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Posts posted by fitear1590

  1. I don't know if it's Filipino music week or what, but quite a few of my faves (most of them already mentioned here) dropped new videos this week!

    June Marieezy - Fly

    (Virgo EP is available on Spotify/Bandcamp)

    Spazzkid - Lovers (played live on sushi, chicken nugget, and cat synths)

    (Promise EP is available on Spotify/Bandcamp)

    Honeydrop - The Place

    (Prelude album is avaiable on Spotify/Bandcamp)

    Loop - Runaway

    (Flirting With The Universe album is available on Spotify/Bandcamp)

    Aaaand, another addition to the thread:

    Rusty Machines
    Their City Lights EP is guaranteed to make an appearance on my end-of-the-year list. Perfectly crafted summer-tastic indie rock.
    Soundcloud: https://rustymachines.bandcamp.com/track/forget-you

  2. Last week, イツエ(itsue) released a youtube video with scenes of recording and at the end, it teased a "new release" soon.

    Now the details are finally here!

    2nd mini-album「今夜絶対」 

    (cover art done by vocalist mizuki)

    1. エピソード
    2. 告白
    3. ネモフィラ
    4. 56番線
    5. トランシーバー
    6. 螺旋
    7. 10番目の月
    8. グッドナイト
    9. 名前のない花束

    Barring a soundcloud demo earlier this year, the band has been a bit inactive with their last official release being in December 2012.


  3. I hope this is going to be better than their previous two singles, or this will be the final nail in Hizaki's coffin. If he doesn't deliver something as good as Heart Slaymijo has succesfully taken the year tbqh.

    I get what you're saying, but I don't see what would be so "final" about it if this album isn't very good. If they follow it with a great new single or mini, we're just going to be like "JUPITER'S BACK, YASS!" again. *shrug*

    But regardless of what this album brings, I think Slaymijo is already guaranteed to be one of the year's top VK artist with an excellent mini album AND full album under his belt!

  4. My friend finally sent me the photo of when we saw/met them live :D

    They also just released their third album Historical Misappropriations and here are a few of my favorites, besides the Maroon 5 one posted above:

    Jason Derulo - Wiggle

    Meghan Trainor - All About That Bass

    Calvin Harris - Summer

    Ariana Grande - Problem

  5.     THE NOVEMBERS - Rhapsody in beauty cover art
            Artist: THE NOVEMBERS
            Album: Rhapsody in beauty
            Score: :_9/10_:
            Fifth time's a charm, right?

    With five albums and a number of EPs under their belt, THE NOVEMBERS have had a hand in the Japanese indie scene for years. Their first EP was released in 2007, but I didn't take the time to listen to them until their third EP, GIFT, in 2012. With no disrespect to their beginnings, they started off as a better-than-average band playing good ol' angular indie rock. They've since evolved into so much more, adopting heavy shoegaze influences. Their most recent releases exhibit a louder, darker sound. So what does their fifth album Rhapsody in beauty have in store?

    The album kicks off with the noisy intro 救世なき巣 (or Xenakis as it's known on the English version of the tracklist). The instrumental features a dense concoction of airy synths and layers of atmospheric distortion. It begins in a chaotic and foreboding manner, but then slowly develops into something blissful. I find myself zoning out to the second half with its euphoric heaviness. It clocks in at almost six minutes, so impatient listeners might find themselves reaching for the skip button. Next up, Sturm und Drang opens with a bang, or rather a shriek. The title, a reference to the German literary period characterized by passion and an outpouring of emotion, is spot-on. The energetic punk riffs, screams, and distortion-filled outbursts conjure up the notion of "Storm and Stress." Due to the repetitive notes in the first half of the track and Yusuke's extremely distant, unintelligible vocals, this track reads like an interlude. Considering it just followed a lengthy instrumental opener, the structure of the album is off to a perplexing start.

    You could say the album gets underway with Xeno and Blood Music.1985. Both songs continue the darker, alternative sound the band began to explore on their previous two releases, Fourth wall and zeitgeist. Expect hi-octane riffs, crashing drums, and powerful, fuzzy bass. Without being predictable, these two choruses have a signature flow that instantly let you know "This is a NOVEMBERS" track. But the best vocal work is yet to come. tu m'(Parallel Ver,) slows things down for a ballad with a hypnotic guitar loop. If you're wondering what "Parallel Ver," refers to, this song is a rerecording from the band's second album Misstopia. This version is noticeably slower than the 2010 one, which in retrospect sounds rushed. This new rendition sounds the way the song was meant to be. The following title track is a rockier approach to the calmer sound just presented. Built around the siren-like guitar riff that repeats throughout the track, Rhapsody in beauty is a dreamy romp into sublime shoegaze territory. Yusuke's vocals simultaneously tread the line between effortless ennui and ecstasy. 236745981 guides you back to the gloomy dark side. About two-thirds through the song, all the distortion is lifted and the song begins to sound like a classic Strokes song! The change is abrupt, but both sections are enjoyable. It's up to you to decide whether the track was patched together convincingly enough. dumb provides one final helping of brooding NOVEMBERS goodness. A deliberate beat and mysterious synths establish a melancholy mood and to top it off, Yusuke shows off a selection of vocal styles: chanting, soaring falsettos, and his gruff scream.

    Romancé begins the last leg of the album. A short percussive intro leads into a section of feathery soft synths and jangly guitar riffs. So begins my favorite album track and one of my favorite NOVEMBERS tracks, period; I'm not sure anything will top Reunion with Marr from GIFT, but this is a damn good attempt. The intro reminds me of something defunct dream pop band Hotel Mexico might have done. But it would be unfair to compare Yusuke to Hotel Mexico's vocalist. Beyond the rich vocals and beautiful harmonies in the second half of the song, everything is in place on Romancé from the breathy synths to the tight basslines and, dare I say, perfect guitar. Sit back, close your eyes, and relax. Heaven must sound something like this. This gentle beast of an album closes with 僕らはなんだったんだろう (Bokurawa Nandattan Darou), a gorgeous acoustic ballad. Despite its length, the song never overstays its welcome. Slowly, the song unfolds in front you. Yusuke delivers an emotional and delicate performance. Matching that, the sole guitar doesn't hide behind any production tricks. You can hear every single strum and twang of the guitar strings. Track two might represent the more violent, visceral side of Sturm und Drang, but this track represents the counterpoint; it's equally as emotional, albeit in a different way.

    Although the best NOVEMBERS release remains GIFT for me, I do tend to prefer their softer, dreamier side. Having said that, Rhapsody in beauty is my favorite album of theirs. It's more memorable and varied than zeitgeist and more consistent than any of their pre-2011 material. I could listen to Yusuke's vocals all day long and this album is further confirmation that he is one of the freshest and most versatile voices in the Japanese indie scene right now. While not without its minor structural flaws, this is a hell of an album, sure to make appearances on many a Monochromium's Album of the Year list. Whether you'd rather float aimlessly through the clouds with Romancé or fuck shit up to the tune of Blood Music.1985, THE NOVEMBERS have you covered. Anyone with even a marginal interest in Japanese indie rock/alternative/shoegaze owes it to themself to check out THE NOVEMBERS' Rhapsody of beauty. You'll be glad you did!

    What did you think about the album?

  6. Dear Dolce was the queen of factory-made VK cheapness, but PIECE's 夢幻の空へ PV has the absolute cheesiest lens flare usage ever (right at the beginning of the clip):

    Hilarious, how it just rotates around the frame, while we observe the band members looking "wistful" in slow motion.

  7. ^To be fair, he said "twits" not "twats," so it's marginally less offensive.  

    His review was obnoxious as hell though.  "Loud person complaining into the camera for several minutes straight with jump cuts" is by far one of my least favorite types of YouTube videos. That and Buzzfeed lists can be obliterated off the face of the planet, plz.

  8. UNiTE. - Rev / ice cover art

    Artist: ユナイト (UNiTE.)
    Single: レヴ (Rev) / ice
    Score: :_9/10_:
    Armed with a new drummer, UNiTE. returns with a brand-new single!

    Earlier this year, UNiTE. lost longtime drummer Yukimi to chronic back problems. Having been a member since the days of キャンゼル (Canzel), the ex-band of three UNiTE. members, he will be missed. With new drummer Sana (ex-EVE's Yoshi), UNiTE.’s 6th single レヴ / ice marks a new beginning. So how does Sana compare to Yukimi? Well, it's a bit early to say, but one thing's for certain: he's more into showmanship. If you watch the Rev PV, you'll see he plays his instrument about 35% of the time and spends the remainder of the time flailing his drumsticks around! But in all seriousness, his drumming has more of a robust sound and he already uses more double bass than Yukimi ever did. I'm looking forward to seeing how his future compositions compare to Yukimi's!

    The single opens up with Rev, composed by guitarist Mio. Dark, ominous synth lines lead into an explosion of chuggy riffs one wouldn’t expect from a group of sparkling VK boys. Prepare to headbang! There’s an interesting rhythm that produces a sense of momentum-- almost a “rev"ving effect. While the initial part of the verse features some clunky Engrish lyrics, it is followed by much smoother, groovier pre-chorus, punctuated by light-as-air synths that squeak their way to the surface of the dense soundscape. This has to be my favorite section of the song. While the chorus is indeed catchy, it's not poppy to the point of disrupting the song-- something you can't say about many of the band's contemporaries. After the second verse, the song slows down for a dose of atmospheric synths and twangy guitar notes, before going into a guitar solo variation of the intro riffs and finishing out with one more blissful chorus. The keyboard outro might be a bit out of place, but it does help to tie the song to UNiTE.’s more typical style. Not to mention, Mio's synth arrangements are always a pleasure. Barring the Engrish, there’s strong vocals throughout the track by Yui. I can see Rev becoming one of the band’s premier “heavy” songs, so for this track, I suggest cranking the volume up to 11 and letting it blast!

    Right away, fans can identify ice as the work of none other than guitarist LiN. Solidifying his reputation as the band’s quirkiest composer, this track stands out, vocally and musically. Of note from Yui, there’s a striking “itadakimasu” intro, a funky falsetto section (it’s not written in the lyrics, but is that English?), and a fast spoken word section reminiscent of oldschool VK. The song is very bass-driven and adds to the urgent, dancey beat. There’s also a slight spooky-tinge that recalls LiN’s classic B-side Love_Duck_Core_Nothing. “Squealing” pre-chorus guitar notes and a creepy “scratchy” fret board effect during that spoken word section are among the commendable moments of tight guitar work; this song outperforms Rev on a technical level. If you're not feeling the song, at least give the video a quick watch. It’s a contender for one of the best VK PVs this year! Just in time for Halloween!

    The final track, 君は知らない (Kimi wa shiranai), is written by Shiina Mio. Keen fans (and eagle-eyed readers) will know that this is a “different” composer than for Rev. In fact, Shiina Mio is in general responsible for softer, poppier tracks, while the Mio “persona” takes over for the heavier, darker tracks. What’s most remarkable about this song is the prominence of acoustic guitar, which hasn’t shown up enough in the band’s repertoire. As soon as the first verse begins, one of the band’s signature traits appears in full force: ADD technical riffing. No other pop-rock band I know features such prevalent guitar work, but Shiina Mio and LiN will not stand for simple power chords. Instead, they trade off notes, go up and down scales, and show off with other riffing shenanigans. It's what makes UNiTE. stand out to me, but some listeners might be turned off by such unrelenting riffs. Yui delivers an emotional and sweet vocal performance, fit for this type of ballad. While the most conventional of the three tracks, Kimi wa shiranai is a welcome acoustic variation of the band's core sound.

    With the double A-side Rev / ice, UNiTE. gained a new drummer and churned out three new songs. So what is the result? Is it “rev”olutionary? I wouldn’t go that far, but it is one of their best singles to date. As a maxi-single, there isn’t much concern about cohesion, so the band uses the three tracks to exhibit three wildly different styles – and they do quite well in all three! I’ve been looping the single for the past few weeks and each song offers something to keep me coming back. While I would say ice is my personal favorite (I'm a LiN fanboy, what can I say?), last.fm tells me that I've listened to Rev the most! Because of the variety and quality of the songs here, the single serves as an excellent starting point for new listeners. So if you’ve been sleeping on UNiTE., now’s the perfect time to give them a chance!

    What did you think about the single?

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