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Everything posted by fitear1590

  1. fitear1590

    Damn, I was convinced I would just buy the iTunes version of the album, but now they're offering two unreleased CD-R's if you buy from Tower Records or HMV. Tower Records CD: 雨、降り続く雨 HMV CD: 或る夜 If I do get one, it will just have to be the HMV one (don't want to go through a shopping service for Tower Records), but this certainly complicates things a bit...
  2. fitear1590

    DIV - 夏の行方 (natsu no yukue) Reason: Not sure what it means or if it's just random, but I simply love the composition. Who knew goldfish and marbles (?) would be a winning combination? Plus, the black background also makes the colors pop intensely. 戸川純 (Jun Togawa) - 玉姫様 (Tamahime sama) Reason: It's mysterious and creepy in a subtle way. I can easily imagine this being a still from an 80s horror movie, like The Fly - or in this case, The Dragonfly. Ehpion - Re:union Reason: Once again, simple, yet stark imagery. It's gorgeous and reminds me of an old Dutch still life painting. the god and death stars - addle apple Reason: So simple, yet so iconic! It definitely makes an impression. I'll never forget this album cover. I think I've learned that I tend to like the following in my album art a. simple b. mysterious c. black backgrounds with bursts of color d. any combination of the above Of the albums that were already posted, I'm also enjoying Boris' and FOLLOW THE WHITE RABBIT's.
  3. fitear1590

    This is so not my forte when it comes to music, but Jesse Ruins are one of my favorite Japanese electronic groups. In 2012, they were my "study music" band, haha. There are technically vocals, but they're so muddled (plus, indiscernible) that they fade right into the music. Relax with these galactic tunes:
  4. fitear1590

    NICE, congrats on having the (almost) complete Souiumono discography I hope you're able to get Cee-もう一人のwa.ta.shi- as well, even if it is really expensive... Unfortunately, I agree that the band might have dropped a little bit in quality since joining Timely Records. Actually, まだ来ないANGEL is my least favorite release by them. (But, I haven't heard タランチュラ yet, so maybe that one is worse??) I know some people appreciate the fact that it's kind of like Poitrine, but I never really liked those electronic, poppy tracks; the b-sides were good, but nothing that spectacular. But their releases on Timely Records aren't all bad, because like I mentioned above, 殺人鬼の棲む街 is one of my two favorite singles! I really like it when they do the occasional dark/crazy tracks like 魔物大行進 from that single and 毒メスシリンダー. SACCI's voice is really versatile. But I'm withholding final judgment of their Timely Records era until their album comes out. There's like 18 tracks or something ridiculous, so I think we'll have a pretty good idea of what they're capable of after this! I'm excited for the tracklist to come out. I wonder how many of those 18 will be new songs. Just making sure you've listened to the version of NANDAKANDA on the シスター村 single. That one is heavier and has better production, so RPG-souiumono has their moments too, haha.
  5. fitear1590

    サウイフモノ (souiumono) website last.fm Vocals: SACCI Guitar: nono Guitar: ヒロバッキー (hiro backy) Bass: ぬっぺ (nuppe) Drums: カムイ (kamui) ex-guitarist: ドンキー (donkey) サウイフモノ (souiumono) formed as a trio in 2011 with its vocalist and bassist being former members of the band ポワトリン (poitrine). During this time, the band donned Smurf/Tellytubby-inspired blue skin and headgear. With this lineup, they released their first single パッパパッパラッタ(pappapa palata) followed by a live-distributed single. After the departure of guitarist Donkey in February 2012, the band filled the lineup with ex-DragonWAPPPPPPER guitarist nono, ex-フカモカ(fukamoka) guitarist hiro backy, and drummer kamui. Since then, the band has dropped their "blue" look and worn primarily fantasy/RPG-inspired outfits. They even released two RPG computer games to accompany their singles. One of the things that definitely sets the band apart from their contemporaries is their sense of humor. In March 2014, they will end the streak of singles, releasing their first full album. Discography: 2011.03.03 パッパパッパラッタ [maxi-single] 2011.07.02 Cee-もう一人のwa.ta.shi- [live-distributed single] 2012.06.27 シスター村 [maxi-single] 2012.08.03 サンバリゾート [live-sold single] 2012.09.26 くびはねるつるぎ/毒メスシリンダー [maxi-single] 2012.12.12 まだ来ないANGEL [maxi-single] 2013.02.24 殺人鬼の棲む街 [maxi-single] 2013.10.02 V-ANIME ROCKS evolution [omnibus album; track 11, the WORLD (DEATH NOTE)] 2013.10.02 大嫌いなこの星に生まれて [maxi-single] 2013.12.04 タランチュラ [maxi-single] 2014.03.05 ラグナロク [album] Videos: Any fans of サウイフモノ? They're not the most consistent band in the world, but I really like a few of their releases (the 殺人鬼の棲む街 & くびはねるつるぎ / 毒メスシリンダー singles, plus NANDAKANDA are my absolute favorites.) Not to mention, I think SACCI has awesome vocals! I'm really looking forward to their album to see what they can really do. Hopefully they don't disappoint! Favorite member? Favorite song/release? Discuss all things サウイフモノ here!
  6. From Facebook: I hope that means "we'll definitely be performing these!"
  7. Woo-hoo! Lots of albums to look forward to in 2014!
  8. fitear1590

    Well, it's pretty simple for me. UNiTE is one of my absolute favorite VK bands. DIV is also a new favorite and Kameleo is pretty good. I don't really follow the rest of the bands, but based solely on these 3 DC bands and the fact that I don't listen to or care about ANY of the PSC bands, I have to go with Danger Crue. Plus, as Ricchu mentioned, DC a really active YouTube channel which I appreciate. Kameleo's PVs are even translated into Korean, Chinese, English (and possibly other languages), so it's nice to see they have overseas fans' interests in mind! I wish UNiTE's and DIV's videos were translated too,
  9. fitear1590

    I rarely use GIFs, but my body is ready
  10. fitear1590

    Agreed! This is a Ru:natic I can get on board with.
  11. fitear1590

    Sorry, man. The youtube upload is all I have and since my DVD is chilling in the US right now, I won't be able to rip it in the foreseeable future. Glad you all enjoyed! They definitely seem like a really energetic/fun band to see live! I also agree with what you said about the drumming, dibur! That was something I started really noticing on their first album. She definitely goes above and beyond!
  12. fitear1590

    I made it "unlisted" so hopefully it will also go "unnoticed" by their label, haha. I uploaded this a few months ago and it's still here, whereas their publicly uploaded videos tend to be removed within a day or so!
  13. fitear1590

    Here's disc 1 from the Spark of Flower DVD! Enjoy! 01. 潜在証明 02. Re:myend! 03. メルシールー 04. フラワー 05. メイドミー・・・ 06. 街 07. トレモロ 08. week...end 09. たしかなうた 10. greatwall 11. nameless 12. ループ 13. カロン 14. sharp ♯
  14. fitear1590

    Here's the full version! Damn, those were some chuggy riffs! Something was off-putting about the PV though. The dark sky and the super windy scenes of the band playing made the PV seem a bit ominous, haha. Anyway, looking forward to the full album!
  15. fitear1590

    What the fuck!?!?! Their new single doesn't sound like them at all... Well, vocally, you can still tell it's Nemesis, but the music has gone a rather K-poppy direction... Feeling very strange about this. I wonder if there next full release will be in this style (really hope not) or if this is just a one-time thing...
  16. Make sure to submit your vote for the 2013 MH J-Rock Awards! Time is ticking! http://www.monochrome-heaven.com/topic/25438-monochrome-heaven-j-rock-awards-2013-voting/

  17. fitear1590

    Nice video indeed! Eggknock is such an awesome track. Really enjoyed the entire mini-album actually. Can't wait for what they do next!
  18. fitear1590

    *teary eyed* Glad to see you enjoyed this one, d00d! "Daisy Miller pt. 2" is probably one of my favorite songs of the year.
  19. Was für deutsche Filme und Fernsehserien guckt ihr gern? Das heißt keine synchronisierte Scheiße aus den USA, sondern echte deutsche Produktionen! An der Uni hatte ich einen deutschen Filmkurs, also kenne ich ein paar sogenannte "Klassiker" wie M, Metropolis, Das Cabinet des Dr. Caligari, usw. Manche berühmte Filme finde ich ein bisschen langweilig, zum Beispiel Die Blechtrommel oder Der Himmel über Berlin. Aber unter „ernstem Kino“ geniesse ich schon die „Autorenfilme“ von Rainer Werner Fassbinder (Angst essen Seelen auf, Die Ehe der Maria Braun, Die bitteren Tränen der Petra von Kant, usw.), Fatih Akin (Gegen die Wand, Auf der anderen Seite, usw.), und Michael Haneke (Funny Games), unter anderem. Andere Filme die ich gut finde: Good Bye, Lenin! Kirschblüten – Hanami Sophie Scholl – Die letzten Tage Die Welle Comedian Harmonists Almanya - Wilkommen in Deutschland Türkisch für Anfänger Fack ju Göthe u.a. Mit den Fernsehserien kenne ich mich nicht so gut aus. Ich hatte Türkisch für Anfänger [2006-2008] zufällig gefunden und fand die Serie sofort super! Eine übertriebe, krasse satirische Komödie über eine deutsch-türkische Patchwork-Familie! Manchmal ein bisschen melodramatisch, aber meistens sehr witzig geschrieben. Und obwohl es ziemlich "politisch unkorrekt" war, gab es irgendwie eine "family friendly" Atmosphäre. Sowas habe ich in den USA nie gesehen. Außerdem finde ich die Schauspieler sehr gut und passend! Seitdem habe ich den Drehbuchautor (Bora Dagtekin) und seine neue Filme (er ist jetzt auch Regisseur) verfolgt. Ich bin ein richtiger Dagtekin-Fanboy. Obwohl ich den („ganz neu fürs Kino erzählten“) Türkisch für Anfänger Kinofilm [2012] nicht SO gut fand wie die Serie, ist er immer noch sehenswert. Und Dagtekins jüngster Film, die Schulkomödie Fack ju Göthe [2013] habe ich auch wirklich genossen! Er und Hauptdarsteller Elyas M’Barek sind ein gutes Team, finde ich. Dagtekin hat auch das Drehbuch für Doctors Diary [2008-2011] geschrieben, aber ich habe die Serie noch nicht gesehen. Ich weiß nicht, ob eine romantische Arztserie so mein Ding wäre, haha. (Wenn jemand hier die Show kennt, ist es sehenswert?) Außer Türkisch für Anfänger mag ich auch Der Tatortreiniger [2011]. Das ist eine ziemlich neue Entdeckung für mich und weil ich auf schwarze Komödie stehe, find ich die Serie toll! „Meine Arbeit fängt da an, wo sich andere vor Entsetzen übergeben,“ einfach geil, haha. Es gibt viele witzige Dialoge in jeder Folge. Ich habe gelesen, dass der Drehbuchautor auch die berühmte Show „Stromberg“ geschrieben hat. Ich habe nur ein paar Folgen davon gesehen und ja, es war lustig, aber VIEL zu ähnlich zu „The Office,“ auch vom Kamerastil her. Tja, das war‘s! Wie gesagt, was für deutsche Filme und Fernsehserien guckt ihr gern, bzw. was könnt ihr mich empfehlen? Ich glaube meine Perspektive von deutschen Filmen und Fersehserien ist immer noch zu amerikanisch. Außer die Dagtekin-Produktionen und Der Tatortreiniger, habe ich hauptsächlich deutsche Filme gesehen, die auch in den USA herausgebracht wurden (und diese Auswahl ist ziemlich klein)! Dazu haben die meisten etwas mit dem 2. Weltkrieg oder der DDR-Zeit zu tun, aber das ist ein ganz anderes Thema, haha. Ich würde mich freuen, wenn ihr über eure Lieblingsfilme und -serien posten könntet! Was das Genre betrifft, gucke ich am liebsten schwarze Komödien, aber ich bin nicht „picky.“ Mainstream oder experimental, egal! (Aber sag bitte nicht „Es gibt keine gute deutsche Serien.“ „Wenige gute Serien“ könnte ich vielleicht akzeptieren, aber diese Meinung habe ich von so vielen gehört und dann gucken sie nur synchronisierte ProSieben-Sendungen wie „Two and a Half Men“ und ich hasse diese Show, haha.)
  20. fitear1590

    Reviving this thread, because I came across this gem on youtube: Dee is so hilarious. Best one-liners in the show!
  21. Received my ticket to the Köln show today! I thought I procrastinated, but my ticket says "No. 0024" lol. There's also 212 tickets still available on the sales website... German fans on the whole must be very pro-Kamijo, haha.
  22. fitear1590

    Shoutout to Vandals on the Wall, a great blog for mostly underground Filipino music! A few artists on this thread were discovered on that site! Here's some additional artists I'm enjoying! Lions and Acrobats Good indie rock band with some post-rocky/slight math tendencies. Great, atmospheric composition, solid male vox. This song is in English. Nora Aunor Simple folk songs from the 70s. Very nostalgic. My Lolo's favorite LP, haha. Conscious & the Goodness The "Independent Filipino Soul Band" formerly known as Mike's Apartment. Simple and classy. "Dalagang Pilipina" is the first 2014 song I love, haha. Soundcloud: https://soundcloud.com/consciousandthegoodness/dalagang-pilipina HUMANFOLK A supergroup of well-known Filipino musicians that perform sublime "world music." This particular song has lyrics which mostly consist of reciting the Filipino alphabet and it still manages to captivate! Check them out on Spotify. KZ Tandingan KZ Tandingan is a soulful pop singer with some beautiful pipes. I believe she competed on X Factor or some other singing show. Not sure if she won, but she's certainly talented! Love her smoky voice! Check her album out on Spotify. Peryodiko Alternative rock group with a great balance of chuggy riffs and emotional vocals. Not my usual style of music, but this song pulled me in!
  23. fitear1590

    Thank you both! So far, the more "jaunty" part after the slow piano in Nakano Aya's song and the Julee Karen song are pretty close to what I'm looking for! And Champ, the "group" aspect is definitely not important, haha. I should add that 吉澤嘉代子 (Kayoko Yoshizawa) is indeed a Japanese musician that embodies the old "girl group" sound very well! Kudos to Miasma/Zess for sharing her with MH! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WXfrVTftwpg
  24. fitear1590

    *SLOW CLAP* This might be the first year, where I’m familiar with/ actually listened to a handful of the artists on your list, haha. Even though they didn’t make my own AOTY lists, I’m really pleased to see Toro y Moi, Sister Crayon, Blue Hawaii, Wolf People, and Gregory Porter. I remember you saying you enjoyed the Purson album, so I was sad it didn’t make the cut, but I guess you have Blood Ceremony and Jex Thoth instead, I’ll have to check those out when I get time. Babi sounds like it could almost fit in the Azumanga Daioh anime, haha. I like the “portuguese” tag on Linda Martini, Based on the samples, I am definitely interested in hearing the releases by Doppelzimmer, Lantern Parade, Lycoriscoris, Play Dead Season, ミツメ, Daughter, Frandé, Jhené Aiko, and Lanterns on the Lake, among others. One late addition to my own list that could interest you as well is "Department M" and their self-titled mini-album. You were a fan of GRAMMATICS, right? Well, this is the solo project vocalist/guitarist Owen Brinley and this time he's making dark, 80's inspired electronic stuff. Slightly off-topic, but how did you get mp3 samples to work? The last time I tried the usual dropbox method, it didn’t work…
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