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Everything posted by fitear1590

  1. Cool! Hopefully, the older tracks will be re-recorded.
  2. fitear1590

    What. The. Actual. Fuck.
  3. fitear1590

    I'll have to rewatch Suspiria at some point. Maybe I just wasn't in the right mood for viewing it the first time around, haha. Thoughts on The Fly? I only saw it once, but barring modern torture porn-y stuff (which is basically like "cheating"), this was one of the most gruesome, cringe-inducing horror movies I've ever seen. Pretty good 80s sci-fi horror! Great performance by Jeff Goldblum!
  4. Cool, they're a pretty refreshing band. Looking forward to this!
  5. fitear1590

    Woo hoo! Ijuuin Yuki is putting out another album on April 23rd: 月曜日と金曜日 ~Sugar Hi Junnie ~ Side One ~mercy side ~1.彼女は金曜日 featuring RUMI 2.Midnight Train featuring Meiso 3.愛の逃亡者 featuring B.I.G. JOE 4.愛なき世界で featuring タカツキ 5.ハートエイクのブルース featuring DARTHREIDER Side Two ~romantic side ~6.マリーの24時間だけの恋 featuring HAIIRO DE ROSSI 7.パパのブルー・スウェード・シューズ featuring KEN THE 390 8.Butterfly Lady featuring BASI 9.帰れない二人 ~遠雷篇~ featuring 鬼 10.世界でいちばん幸福な男と女 I already pre-ordered it. Very excited!
  6. fitear1590

    Shion's vocals are pretty decent! Sounds similar to Rubik's vocalist actually!
  7. fitear1590

    I really miss Falaris/Faralis. Cheap gothy VK goodness at its best, backed by legitimately good neoclassical guitar. Really a shame that the guitarists disappeared after this. Falaris https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/32838985/Songs/01%20In%20case%20of....mp3 Faralis https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/32838985/Songs/01%20Floral.mp3
  8. Finally active on tumblr: http://fitear1590.tumblr.com/ Follow me if you want to see random music video/films stills, German/Japanese/Filipino stuff, and lots of homemade bloody GIFs (among other things) :D

    1. digi


      followed! I like your blog content ;o;

    2. Tetora
    3. CAT5



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  9. In honor of Yukimi (who will be leaving UNiTE for issues with his back), here's one of my favorite songs composed by him:

    1. Tetora


      Nice. Hope he returns one day, but if he doesnt I am sure he will succeed in his other ventures.

    2. ricchubunny


      This song is flawlessssssss

  10. Hoping for less "Louis," more "Symphony of the Vampire"! Looking forward to these, especially the album!
  11. fitear1590

    Omg... poor guy. I hope it's nothing too awful serious. This sucks extra since he's been an "original" member since Canzel... I wish him the best. And I really love his (few) songs for UNiTE!
  12. Agreed about the drumming, but I'm enjoying Kaya's voice in this non-electronic context. Overall, I'm getting similar vibes to VII-Sense in the sense that the music is kinda all over the place, but at least Kaya can handle his falsettos unlike ShauJuk. The ending part of the preview is really cool. Looking forward to the full version.
  13. Wow, already a third album! "踊れ細胞" is coming out on May 14, 2014. Album trailer: PV for イマ人:
  14. Oh, please let it be good. I just hope they're not as cheap sounding as Secilia Luna. So much potential ruined with awful synths. Goofy ass band name though, haha.
  15. fitear1590

    Hey DanSar48, I'm also half-Filipino Glad you found some stuff you enjoyed in this thread! Definitely check out the Vandals on the Wall site and I'm sure you'll find even more stuff to your liking! And thanks for linking Freddie Aguilar. The name sounded familiar, but I'd never heard anything by him. The song you linked is awesome! Bear, I don't have much to offer metal-wise, but I do recall my brother coming across a Filipino "slam death" band at one point. I remember this only because the phrase "slam death" is so funny to me, haha. I wonder what the band's name was though...
  16. I'm so proud of their massive improvement since their mini-album and first singles. This sounds awesome! Love all the background synth. Honestly wasn't expecting this kind of song given their goofy-ass new look. Fortunately, they're in shadow for most of the PV, haha.
  17. fitear1590

    I'm not well-versed enough in horror movies to contribute much, but I absolutely love Scream and Misery. The opening scene of Scream remains legendary. The movies that followed weren't so great. The Scream series had kinda fallen into the same cliches/formulaic plots it was making fun of, but they had just enough wit/twists that it still made for a fun viewing. I know Scream 4 was pretty much just made to appease longtime fans, but I loved it, haha. I think it could have addressed more aspects of the "modern" horror genre (well, one character did mention that it's all just "torture porn"), but I suppose it did a decent job of upping the gore factor compared to its predecessors. And Misery... awesome performances from both leads. Great, chilling story! Also fast foward to the 2000s, I love/hate House of Wax, haha. I think the story is pretty cool. Granted, I haven't seen the original, so I don't know how much it desecrates it. I may just be an Elisha Cuthbert fanboy, but I think the movie is a bit underrated overall. Yes, there are some shitty aspects (wtF is Paris Hilton doing there?!) that make you think it's just another teen slasher, but still, enjoyed it nonetheless. Also, would I be crucified instantly for thinking Suspiria sucks? I don't know, but I was expecting something amazing with all the Dario Argento hype. I guess the movie hasn't aged well, because it mostly just came off as cheesy and obnoxious, imo. I also did not appreciate the soundtrack. And it has the worst tagline ever, haha: "The only thing more terrifying than the last 12 minutes of this film are the first 80". Please be gentle with my awful taste in horror, Bear.
  18. Yes! Bring on IZABEL VAROSA pt. 2!
  19. fitear1590

    ^Yes, plz. I also need Japanese Adele/Amy Winehouse-esque music.
  20. Does anyone know who provides the guest female vox on Moran's new mini-album (track 3: ネガイトウタ)?

    1. hiroki


      Apparently provided by a certain 横澤??ん. Maybe I can check the credits when I get my copy =P

    2. Sakura Seven

      Sakura Seven

      the booklet says laura yokozawa

    3. fitear1590


      Cool, thanks guyz!

  21. Oops, you're totally right! I guess I was just expecting "The Heavy Metallic Girl" or some version of "別れ", haha. But... now I'm even more confused, because there's no vocals in the listed track! I guess it will be rearranged to have Shiina on vox? Looking forward to it.
  22. Omg, that pic is outrageous(ly awesome). Shame she's not covering any ICHIGO ICHIE though!
  23. fitear1590

    If you don't like lazy reposting, then I suggest attaching a password to you file like "fuck_yo_blogspot". That would AT LEAST ensure that the people would reupload it (which would at least be semi-helpful in the long run, in case something happens with your upload), but other than that, I don't have any constructive suggestions...
  24. Hmm, I would like them to branch out and release something bigger than a 2 song single... Excited though!
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