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Everything posted by fitear1590

  1. Good for them for getting a label, but this one??? Will of course reserve judgment until I actually hear new material though.
  2. fitear1590

    Different! I love it. Their pianist is a goddess.
  3. fitear1590

    Ability to take normal photos: 0%
  4. A tribute to Japanese (or at least visual kei) audience headbanging: http://fitear1590.tumblr.com/post/87789773771/a-lesson-in-japanese-girl-headbanging-type-a

    1. colorful人生


      dat sync doe

      (Amazing how it's so erratic, yet so organized o.o)

    2. fitear1590


      ^right??! It's fascinating, haha.

      Ricchu, it may be time for the DVD to be released from Fitear's Vault! I'll try to upload this weekend, Icchi-hater :)

    3. ricchubunny



    4. Show next comments  81 more
  5. Need some MediaFire help. Any idea why my uploads (RARs/ZIPs, at least) never begin? They just stay "queued" indefinitely...

    1. CAT5


      try renaming ur files to something random

    2. Gaz


      try to remove kanjis from the archive's name

    3. fitear1590


      Thanks d00dz! It looks like it was the kanji that was the issue. Problem solved!

  6. fitear1590

    Guitarist Sebin Ha uploaded a video of him practicing "fusion jazz" on Facebook. Enjoy!
  7. fitear1590

    yayy~ [2]
  8. fitear1590

    Headbang with that top hat, gurrl. They're really energetic live!
  9. fitear1590

    You have some cool stuff on your tumblr, so I followed you! Welcome, even though you've been here for a few months already,
  10. fitear1590

    I think so! I didn't get the DVD in March and I like the tracklist on this one a little more.
  11. fitear1590

    Cover art released Looking forward to this!
  12. fitear1590

    I am dying @ "edgy blood type"
  13. fitear1590

    I'm glad the girls' injuries don't seem to be life-threatening, but what the actual fuck? Humanity continues to lower the bar...
  14. fitear1590

    I like what I've heard of Shion so far. He honestly kind of sounds like the old vocalist Kei. I'm glad we finally have a release announcement. Really looking forward to this.
  15. fitear1590

    Whoa, a kc+loid song! (Or did Ruellia also do "終わらない世界"?) Also, lol. That Dragon Ball explanation is golden.
  16. fitear1590

    Thanks for posting, everyone! Kyouka's squeals truly are insane, yet enjoyable. Also Owl, regarding VII-Sense Nothing's wrong with you, haha. I just personally have a low tolerance for exaggerated/awkward VK falsettos. It just sounds to me like ShauJuk was straining himself a LOT and it surprised me that they let that get through to the studio version of the song (ie. not just a demo). Anyway, here's a few more from me: The Good Bo Ningen in most songs (vocalist: Taigen Kawabe) The lusciously long hair (of all four members) of this psych rock band is actually not the most striking thing about them, but rather the vocalist's wild, high-pitched yelps. Very weird when you first hear it, but it matches the off-kilter/energetic sound of the music quite well. 実験台モルモット (Jikkendai Marmot) in a lot of songs (vocalist: Tani Takuma) Jikkendai Marmot has made a name for themselves thanks to their chipper jazzy pop (although, I hear the lyrics might actually be pretty depressing on some tracks). Singer Tani seems to have vocal ADD, abruptly going into super high falsettos and challenging the listener to keep up with his impressive tempo. Not excatly "WTF" like some of the others on this list, but I really had to stop and admire Tani's vocals the first time I heard this particular song. https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/32838985/Samples/01%20jikkendai%20-kisekae-%20ningyougeki.mp3 The Bad D in "7th Rose" (vocalist: Asagi) I think we were all confused when 7th Rose came out... How do you even describe the sounds coming out of Asagi's mouth? Falsetto screamo rap? In any case, NOT enjoying it.
  17. fitear1590

    ^Yeah, it was sad the album only featured a few new tracks. I hadn't heard a lot of the b-sides anyway, so it wasn't a big deal. Still, it would've been nice if the old tracks were rerecorded or somehow revamped, but as an idol elitist informed us on last.fm "DUH, IDOL GROUPS DON'T DO THAT!" Oh. ANYWAY, this band is highly amusing. Their lives and PVs always make me laugh just from their sheer ridiculousness. The most unfortunate thing about this band is seeing metal creeps perv out to a bunch of young girls... Also, I kinda wish the backing band members would get a little more credit, but I was happy to see in that recent live trailer that they do guitar solos and stuff. Speaking of which, BABYMETAL is coming to Germany just days after I'm leaving... Otherwise, I seriously would've considered going, haha. In any case, looking forward to whatever they do next. I think the voices of the 2 "dancers/screamers" have gotten more tolerable on the album's new tracks, so they'll probably be even better on their next release.
  18. fitear1590

    ANYWAY Just out of curiosity, to the people who are NOT digging DIV's current sound (Ricchu, Ichibayo, karin-adele, Jon_Jonz, etc.), at what point (which release) do you think DIV started going downhill?
  19. fitear1590

    Not being nitpicky, but I was just curious myself after you mentioned this. According to my count, they have 38 individual tracks released so far (not counting ANSWER, 夏の行方, and SEASONS from the "ZERO ONE" album since they were already on singles and not counting the 2 remixes on the ゴールデンキネマ劇場 single). Still very impressive! I didn't realize they had that many songs yet!
  20. If they do overseas shipping, that'd be cool. It's always nice to have more choices!
  21. Besides the disjointed "fast talking" part from 2:57-3:16ish, I'm loving this song. Neat video too.
  22. fitear1590

    Wow, already another album... I didn't love NEVERLAND, but still looking forward to this.
  23. fitear1590

    WTF-inducing Japanese vocals At least from the perspective of an English speaker, I think Japanese vocalists can sometimes produce the strangest sounds from their mouth holes. Let's discuss those moments here. Now, "WTF-inducing" doesn't necessarily mean bad; in fact, I have more positive than negative examples! Here are a few examples of Japanese vocals that completely took me off guard the first time I heard them. The Good 愛狂います。 (Aicle) in "豚の王様「ニトログリセリン」" (Vocalist: Emiru) This song consists of about 3 lines of actual lyrics. The rest of the "vocals" come in the form of grunts, screeches, growls, and yes, pig oinks. Wonky as shit, but I love this track. 女王蜂 (Ziyoou-vachi) in all of their songs, tbh (Vocalist: Avu-chan) Avu-chan tends to switch abruptly between a gruff "male" voice and squeaky "female" voice, just adding another layer of weirdness on this major-label noisy ass punk group. 戸川純 (Jun Togawa) in "パンク蛹化の女" Jun Togawa was always nuts, but I think this "punk" version of her hit song "mushi no onna" illustrates in the most obvious way just how "out there" here anti-idol act was. Listen to her scream her heart out passionately over a delightfully cheerful synth version of Pachelbel's Canon! 己龍 (Kiryu) in most songs (Vocalist: Mahiro) I think Mahiro has to be one of the most consistently "extreme" vocalists in VK. He's frantic, sounds like he's on the verge of crying, he moans, cackles, and growls like a demon. Love him! 神聖かまってちゃん (shinsei kamattechan) in most songs (Vocalist: Noko) Similar to Jun Togawa, there's a raw, yet childish energy to Noko's vocals. HOWEVER, Noko is actually a guy. He pitch shifts and adds other effects to achieve this scary sound. Just imagine a grown man saying "fuck you" in pitch shifted baby vocals... The Bad 己龍 (Kiryu) in "鬼祭" (Vocalist: Mahiro) As much as I love Mahiro's craziness, I do think he went overboard on one song. In 鬼祭, he does inhale-y growls through the song's entire chorus. It's just off-putting and doesn't really work. Going for falsetto notes that you can't hit There are plenty of examples for this, but I'll focus on Shaura of the band VII-Sense. Just watch this clip (hopefully it starts at the right time) and see if you can listen to the entire vocal outro without cringing. The sad thing is I liked his voice in all his previous bands! I don't know what happened... The Raid. in "JUDGEMENT" (Vocalist: sena) The Raid. have come to embody what I dislike about 80% of current VK, so apologies for the bias. (All the more disappointing, because I really enjoyed the preview for their first single.) ANYWAY, just watch the video. From their weak-ass "airy" growls to the absolutely goofy falsetto in the chorus, nothing meshes. I just have a very confused look on my face when I see this video. Discuss! Post your own examples (youtube videos in "spoilers," please!)
  24. fitear1590

    NICE! I really like your style, d00d. You have a gift! Following your art tumblr! I'm requesting Takemasa from Kiryu:
  25. fitear1590

    Here's mine! "Movies, TV, music videos, (street) art, photography, my dogs, German stuff, random findings, whatever. Oh, and bloody GIFs." That still seems to be accurate so far, haha.
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