/5 FADELESS: No...just no....I can't! This song never grows on me and I think it is the worse song Gazette has ever done...well...next to Break Me...ugh. Anyway, the female vocals in the chorus should be removed and overall it just bores me. 1/5 for a throwback rock sound. REDO: A guilty pleasure of mine because it DOES remind me of Sumire and I adore Sumire! I like the dat-dat-dat and the whoo-hoo- hoo hoo at the end. Very mellow song that feels good to listen to on a nice long drive on a sunny day (I did this yesterday). 4/5 LAST HEAVEN: Not my favorite ballad of theirs, but definitely a solid one. I like this song, just not as much as everyone else. It is beautifully crafted...but something is missing from it that I can't put my finger on that stops it from being a "Reila" or "Chizuru" or "Kare Uta". I think maybe it's the safe factor...kind of in the line of "Pledge". 3/5 LOSS: The woman vocals are placed here PERFECTLY! Probably the best utilization they've had with female vocals. That pre-chorus literally gives me goosebumps. It just sounds so pleasant on my ears. During that part though, I would have Ruki hit some pretty high notes like he did in the second verse of "Hesitation Means Death"(around the 1:25 mark in that song). I would have just had Kai's drumming more slower pace BUT it doesn't take away from the enjoyable factor of this song. 4/5 THE STUPID TINY INSECT: I imagine this is a fun live song! If I was in the crowd at a concert, I would be all over this song head banging and jumping all over the place. This is like the Headache Man, the DISCHARGE, etc of the album that serves no purpose but to get the people hype and headbanging. I do EXACTLY that. 3.5/5 IN BLOSSOM: I like the whisper parts of this song, but I think they could have left out the overly heavy intro as it wasn't needed at all. The female vocals in the chorus are good. I think Ruki does a good job of vocal back and forth with the female vocals and he hits some nice high notes too. Decent, but not decent enough. 2.5/5 鴉: Reita! There you are! I think it's cool how Ruki is saying the lyrics, but at the same time, I remember a song that had a similar vocal technique in the past and I wasn't really into that song too much. I can't remember the name of it at the moment. I commend the different approach though. I feel more than any other song on here, this is a filler. 2/5 黒く澄んだ空と残骸と片翅: The heavier parts are cool in this song, but the chorus really sucks things out of this song. I zoned out in this...2/5 TO DAZZLING DARKNESS: The female vocals are great in this song, but I feel Ruki could have performed better on his vocals in this song. It seems he doesn't try to stretch his range anymore which makes this song just "eh". If he would have played with some higher notes, the chorus would have sounded so pretty with the female vocals...bored with this...1.5/5 CODA: AN ALBUM OF THIS! THIS SH*T RIGHT HERE! HELL YEAH! My only wish is that this was a whole song! Perfect! more than 5/5! Overall 3.5/5 - You know what I would LOVE from the Gazette!?! Another mini album! I feel like everytime they release a CD since being with Sony, they make 1/2 and 1/2 albums. 1/2 the songs are really cool or decently enjoyable. The other 1/2 is kind of boring or not a good look. Beautiful Deformity Mini album -Limited Type- 1. Maleformed Box 2. INSIDE BEAST 3. STUPID TINY INSECTS 4. LOSS 5. Redo 6. Last Heaven 7. CODA with DEVOURING ONE ANOTHER as an additional song on the regular edition. I think this would be their best mini album if they did that. This is definitely a more focused effort though compared to TOXIC and DIVISION! I really commend for that. The songs seem to flow in and out of each other really well. They finally were able to incorporate the electronic sound in a great way! None of the songs sound god awful (though I DO despise Fadeless), but non of the songs are on the caliber of INSIDE BEAST which is such a different type of song for them that it shades over most of the album (most NOT all). This album does prove the Gazette are NOT out of the fight yet and they are slowly making there way back to greatness. PROS: -Ruki's screams and shouts sound really good in most of the songs -The songs I listed for a mini album -Kai! You did so amazing with your drumming! -Aoi and Uruha playing different parts in the songs! woot! -Female vocals are very effective CONS: -Though the female vocals are placed well, Ruki's vocals in a lot of the song sound one dimensional and boring... -Reita, I still barely notice you and it SUCKS because YOU are my favorite bassist (but good job on Karasu...too bad Ruki's vocals F*CKED it up lol)! -some of the chorus lines were boring...more do to Ruki's vocals...
  14. jduv86

    FINALLY!!!!!! WOOT!!!!!!!!
  15. jduv86

    Promotional Image from my graphic novel "Endlocke"
  16. Sounds really great! Can't wait! Meto...you have my heart forever
  17. at least the horrible side projects aren't continuing... lol
  18. jduv86

    I'm just so amazed at how the band has comeback! That break really helped them to focus their sound and make even stronger music. This band is definitely at the top in VK. Why aren't they as popular as say (sorry because I love them so much...) Gazette!? Like seriously! They really construct some great music! It never gets old! I'm still blasting sh** from their first mini album. lol.
  19. jduv86

    This put a smile on face so much! I'm really enjoying the samples! ...they should have kept Fadeless off the CD though... CAN'T WAIT!!!!!!!!!!
  20. jduv86

    I like the preview for "Femdom", but the rest is eh...It's like that for all Born singles. 2 songs that are eh and 1 song that is pretty cool sounding (and it's usually one of the B-sides).
  21. interested. Look forward to hearing more!
  22. jduv86

    This band does no wrong! I really like this look too
  23. jduv86

    I would say for Alice Nine probably "Fantasy" -Nocturnal Bloodlust - obviously "Sphere" -Mejibray "Sabbato" or maybe "Avalon"? -SCREW "Kairos" - Sadie "Meisai" - UNITE "Starting Over"
  24. jduv86

    Kare uta, Guren, Dim Scene, Chizuru....just to add a few more lol
  25. Yeahs! I was very impressed with this song! The other remakes are hit or miss on the singles, but this was a great new song for them! I loved every moment of it!
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