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Reincarnated Really Hot People
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Everything posted by miyuu

  1. miyuu

    lol. i think this for like 98% of visual kei. (but i guess i am amused because i still like vkei and listen)
  2. miyuu

    although i prefer kamijo personally way more. i think on of the pro's of jupiter is they kinda look more youthful. i think my opinion shouldn't matter too much. because i am not a big fan and they (kamijo&jupiter) should do /listen what most of their fans want. but i am getting tired of this endlessly unchanging style. i was so excited when i thought maybe he would do something else. with less visuals. he still looks fine and can definitely pull it off the vampire thing . but until when is he going to do the same thing.(until 70?) i am getting a little tired. i m not sure if he has the voice though for less visuals to succed. i think the biggest pro of kamijo is his personality and appearance for this (haven't seen anyone who can compete with him in that)
  3. miyuu

    OMG mana with kamijo. to be honsest i am sorry for comparing them. and it's too soon. but i more interested about this than jupiter
  4. my point of view. for me that i don't even like this romantic style so much. kamijo has the personality/appearance for that kind of style more than anyone i have seen(and in visual kei that style matters.) i can't explain it really .he is kinda radiant LOL. or mesmerizing? (and not because he is good looking ) even when you look at just pictures of the band. i think it's very difficult to find anyone that can beat him in that. at least if the other had amazing voice. better than kamijo's. i think they even choose someone who has similar voice with kamijo. they could choose someone like juka's voice it really seems like some drama happened between them. i don't undertand why they split up to do the same thing.
  5. miyuu

    ^ that way of thinking. i know.. the visual kei lives and fans in japan have so different mentality than rock fans. or fans that go to underground rock/metal lives and listen to non mainstream or not pop music. i think it's because it's a genre that appearance matters more than music and idolises people as much as pop culture but still is underground and have non mainstream sound. that is contradictory . as much as i love visual kei . i am so used to different way of thinking that vkei annoys me sometimes and seem so stupid. i guess that's the price for liking a genre that appearance matters so much. i am guilty too lol but i just have my limits . for example.you are a better fan because you have a lot of chekis?are you serious. here you are just pathetic etc. i mean don't take that personally i know it's just fun to collect for some people. i am just pointing out the different attitudes and way of thinking as general discussion
  6. miyuu

    here again we have people who sell image and looks and not only music. such a pop mentality in rock music. i am ok with it only because it helps small bands and i guess it's better than the 25 cd types etc . so people let's keep doing it!! but general thoughts: personally although i like visual kei and for the looks and for the music but up to a point. i prefer to buy music products or even band clothes than pictures. i don't feel the need to have autographs. actually i think it's creepy and stupid to buy and have many pictures of guy that doesn't know you and doesn't give a shit about you.i would only buy if i admire someone very much and very few. that whole idol mentality is not for me. i know everyone saved a lot of pictures at some point in their life but at least for free seems more healthy . look for example psc that says don't use our photos. makes me realise again how stupid are genres that care about looks and sell looks more than music(although i like looks too but up to a point) you are not buying art ,you are buying a random guy's image. don't you feel a little stupid. at least kyo's photography books was about art
  7. miyuu

    i think people choose Coll:set even if they like it as much as mirror because it has more emotional/sentimental value to them. i do this with my fav bands when i like the same all albums i end up choosing like this. maybe i am wrong because it's been a long time since i listened but i don't think those 2 albums have so different sound. mostly their visuals changed. i think maybe mirror have indeed a little more mainstream sound for recommendations .Coll:set is more "difficult" sound. i don't like the other 2 albums especcially the last one.& i don't really remember them edit:random why i have it as mirror? not mirrors
  8. i don't really pay attention to them lately but i agree with this. i don't listen to them. although i think their songs are ok to have fun and not take them serious. but i like them for making me laugh. i think they deserve being famous if they can make people smile and have fun. i concider them more as entertainers and comedians than musicians. these guys got so famous just having fun and do whatever they like. although i think vkei needs better musicians and not more entertainers (edit: to be honest i don't really understand this thread that's why i avoid to write. i mean either i like someone or not. i respect generally every musician who tries to do what he likes and he is not complete bullshit but that doesn't mean i listen to him. the opposite thread makes more sence for me to answer. also i admire mostly the ones i listen)
  9. miyuu

    you know miyavi was one of the very first artists i listened when i first found out about vkei (lol toghether with deg back then lol) and i knew almost everything from his first works.but then i lost interest so much when i started finding out and caring about other artists. when Kavki Boiz era came i had already completely lost interest. when he was Kavki Boiz era wasn't he still in vkei. like saying he was neo vkei or something but the guitar slapping and specific new sound was starting from then. i just saw the argument above.in every artist i see this. it's very simple to me to understand .people don't always complain nomatter what. for example here probably they didn't like Kavki Boiz style. but then he did something even worst for them that they hated more. so Kavki Boiz seems now awesome compared.
  10. miyuu

    what variety i don't listen to him. i only listened to miyavi the first years. but when he got out of vkei whenever i see something from him,i think he has a very specific sound and i don't see much change. everything sounds the same style to me wait no. this sounds even more pop than before or boring (the first songs he did out of vkei at least had more the guitar feeling) i would want to see a song with his wife too.nice idea ( i am not a fan so don't take my opinion heavily and i haven't listen to a whole album from the last years but the general impression i can see from some songs )
  11. miyuu

    from that video you can tell kon is a little socially awkward and that doesn't seem like an act (but you could never know) i mean lol but seems easier to talk to the ex.xodiack guy most jrockers are very sociable and for their kind of work you will expect them to be but i like and i get very interested when i find someone who is more shy or strange(in a good way i don't mean arrogant or mean to the fans ,just more awkward) and i always think how they have double personality because they get on stage and being awesome except if they are just high or buzzed xD i don't know if you admire someone and you can't talk to them or meet them easy because of that. i guess you will be disappointed but i can't meet them anyway lol.so it seems interesting and cute
  12. miyuu

    i don't like satsuki either. what song? do you remember what song is that? why people say that about kon? xD that he is odd. how is the live? what does he do?
  13. miyuu

    after a long time i want to correct what i said because it's bugging me. lol this is so long time ago noone cares xD. (first random but one message i wrote disappeared ) i think new kasumi is awesome .i think i prefer it from the original and i know there is no way Unknown.Despair.Lost stayed the same way of singing as 98 i love the new one! but i love the original too anyway i read a long time ago in an interview with kyo the song that he wanted to change more was the final and the song they did last was macabre and i find funny that my worst song from the remakes is the final(that he wanted to change) and one of my most favorites the macabre especially for the second new part mostly. i still don't like the final compared to the original .it's not only the way he sings but the music also. maybe it has more atmosphere now and less emotion but personally i prefer the emotions especially in a song with such lyrics. but i like the unplugged. i think it has more success with the more atmosphere less emotion and it's lovely strange
  14. miyuu

    i know it's random and maybe wrong i have no clue about ayabie but when vkei artists cut their hair like that and change style like i randomly saw he did. i always think they want to work somewhere else outside vkei or get married. i should have guess it from the haircut and facial hair.lol half joking
  15. miyuu

    i don't know very well hyde but i always thought he is having a middle life crisis or something the last years
  16. i understand when some people say they don't like DEG. because i thought their music was always strange and not for everyone. me being snob. i have talked to people that seem open minded in trying. and loved bands like sadie and deluhi or nega etc and didn't like deg except maybe the final. that made me think the above. but i think people who can't understand them are missing so much. it's like a feeling or a secret they will never know. about x japan i don't listen to them either .i agree with @Arithmetica probably it was because they were pioneers in vkei. the first popular who did something different
  17. yeah but sakurai has one of the most awesome voices.sorry that was random but i couldn't resist with the above. i want to add i agree of course someone and i can enjoy music with weird vocals sometimes are unique or catchy. but i don't think it could ever be my favorite now. i love so much and i am jealous of beautiful voices. although i like a lot oz so... but his high voice annoys me but i don't mind it because the songs are great the last years voice matters to me more and to not be a hypocrite.i think there was a time in my life that voice didn't matter to me as much now. there are genres like punk or some alternative/indie that you don't care about beautiful voices but i get annoyed lately more
  18. the sound of the voice is important to me. omg how amazing are some voices. anyway but you can not say things like: omg this song can take my soul away or this song can make you have an orgasm lol i don't remember me wanting to describe the music i like. except in review in forums or here in threads. at this point i don't really care to describe my music to anyone else. except if i am having a conversation with people who already like the same. to be honest i will even be a snob if i know this person is too mainstream in the mind and i will just say rock and go away. if others are going to listen to your music it depends of how open minded they are in trying things in music themselves and if they care about music generally.but if you want to make someone listen anyway you have to find elements of what he likes in your music and advertise those. like be a psychologist a little. also if i had a friend in real life that kept annoying me about his favorite bands i would end up trying them but not on my own. generally i would like a review that does what the article says.i think it would be the most interesting review. especcially when people say :
  19. miyuu

    who would have thought that it would be a day that sel'm vocalist would remind so much daisuke. his voice fits so much in this. i am so excited about this band. i understand @nekkichi feelings. noone can replace daisuke. makes you miss him. but still this sounds/looks so cool
  20. i have no clue about the indies japanese. but i am not interested in this genre anymore.so i am not going to try. i haven't listen to 9mm Parabellum Bullet but just went curious because of this thread.(but i don't like so much this song that has been posted.) i haven't listen to MR CHILDREN.i once heard about them and thought to try but never did. are they famous? i decided to write in this thread because of @ゆうぎ's post to be honest. i do the opposite.if i like i genre at the beggining i get obsessed and try almost everything in it. not the whole discography but pvs and few songs of almost every at least famous band. i don't think i can say i listen to them but i know the basics. and then decide if i am interested in more . sometimes bands i gave up in few songs, suddenly i listen from someone songs i haven't noticed and decide to have all the discography. actually i am impressed like 80% of the non japanese how people haven't try them at all since it's everywhere. edit: does this tread mean you try but didn't like? or never try at all?
  21. thanx for the answer in the NB singer that doesn't seem like a nose job. he does have a more european /american body/face characteristics. but he seems very japanese also. so much you can't really be sure This! i have been thinking this for a long time.most of the more popular vkei sad song writers at some point changed. i mean you can't expect them to be sad if they are more happy in their personal life.it would be fake songs. if the music expresses your thoughts. examples satsuki and girugamesh and mucc kyo and deg became more complex but never had happier songs. just changed the subject and style. maybe that's why fans have no problem. becoming less sad doesn't have to mean that you have no talend. and suddenly you write shit. but apparentrly the most good songs come from pain to them (daisuke never stop with the completely sad songs and somehow end up dead..) i think girugamesh wanted out of vkei and try to be more like green day. pop punk something to have more audience.also i don't think you can encourage someone with songs like these
  22. i am out of subject sorry i don't know were to write this. but i was thinking and wanted to ask this too. is the NB singer from outside japan?he seems like a little i don't know why. i wanted to write this in the review thread his english are damn good compared to every other vkei band. it's kinda nice to understand something easy for once even if some of the lyrics i read are whatever.(i like the english) i don't think they have much change in music. they sound the same to me in every release (except the 2 japanese ballads) only the looks changed
  23. i agree with most of you except mejibray and NB that i like old and new the same. omg this thread is scary seems like every band suck nowdays. or will turn bad. (makes me wonder which bands stayed good or became even better?) i disagree with NB because it think they are the same and i love the melodic parts if they don't have them i wouldn't listen to them. lol i think this too. they were bands like phantasmagoria and vidoll that were succesful with cool music and some of the musicians still have the attitude but their music is shit now compared. eros looks like he thinks he is more awesome now because he is in a band with rame. can someone tell them their music sucks compared to what they used to be..
  24. me. i listened to seperator again today because i said alsdead. it is not so bad it's just the comparison. i know them since the day they first started as a new band.and used to listen to them . i loved their first songs and previous work and i was so excited about them then and now... nothing... got boring
  25. i liked them before he died i think.they had one song i liked(病んでる時に唄う歌)and i was curious about them then. and after that i never listened to them again ALSDEAD. with dice and joker together. i liked them very much and then they got boring. even their looks changed. (btw why do so many bands starting with awesome looks and end up with uglier visuals?) i agree with lycaon.although they still have so many fans? maybe it has something to do with the fanservice/visuals. he does such awful vocals like he tries to sound like kiyoharu but only kiyoharu can do this i thought signal sound better than the begining. although i don't listen to them so i can't tell really. first i didn't like them at all, now i saw the new songs and i like them more but i am annoyed by his high vocals so i won't listen.
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