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Everything posted by jduv86

  1. I like the chorus for what it is as I'm always down for the super catchiness, but I don't think it fits well in this song. It seems to just come out of nowhere and I feel like the song overstays its welcome too. Maybe shave off a minute or so. I'm not down for trying to stuff everything into a song just to stuff it into the song...possibly cut the breakdown down or the solo section (or maybe solo over top of the final chorus and into the outro) or the song break that is at around 3:20. I appreciate the ambition and overall the song is good, but I don't think this'll be a song I repeat to often (though I said that about Strike in Fact and that didn't happen. lol We'll see). Still looking forward to the album.
  2. jduv86

    I like the song so far. Its very promising at least for them...I like the look but Ryoga's flexing is weird. lol. B-sides are doing good. I prefer Ryoga over Byou though. At least he tries to go flex his voice every now and then. I feel like Byou's range is small and limited.
  3. jduv86

    awwwww sh*T! My neck is now sore! rock out!
  4. The PV is kind of boring to me. The song is safe, bland, and repetitive. It's probably the worse song I've heard from them in their whole discography. I think it's better as a filler in the album.
  5. jduv86

    That hiatus really did wonders. This is just as good as Missing and way better than that other single which I can't remember the name of currently.
  6. Please excuse me while I change my underwear... THAT WAS F*CKIN SICK!!
  7. jduv86

    I agree. The Rinkaku look was beast! I loved it. This one is decent, but Toshiya looks like hes cosplaying a Japanese Hercules and Kyo looks like he's in some bondage wear.
  8. It was bound to happen lol. I kept retreating almost all of their post and tweeting their videos and such then including them in the tweet XD
  9. My undying loyalty to My undying loyalty to everything TenTen and the fact that they follow me on twitter won't allow me to acknowledge that statement!! lol I really like the songs though! I think this is a more solid release then their first single.
  10. jduv86

    ^ Its on their "Gloster" mini album
  11. This sounds really beautiful. Besides their first album, I can say I love everything they release.
  12. jduv86

    What's new about it? I can't pinpoint it.
  13. jduv86

    The title of the video says its for 2015! I was about to ask why the hell would they wait so long!?!? lol. I'm glad it was just a mistake. Can't wait!
  14. jduv86

    I think both songs sound really cool. I can't wait!
  15. jduv86

    Seems really good so far but I need a little more to feed off of. At least I'll enjoy the chorus. I'm really glad they stopped those PV spots where its not a mixed down version of the song.
  16. jduv86

    They sound ok. I feel like I'll like this album more than Madrigal de Maria and Cold Blood, but it's just decent.
  17. jduv86

    they sound f*ckin' awesome!
  18. jduv86

    The only songs I haven't liked so far from this is the Jolly Rodger. So I'm pretty stoked for this.
  19. It's pretty much Nega with a tighter sound lol. Love it!
  20. jduv86

    I agree with Shaneth. I think this sounds better than V (minus Utsushiyo Horrorshow. That song kicked ass). Follow sounds great! Can't wait....but that track 8...I didn't like the preview at all.
  21. I'm really happy that there are so many new songs and their look is awesome for this! Can't wait!
  22. jduv86

    eh...we'll see what happens with their album. The song was "eh" but it sounded like they were about to bust into a cool main riff before it cut off. That Mao look XD....those pants XD....everyone else looks cool though.
  23. jduv86

    If that part was the chorus around 4:34, I hope it sounds better than that in the final production...just saying those highs were kind of annoying. However, I'm really excited that they are back. I was really heartbroken that shit started going down hill after they released their best song to date "Paranoid Personality"....first the band member leaving and then Akane's health...Welcome back D.I.D. Let's get this party started again!
  24. jduv86

    ...oh exist trace...its just really disheartening that they've turned this way in my opinion. I really wish they stay the way they were. They could have possibly been the equivalent of a female Nocturnal Bloodlust or something which would have been so much different from anything else for females at least. -sigh-
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