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Everything posted by fitear1590

  1. Wow, the vocalists of Dear L'Novel, Scarlet Valse, Lacroix Despheres, AO, etc... So what exactly does this rose kei fruit troupe do?
  2. fitear1590

    Finally made it to your list, benibana! Here's some of my thoughts: TK from 凛として時雨 - I've been meaning to check this out since your review. Sample sounded nice! (I don't know why I find it so amusing that he tacked on "from 凛として時雨" to his name; anyone who's ever heard ling tosite can identify him instantly, haha.) Plastic Tree - So good. Blasphemous, but I've never really tried them out... I'm gonna have to right that wrong, now! yazzmad - More like YASSmad. I just got into them last year, but I overlooked this mini in the sea of great 2014 releases. Just listened to it and it seems to be another helping of awesomeness. Definitely would've made it on my own list, at least in the honorable mention section. PLASTICZOOMS - The Engrish isn't my thing, but I can see some definite potential here. Shiina Ringo - Another album that squeaked past me in 2014... :/ Ferri - Sounds quite relaxing. Might listen to this while studying MACO - Not my kind of thing, but I will say her version of "Roar" is much better. Katy Perry is trash! Good variety, btw! Thanks for sharing
  3. fitear1590

    The chili dog is important in fully conveying my feelings. True, but this is way better than 2013 and 2014 without Itsue!
  4. fitear1590

    I've been meaning to reply to this, so I'm going to comment on some notable picks. Here goes! chouchou merged syrups. - While I do agree it's better than since, I'm still having trouble getting into this. I'm just not digging the vocalist (though she has improved!) Cloud nine(9) - This is solid! Didn't listen to really any math-rock stuff last year, so I'll have to check this out. Unfortunately, their bandcamp link doesn't seem to work anymore! CONCERT - Lawd, the accuracy of your "Lamp x cornelius" comparison. This sounds fantastic! macaroom - Lovely! Might fill the the gap that neue nahel has left in my heart. And interesting about the Croatian songs. mothercoat - Quirky... I like! orcaorca - I can get on board with this. Beautiful stuff! アルカラ - I've been meaning to officially check them out and this seems like a good place to start!z ふつうのしあわせ - I love me some off-kilter, spastic shit. Like a tamer (but catchier) version of the act we act? 撃鉄 - I remember this being played on plug and loving their energy FKA twigs - Miasma introduced me to her EP last year, but it slipped my mind to check out her new album. Cool stuff. Kan Wakan - If this sample is any indication of the rest of the album's material, I will love this. Kilo Kish - This is great! Her voice works really well with the sing-talking. Kimbra - As far as I'm concerned, Kimbra has now surpassed Janelle Monae. Good sample pick; "Madhouse" is one of my favorites from the album! Monogrenade - Gorgeous Temples - Definitely a solid album, but they were just edged out by Moodoïd on my list. Tide/Edit - I've seen their name around, but haven't checked them out yet. Nonetheless, glad to see a Filipino band made your list! PS: nothing wrong with a "self-indulgent" EOTY list I'd rather read that and get an actual feel for someone's taste, than just what "should" be included on the list according to "popular" opinion. Thanks for sharing, bruh!
  5. fitear1590

    Kiryu always have been at the forefront of multi-type fuckery, haha. I'm interested to see just how different the 10 types will be.
  6. fitear1590

    Damn, they will be missed. Hopefully, their members will continue making music in new bands.
  7. fitear1590

    Time for another post! First, two important video updates from artists already introduced: Kaapin - Melusina Regardless of what you think of the music, the video is worth a watch. Trippy animation! Spazzkid - Truly I've shared this video on plug and on my EOTY list. This purikura-inspired video is all about fun and matches the bouncier approach to the music on his most recent Promise EP. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- And now for some recent English-language discoveries! No Rome Jittery samples and autotuned vocals with the perfect amount of pop-punk whininess. Somehow, I find myself really enjoying this! Bubble Based Boy Nerd pop. This guy sings catchy tunes with awesome vocal harmonies about topics like psychology and Google Glass. Bandcamp: https://bubblebasedboy.bandcamp.com/track/thoughts-are-for-the-conscious-mind Farewell Fair Weather Easy listening pop-jazz with sweet female vox by Mic Manalo. Akira Medina Can't say I know much about this guy, but his instrumental/electronic song and visually stunning video immediately grabbed my attention. Three.! Simple and dreamy, but not in the standard shoegazey/dream pop sense. Much more understated. Bandcamp: https://threemusic.bandcamp.com/track/eye Sud There's a surprising warmth to these guys. A sexy, saxy ballad. Another update (next time, with only Filipino-language artists) to follow in the next few days!
  8. fitear1590

    Their Female EP is still the best release, but looking forward to this!
  9. fitear1590

    Sounds more my style than the overly synthy "Oh Yeah!!!!!!!" single.
  10. fitear1590

    That still appears to be drummer Ruri-chan.
  11. fitear1590

    Thanks for the further comments Zeus! Sakura, Moran is another one of those bands that I don't understand why they don't have more of a following! Trying to help out, gurrl! They kicked ass this year. CAT, reading through your comments was a blast. I'm glad you found so much stuff you enjoyed! I actually just learned about Payung Teduh on YouTube a week or so before releasing this list. Maybe it was a "related video" for Noh Salleh, but in any case, I enjoy them too! So your recommendation is spot-on! Do you listen to much Indonesian/Malaysian music?
  12. fitear1590

    (first of all, sorry for the late reply!) Definitely found some cool things on your godly-formatted list! I'm a fan of some of 101A's material, but I don't follow them closely enough, so thanks for bringing their release to my attention! Perturbator (you're right, dat name...) sounds cool as hell! Loving that sci-fi 80s feel. The most pleasant surprises for me were Animals as Leaders, Hail Spirit Noir, and Martyrdöd. "METAL" is simply not a genre I have enough access to. That's why I love looking at these year-end lists (especially, when I don't necessarily have the same taste); you're just bound to find something out of your comfort zone, yet totally worth checking out! Happy to see you also slightly preferred Symphony of the Vampire to Heart. I feel like it was overlooked, since we tend to be (full) album-crazy here on MH (though I did love both releases).
  13. Same! Ah, the WinMX days of collecting album tracks (in various terrible bitrates) over a period of months and compiling them together. I don't think I ever truly completed the Merveilles album that way though, because I couldn't find the intro SE track, haha.
  14. fitear1590

    Surprise, surprise, it's live-limited!
  15. Good god, most generous "preview" I've ever seen! Thanks for sharing that, Ricchu! Glad to see keyboardist NAOKI back again. And a live saxophonist too! Agreed with jduv, the new version of Yakusoku is such an improvement.
  16. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nS0o_HHm1eQ Anyone recognize the female vocals in the "Red Carnation" preview?
  17. fitear1590

    Thanks, ender! Very eclectic mix of "thanks for these" artists yourself. Lemme know if you need help finding any of them! Yay, I'm so happy! The Ijuuin Yuki album is uploaded here, ready for your enjoyment. I'm also glad NEGOTO and Scenarioart piqued your interest! 88Kasyo is definitely an acquired taste, but a rewarding one once they finally "click" they with you! I'm checking out your (extremely well-formatted) list tomorrow, d00d! So far, they are a very consistent band in quality! I hope they can get some more fans! Thanks, bruh! The Ventla album is here, btw!
  18. fitear1590

    Ohh, a tier-list! Hehe, I can't believe BABYMETAL is the band we have in common on our lists. I'm glad at least one other Reviewer appreciates their ridiculousness So far, the bands I'm most interested in checking out are DuelJewel, a crowd of rebellion (almost a VK vibe from the way they mix genres and the over-the-top clean vox?), Age Factory, and UNLIMITS from the Japanese lists. I remember listening to Death From Above 1979 back in the day -- I had no idea it was 10 years since their last album! I'll have to check this out, because it's a style of music that was sorely missing from my playlist this year. I actually checked out Emarosa earlier this year (I think you shared them on Facebook or Plug or something). A decent album overall, but the music video song was still the highlight for me; that guy has a good voice! GOGO STAR sounds pretty neat too! I still have a lot to learn about Korean music.
  19. fitear1590

    Yeah, groups are cool for sharing videos/links and stuff. I'd be down!
  20. fitear1590

    Awesome list, Jig! I'm most interested in checking out Charisma.com, THE GALLO, Goat, Gustave Tiger, and Piresian Beach. I already love The God and Death Stars, so naturally, I will need to listen to that mini as well. And Sukekiyo has been on my "need to check dem out" list since the MH tradeoff. l've never given Lillies and Remains a chance, but their music seems right up my alley; maybe I can get over the vocals!
  21. fitear1590

    Should we add a running poll to the first post, so it's easier to keep track of the bands we "vote" for?
  22. ねごと (NEGOTO) has announced their third album, VISION. It will be self-produced and released on 2015.3.4. The album will have 13 songs total, including the four previously released singles "シンクロマニカ", "真夜中のアンセム", "黄昏のラプソディ", and "アンモナイト!" Regular Edition CD: KSCL 2548 ¥2,870 Limited Edition CD+DVD: KSCL 2546-2547 ¥3,700 DVD:ねごと presents 「お口ポカーン!!“Z”OOM in Z day」 LIVE at EX THEATER ROPPONGI More details to come.
  23. fitear1590

    I'm all for her poppy tracks, but I'm really glad she chose シーラカンス通り from the first mini-album material. Absolutely love that track!
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