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Everything posted by jduv86

  1. jduv86

    Damn! I totally need to move. All the people who are doing music related things that I want to do are in NY. MD shows VK no love
  2. Out of the 3 singles, this is probably my 2nd favorite. decent so far. We'll see where it goes.
  3. jduv86

    Just finished Deadman Wonderland....not sure what to watch next...any suggestions? Kind of want to watch some movies instead of a series....
  4. I like the look, but I think this is a horrible photo for them. It just looks odd. Too much photoshopping on the right side makes Koichi look like WHOA! in a bad way...but I'm jealous of Meto! He honestly DOES NO WRONG!!!!!!!!
  5. jduv86

    I'm happy about this, but DEG comparison...I I agree with Augie....maybe a little bit here and there, but honestly I can totally tell a Dir en Grey song from a Sadie one very easily. Also, Sadie has a ton of songs that I couldn't imagine DIr en Grey doing at all...Rain Fall, Ice Romancer, Red Line, Kagerou, Setsugekka....I know I'm skipping around, but DEG wouldn't do stuff like that... My only gripe is that the songs...I don't know...the singles are inconsistent - they'll make some thing like Dress, Madara, etc (amazing songs) and then turn around and make something like Rain Falls, Setsugekka, ec (bland songs)...and then the album comes out and the songs all seem like a bunch of fillers...like nothing is "DAMN! THAT SH** ROCKS" ...Haven't been amazed with any full album pass Master of Romance. Still my hopes are high as they have proven they can still make really awesome songs.
  6. jduv86

    I like the cover actually, BUT FORBIDDEN BEAVER~!?!?!?! wow! lol Probably going to be their heavy song. Or maybe something like Clever Monkey
  7. jduv86

    There was a better quality one, but it was taken down... : / https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=56D0q7-6hjg
  8. jduv86

    I decided to take a break and do some random fanart. Blanka vs Pikachu. Who remembers this death battle?
  9. I am! ARGH! lol....yeah...I know not really...funny... : /
  10. weird....BUT VERY VERY AWESOME!!!!!!
  11. I like this even better than small world order!
  12. jduv86

    more vistlip gold...
  13. jduv86

    Love Due le Quartzc, but a new singer...sorry Sakito...but his vocals just aren't too good for me... I wasn't talking from the stand point of the whole fan base...I meant me personally...I only agreed with bakteeri's statement about that sound being the sound I wish he'd go back to and I've always claimed that Kavki Boiz and that album were my favorite of his....sad it didn't sell as good as it should have, but I still think it's his best work and my personal favorite.
  14. jduv86

    ^ I agree with bakteeri so hard! Back to Samurai Sessions and This Iz the Japanese Kabuki Rock album style please! After hearing the whole song, I kind of like it. But I wouldn't want a whole album based around this type of musical theme.
  15. oh no! One of my favorite singers... I wish him a speedy recovery.
  16. jduv86

    I agree on L' arc en Ciel...love their music, but I just can't get into them personally. I've seen L' arc en Ciel once in my life and Hyde twice...I feel the band members are kind of boring which makes me dislike them and Hyde is like mentioned before try hard so hard. Sometimes he comes off as really fake to me. I would also say 12012...Wataru...ever since the woman hitting incident...I just don't feel him too much...everyone else in the band is just unnoticeable personality wise...but they have put out decent music (not recently, but their overall discography has been good)
  17. jduv86

    ....I love you so damn much Xtripx...welcome back!
  18. jduv86

    I actually like the look...but that song... . Kind of wish he went back to his Samurai Session days... hmmm...it would be cool if him and Melody released an album together though...I always enjoyed her music.
  19. jduv86

    In a Kpop mood currently: MBLAQ "Smokey Girl"
  20. jduv86

    My taste in music can be summarized in this order: How interesting the melody is: Whether it be the notes played, an unique or complex way of how the riffs are played, how melodies intertwine or play off each other, etc... Vocalist: A boring song can be saved with a beautiful vocalist. It could be a song only consisting of 3 different power chords and if the vocalists sounds amazing (Gackt back in the day, Satsuki, Isshi, etc)...I could be sucked into that song easily. How catchy it is: I'm a huge fan of catchy chorus lines. I remember I listened to Fairy Tale Gothic by Metis Gretel over and over because the vocal melody in the chorus was addictive to me despite me not liking any other parts of the song. It's becomes so bad at times, I've actually purchase CDs of bands I didn't particularly like so much just because a couple of their songs have had some really catchy parts to it. How energetic it is: Sometimes I just feel like head banging and jumping around. I don't mind the all open note, chugga lugga, and breakdown fun. Other genre references: I like when rock bands can take a moment out to possibly do a dub step sequence or like rnb/pop/hip hop, etc type thing in the middle of their songs. It's very interesting....it also probably has to do with the fact that my best friend is a DJ so I hear a lot of it all the time. I guess it kind of hits me on a different personal level...I do not like however when VK uses jazz influence...
  21. jduv86

    Very awesome sounding. Out of the older songs, I'd wish they would have through double on there too, but it's still great!
  22. jduv86

    Pretty decent song thus far. The chorus is a little...dry to me. Nothing special...but overall I like the overall flow of the song.
  23. jduv86

    Finally sat down and watched Speed Grapher like I wanted to for the longest time I've also been watching some older popular stuff High School of the Dead D-Gray Man Soul Eater
  24. Hmm...I like it though I'd wish they wouldn't abandon their roots all together. The first thing that appealed to me about existtrace was an all girl group with a girl who could scream really well. I would love for them to blend their heavier side with this new direction (along with Miko singing too). It seems like they are now putting out anime-ish type songs...but I do enjoy this.
  25. jduv86

    woot! Sounds like a sick album! I already like the singles that came from this album way better than Order Made's singles (minus Strawberry Butterfly...love that song). Can't wait!
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