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Reincarnated Really Hot People
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Everything posted by miyuu

  1. miyuu

    this exactly me !! i used to listen to everything and know everyone and now i don't care anymore. i still love jrock but i only go for the ones i know i like.which end up to be very few. and the irony is i used to not get people who only listen to few bands (also i used to have an image of them not real. they looked like anime or something.i wanted to know everyone who was. with ameba i realised they are real and just stupid pretty guys that why should i fucking care about if they don't have awesome music i like. i kinda realized i don't give a shit)
  2. miyuu

    wtf song is this. it's a torture to not be able see a band that you like and buy stuff ;____________; oh this is what i meant i mean i remember i used to search for places with audience and music that i liked.and when you listen for long, you know the specific places where people hang around. & you go to the lives .and meet people etc. so i think this fits to all non mainstream music. you just have to find the places where same people like you go. until you fed up when you grow older (i never dressed vk or wanted . but i had passed the stupid dressing phase with punk & metal etc music.)
  3. miyuu

    hmm then maybe also they don't need english in their everyday life as much as we do. ? no motive to learn. edit: seriously they don't say it's rock? i just read that. but what if they play rock?
  4. miyuu

    oh yes they make us in europe to learn english in school since 5 years old. you have to learn it.and you can't function in life with out it. japanese i think they don't have english at all at school. don't have to learn them & don't need them in their everyday life as much. edit:i think they want to learn and like english very much but nobody teaches it when you are kid and nobody cares and then you are old and it's a little late
  5. miyuu

    what i think people who go to lives with altrernative bands, punk bands, local metal bands ,etc and listen to not mainstream music, i think know very well how it is. i think probably this is the way it is with vk too. there is audience but you have to go to specific places to find it and mainstream people don't care about it. if all your life ,until you discovered vk, you only listened to mainstream music you can't understand, but if you didn't and you searched for places for the music you like probably you get it. i don't think it has any diference with any other non mainstream music only that in other countries we don't have vk. on the other hand i have no idea i don't live there. there are vk artists that are more mainsteam and more knowned like hyde and obviously some times visual kei is very close with being a host. AND OMG vk is japanese rock too. of course i can say is j-rock, SINCE most vk bands play JAPANESE ROCK . so simple.
  6. miyuu

    oh thank you ! ^___^ and like i said i am really interesting in almost anything you want & i think the more you like or love a song probably the analysis would be cooller. here the awoi : http://www.lyrics74.com/%E3%82%A2%E3%83%B2%E3%82%A4-BEDROOM-LYRICS/198638/
  7. miyuu

    aaa awoi bedroom why you choose that? i have the translation i am more curious about your analysis!! i have read in the internet some analysis : that it's from a female point of view and probably seems like "it could be a song about a girl who was dating a guy in a band who dumped her because she got revealed on the internet, LOL." lol (i can post where i read the more details if anyone wants) * i am also always interested in daisuke lyrics analysis!!! i want the mejibray and mucc analysis/opinion about meaning also xD cool list you have there! : 3 i actually curious about any song meaning most of the times so whatever you want is cool! * also about dir en grey. if you don't like it, don't do it because i know if i don't like something i don't want to do it. but i am always curious about some of kyo's lyrics. for example lately i wonder about 「欲巣にDREAMBOX」あるいは成熟の理念と冷たい雨 i have translation just curious about the analysis or merciless cult do you think he could talk to the audience? and generally if anyone wants to say opinion about these
  8. miyuu

    i love this idea. because so many times i want to discuss and wonder about the meaning(analysis) of my favorites songs and i can't find anyone who cares.
  9. miyuu

    (i thought artists supposed to be idealists.lol) noone is offended when their favorite band wants to make money. but it's offensive when you're starting to become a sell out. there is a middle way. i actually now after experience i would even advise people to care more than anything else about money!! but i will still love more the bands that don't do that. (and actually i don't give a shit if gazette or alice nine come to europe because i don't like them.so i don't know why the fuck i even discuss this)
  10. miyuu

    ( i haven't sign any petition and bands never come to my country anyway but) excuse me if i sign a petition now and the band comes in a year from now. how the fuck should i know what i am going to do then. maybe i would have died. it's all about how much a band wants to come maybe just for the experience or not. psc could come but they are too much of divas too compromise for less. .they are the top visual kei bands of japan, such stars can't compromise for any less.(and this psc management attitude is successful & earn more money) they are other bands that really can't come because they have no money at all. in psc this is not the case. how come bands like oz and anli pollicino or guild or D do european tours? don't they have less money than psc bands? i have such idea because i have seen even bands do DIY concerts. i don't think bands should do that because i know is extreme! but the comparison in character is unavoidable. (diy= do it yourself. you know some punk bands attitude. tour with no money. sleep wherever. do it just because they want to . to not care about the money but for the cause . "to avoid corporate sponsorship or to secure freedom in performance.")
  11. miyuu

    miyavi wanted a family and to show it to the world. he didn't like visual kei anymore the way it is.hiding girlfriends etc. he could never show or even make a family probably if he was in psc. i always though that's why he left. *** obviously that means that they don't care about outside japan fans at all.(not enough money there to care) they make a lot of money only from the fans inside japan and we prevent them from making even more when we upload their videos because then japanese people don't buy more. i wish people get mad and realize they don't want them and boycott bands from psc. although i like born and although this never going to happen. never. i found about japanese music because of the random pics&songs i saw in random sites & in internet. none of them official. never would have heard of them if there were only the official
  12. miyuu

    as they wish, maybe we should stop advertising them and never post anything nowhere from them again. then noone will know they exist outside japan. well they deserve this.since they want it. seriously if they weren't for all these , noone would know or care about them outside japan. and obviously it seems that's what they want one more reason to hate psc, other than it turns bands to generic. seriously they are bothered by icon images?
  13. miyuu

    what did he say? i don't think gazette will disband i agree with the above message.they seem like a business that as long as it is successful and make money can't disband
  14. miyuu

    i hate the fandom. well some of it. lately i don't see as much idiot deg fandom as i used to. (well someone tell me which bands do you think they have the coolest fandom. from visual bands???) i hate the latest years band attitude and image. i don't mean looks. i mean they even kinda remind me their fanbase in attitude so maybe it's their fault. i think they deserve the fame they have. they have some amazing songs. they were one of the top bands in japan and didn't afraid to leave this and experiment.and now sure they are not first anymore outside japan.(maybe last.) .the opposite way that gazette choose to take. although i don't like them now so much i admire they didn't choose the convensional way. although i think they have an ugly image now they seem too serious, arrogant ,uptight
  15. i wrote that before and my message disappeared :/ so i am gonna write it again. i wasn't going to , but i see some answers and it bothers me. because you don't know who/what the fuck you admire. if you like a song only to dance and have a good time ,like a random song you hear on a club of course it doesn't matter. but if an artist inspires you and you admire him.his work means something to you. of course it matters. don't you want to know who you admire
  16. miyuu

    edit: something is wrong with born ameba i don't know if only my ameba acting stupid though so nevermind this post
  17. miyuu

    i just felt like i saw a quiz. where/who is juka find him
  18. because you don't know who/what the fuck you admire. if you like a song only to dance and have a good time ,like a random song you hear on a club of course it doesn't matter. but if an artist inspires you and you admire him.his work means something to you. of course it matters.
  19. that's very interesting in society. and indeed. why a vocalist who has the looks gets more famous ,earns more money and appreciated more than the writer who we can't see his face. most of the times that's what happens. people care more about the person infront. and many times don't give a shit or even know about the others. also if they don't want the credits to go to all the band members they shouldn't call themselves band. i mean many artists do it. it's clear that is their personal work more and not the band's. for example yasu Janne Da Arc acid black cherry if they don't clear this up it's their choice. (also i know maybe when you start it's difficult to do this and maybe they can take advantage of you) and some boybands/girl bands do look like puppets
  20. miyuu

    oh yes i forgot to write. the guy from re:dis
  21. miyuu

    first i have to say to be clear, personally i find most of jrockers without make up to be hot. and the previous guy i posted i think he is hot without make up. but this is ugly, i think he is trying to be ugly. don't find him attractive at all like this. here WITH make up [attachment=2]tumblr_lgsftaC0Xz1qfn1xyo1_1280.jpg[/attachment] here WITHOUT make up [attachment=1]tumblr_lw43sjNxu41qafm2po1_500 (1).jpg[/attachment[attachment=0]tumblr_lw43qeCs0F1qafm2po1_500.jpg[/attachment]
  22. ok but then the team that makes the music all together are the musicians.as a group. above i was talking about people like some boybands/pop artists usually etc who have everything ready for them , been told exactly what and how to do it and their job is to entertain.you can have a talent as a great entertainer too.but you didn't create anything i think to be an artist you have to create something. also a great vocalist who can perform with emotion
  23. i don't consider them as artists or musicians i think them just as showmen/women or entertainers &i don't think there is much to discuss here they are just different types of entertainment
  24. this! i wanted to say this too. some bands appearance really asking for stupid audience !!! ok i am going to be very honest even if i sound bad xD i went from feeling: "omg i wish other people listen the same music as me" to "omg you look and act so ridiculous!! GET AWAY FROM ME!! i am embarassed to be next to you" or "don't even want you to listen to my fav band." this from personal experience in meetings from some jrock fans and parties not so from internet. but still some from the internet too. but this didn't make wanna stop listening to the music!!! just made me really wanna hide that i listen to this music. or hide the fans. but for the internet i can understand 14 year old kids to act completely stupid. it's because they are kids!! everyone was like this when they were their age. but deg and some nagoya kei bands fans are equally ridiculous as the oshare fans.are so arrogant and elitists and close minded that are equally annoying and ridiculous with oshare fans.and this time they are not kids. so no excuses here and i don't want to have anything to do with them. but this again didn't make me stop listening just made me avoid the fans maybe the fandom didn't make me stop listening but who is end up to be your top fav bands, things like these made a difference at some point
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