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Reincarnated Really Hot People
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Everything posted by miyuu

  1. miyuu

    i don't like satsuki's current personality but i like res music. and this annoys me somehow
  2. miyuu

    . EDIT: what did magaromania do??and you don't like them i understand.also i know is more difficult with japanese and people like the mystery but there are 2 perspectives. sometimes i think that people always cared about personality when choosing music. that the band it self has a personality that people choose maybe without realising it or admit it there is a different between personal life and personality how can you disconnect completely art from the artist personality?is it possible? you can see aspects of an artist's personality and ideas in his art (even if it's fake.it's ideas he wants to present) also there must be a limit. a value that you won't accept loosing.that can make you stop listening to someone nomatter how much the talent.would you accept everything for the sake of talent (maybe murder is not the worst thing) or maybe it matters when it comes to choose between 2 bands with equal talent maybe you are going to choose the one that you like more as personality and there is the opposite thread about admiring someone that you don't like his music
  3. miyuu

    vkei fans say they love someone because he is pretty without having any other clue about him.and they are serious about it.this is why people think vkei fans as idiots. i think i have a different perspective about personality.doesn't the visuals and the lyrics or the music style show some part of their personality?or the interviews and the way they react with the puplic in videos i am sure most people end up choosing their favorite band from their personalities together with music.i mean look versailles is an obvious example.fans except that they love their music also love the idea of romantism and vampires etc doesn't the whole concept of their music show something from their personality and ideas. about black metal i don't think people take too seriously the lyrics are just for shocking factor and actually i think people who choose that except from the music they like "the visuals" too and the whole concept but what if someone was a killer i don't know i haven't thought about it. but is there a limit that when someone did something so Disgusting that you would want to stop listenig to them or even boycott their music. you can always say about artists he is a huge asshole and a terrible person but he has such an amazing talent .isn't this what this thread asks? i don't understnnd how people can say i don't care at all about their personalities when actually you can see parts of their personality in their music. also many times in visual kei you can say omg this looks so ridiculous and their personality must be annoying .i don't like their band concept but they still have awesome music i can't remember now examples to write
  4. miyuu

    i completely disagree. to admire someone and to be my most favorite, i have to like his personality.at least what he shows to the fans and what the lyrics say. and when i say personality i don't mean if he is friendly or asshole but mostly i mean his ideas.what he wants to show with his art. of course there are many songs and music that i listen without knowing anything about their musicians personality. but i don't admire them.i don't think of them as most favorite.maybe i 'll say he's got talend but nothing more. and to be honest i don't understand people who don't care at all about the personality of their fav band. i don't say to care about everything they listen but just their favorite. i think they are ignorant , if they say they admire or love someone without knowing his beliefs
  5. miyuu

    this. first it is so cool that he is starting to interact with the public! but i think he is selling his name though. if he wasn't kyo of deg who was gonna buy that. just for his talent of photography he is unknown. i like him because of his music. most fans are gonna buy that because they are interested more to learn about his personality not because they care about photography so much. doesn't that bother you? edit: but i guess many famous people do it so whatever. why not him
  6. miyuu

    i like grieva's music but i don't see how beeing a blatant copy helps today's vkei. and other than some fun they don't offer anything special either
  7. miyuu

    first i am not trying to defend mejibray. i don't care i am just making conversation because i am very bored. so ooh ok . i stopped listening to gazette years now, so i can't really tell probably. also you mean dir en grey? i would have to totally disagree with that. i just don't see it. but you said you don't listen to diaura.you don't listen to any of them?not meji not diaura? there is a difference in opinion when someone listens or not.when someone is a fan. soo what if diaura is more original(not sure about that but let's say i agree.) i can't fucking listen to them. they bore me to death. still mejibray has better music
  8. miyuu

    i voted Nocturnal Bloodlust .i think hiro is way better vocalist too. and i agree with @jduv86 's opinion. (except the best vocals in the scene part ,not sure about that) D.I.D. vocals annoy me so much.i have a serious problem with his vocals. (from the pvs only because i didn't listen anything more after seeing the pvs . i don't understand how people listen to that. seriously. wtf is these vocals.lol . also i hate autotune.) as for fashion sence. they are ok both.i like them. they are pretty similar, aren't they?(i find more attractive Nocturnal Bloodlust vocalist though lol.random) also that new pv spot of N.B. was so awesome
  9. miyuu

    oh sorry i thought you were being ironic. (omg i am so used to people disagree, i overreacted sorry lol)
  10. miyuu

    mejibray it's not nonsence or crap. their music is good enough for mainstream vkei audience. also what you are saying is irrattional. most of people listen to music to have fun. music is about having fun. you can't always have very emotional / or with depth music and that kind it's not for all people and not for always. just because i love songs that make me feel more and i think bands who can make these songs are better in artistic level. doesn't mean we don't need anyone else. and even the bands that have more depth ,have stupid and fun songs that i love many times
  11. miyuu

    no you are right i agree .and i don't think you'll discover much difference if you hear more songs and i don't find much depth in their songs and (i am not feeling much when i listen to them) generally. it's just fun to listen but i find them way better than diaura * anyway i agree with most people that were with mejibray ,i have the same reasons,i like his voice more and i prefer their songs and diaura is so boring to me the voice is just personal taste . i don't think yoka has bad voice. he does have more weird voice than tsuzuku though. for others this can be a good thing i quess (edit:maybe that's the similarity with the gazette. parts of this description in the quote can easily be for the gazette)
  12. miyuu

    me? why would i disagree when i said the same.because i said i don't like staying in the past? well that's a different thing. i don't really like the whole host boy looking. i mean when i first got to visual kei, to be honest i got exactly because the band members were pretty. i find most american /european bands ugly and i never even cared how they looked when i listened to them. i still love vkei looks. but before that i grew up with rock mentality and after some years in visual kei , now it annoys me sometimes. i don't understand how rock music have such a pop mentality/host mentality. for example selling themselves more than the music and following trends. i don't even understand the chekis they sell in lives i am not sure because i wasn't there but i think old artists were more weird and rebellious and i will always prefer this for rock/metal.than being a host
  13. miyuu

    i would want to see that poll too xD. i wish someone made more polls. i can't think of bands i want to compare but is so fun when others ask
  14. miyuu

    interesting poll. i am curious who will win. i choose meji only because i like their music more. i agree with the lame lol but i don't get this with diaura at all. maybe with valluna yes. his voice yes.indeed!! but diaura's sound no. if it was valluna and vanessa or mejibray maybe i would have a problem choosing but diaura's songs are boring for me. i prefer mejibray songs and voice type. and i think yoka voice fits more with valluna type of songs also i don't get very much the gazette reference.i have seen people say it.( i can totally understand it as reason not to choose them though but i still like their music more so..) the similarity i see is mostly only in fans and popularity. and the voice is very different. as for vkei looks both bands look attractive to me. i understand that meji looks more provocative and it may attract more fans. and make them look more shallow to others but i still think their music is better. if someone reminds old vkei styles in clothes but still modern is more mejibray or valluna than diaura i think but not sure?? also mejibray never really looked like gazette . but i bet the band seems very happy if it was to be their successor that is so lame for me ~ meh
  15. miyuu

    i used to not care about lyrics as much as i do now. some lyricists are poets and some just write crap but the music is decent so people don't care. last years i find interesting reading the lyrics. it makes me either love the artist more or think he is an idiot. i am having fun if i care about a band to searching things from someones personallity in their lyrics. i mean do you think you can tell somethings from an artist personality from their lyrics?
  16. miyuu

    oh god this conversation again ... so i was thinking this before 3 days because i read a person posting an interview and getting all mad about it in another site. the point was that old bands started doing visual kei because they wanted to be different,weird and rebel.they wanted to shock in a way (as other non mainstream genres too) but these days it gets harder to shock anyone or to be different. the new bands seem to have change aim and have more of a host mentality. for example not to shock ,but to look as attractive as can be ,so girls would buy their cd's. also they are not trying to be unique and keep following fashion trends. i am pretty sure old bands did that too but less obviously ,like they were not admitting it .they wanted to be seemed like they were more focusing on the rebellious side, while new bands seem like just a product for sale. and this goes for music in general not only for visual kei. my opinion is whatever... i am tired of this converasation again and again. we live in now . old visual kei is dead. either you stuck in the past or not. "we either adapt to change or we get left behind" i love new bands and i listen to them! (but sometimes i wish for a unique band and a pioneer band . but i know it's more difficult now to do something unique than ever was.)
  17. miyuu

    i think also @zess was saying something similar. i have this feeling too. like the old songs maybe had more emotion. my general impression about most songs: i think they are good songs/remakes and i can enjoy listening to them! as long as you don't know the originals/forget the originals .because i think the originals are better. (and not because always the first are better. i have heard from bands enough remakes that are equal or even better but i don't feel it here) but i read randomly another person review and i am gonna quote that's ok life changes. my main disappointment and what bothers me more of all is just the chorus of final. and i wasn't gonna write a review but i am dying to say this so much so about the final the melody/rhythm in chorus it's not bad but knowing the lyrics ,the luck of emotion makes me sad. i don't know what he was trying to do?. why.?maybe he was trying to be more theatrical but he killed the emotion leaving a feeling maybe it's too old songs and he doesn't feel the same anymore the final unplugged it's like i am listening to musical .it's so theatrical. i think one of the most interesting characteristics of the new dir en grey is that generally is more theatrical and has this atmosperic feeling that can make you feel like you are inside a movie or some place else.(sorry my poor describing expressions but you get what i mean i hope) my favorite from the first disc is the unraveling . i like it ! but of course it's the same sound as dss macabre the second part is great as everyone said i agree random ( i like dss more than uroboros. i mean Vinushka is an epic song probably my most fav from both albums but dss has more songs i like than uroboros in amount. i don't get why most people seems to like and praise uroboros more is still a mistery to me .i just don't get it) (i don't see any difference in music since the change they had in uroboros and i don't think they are gonna change a lot for some time.the only difference i see is the feeling they seem to calm down the need of wanting to be so metal and experimental and hardcore and whatever i don't know how to describe.they seem they calm down and also more ok with their past.which looks good on them)
  18. miyuu

    i like leda's music very much and i think he has talent but i am not gonna follow any band that disbands every 5 minutes. the constant disbanding is fucking bullshit and very annoying, makes me do not want to care about him or any band that does it anymore. after some time in vkei/jrock i decided to mostly care only about bands that last and are more professional or consistent. i am over cheking or taking seriously every random band that is gonna disband the other month . edit:i rethink that. there are some cases to be honest that sometimes i just hope for some people to just not disappear completly.
  19. miyuu

    ^this!! i have the same problem too and i get lazy to search and end up not voting.i only remember like about 2 of my fav bands with details. that's why i said about suggestions. maybe just a discussion before voting as a reminder of what was the new releases. i think if they were choices more people would vote because it's too easy this way but on the other hand it's not cool to only have 3 choices. i don't mind either way though. i kinda like everything / don't have a problem. and it's such a long time until next time ..
  20. miyuu

    what if we have both. you suggest artists (for our convenience) but people can also vote something else. first is unacceptable to not vote because you think nothing will change anyway/why bother.imagine if everyone thinks like you nothing will ever change in the world. believe me i know the feeling .it's not like my fucking country elections when you have to choose basically only between 2 people you don't like and are both morons and you know you are doomed anyway you go. you can choose whatever you want here. and it doesn't matter if your fav artist didn't win. some people would still see what you voted and someone can care
  21. miyuu

    omg i can't stop can't i .my logic. being able to move emotionally the majority of people. or many people without advertisment is one of the qualities of greatness. pop doesn't count because the success is mostly because of promotion and advertisment. in rock or underground music usually it's amazing how they have success just because many people discover them and love them for some reason. without someone promoting them. edit: also i judge by music and lyrics. what the artist want to present and say to the audience.
  22. miyuu

    seriously though are they succesfull。 i don't see much listeners in last fm. they have very few. ok i have to let go now lol. i have to stop wanting to answer everytime. i'm stopping lol.
  23. miyuu

    i don't want to pm. well we are not so irrelevant it's about vkei so i write it here. i never said i hate them.i actually said i think they are cute. my subject was about if i believe that they are the next great thing.influencial and be loved and admired by majority of people.objectively. not if they are bad or not. that's what the "but seriously" was referring too. and if you noticed my text generally, my expectations are so hight that i can't find anyone to be the next great thing. but now that i think about it. i think oshare should be judged differently. i was actually asking in a way from people to prove what new band can be great. by saying their sales like you did it's a way. if they have so good sales it's scary for me. for my taste of music
  24. miyuu

    ^i can be mean but i am amused to be honest by the reaction so xDDDD you are being cute but seriously .i really hit a nerve there didn't i? xD. well i get defensive about my fav bands too. well actually when i write my opinion i try to be as objective as possible and i am very cruel in judgement even to the bands i like. most people don't try to be objective. maybe there should be a difference between oshare and darker bands in success and judgement. to be honest i don't have a clue about oshare.
  25. miyuu

    this is so funny i would laugh actually.well i'm pretty confident about deg since their success has already been proven. lol how is offensive that i have a different opinion and i don't like kameleo.don't get so sensitive.it's my opinion. well we will have to wait and see. i admit i can't be sure about anything in the future i just say my opinion. but omg how sad for me then ,if what's great in 2013 in rock became kameleo. maybe i'm stuck to the past
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