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Reincarnated Really Hot People
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Everything posted by miyuu

  1. miyuu

    i agree with this i'm bored so i'm gonna be random and say my long opinion. sooory for my long post .i think i should write this in the other thread.i think i 'm out subject sorry. to be honest i love some of the new bands but it's getting harder and harder to find new bands that i like. i totally agree with zess. when we live in it ,it's very difficult to see which bands will be great and will be remembered from your own era ,the moment you live in it. but i try to think who may be the next great thing and seriously i can't find. who from the new bands has the power to be as influencial and succesful and be loved and remembered, even change things, the way deg or xjapan or kiyoharu or luna sea did etc i don't even listen to all of that. but seems every band talks about them and has been influenced. for example personally in 2013 i try to find a band that make songs at the same level as deg. and i can't find anyone. (the irony when almost everyone is copying them. influenced by them.) even though i love some of the new bands. and wouldn't it be ideal if this era had like 20 new bands at deg's level to choose from. and there isn't anyone (also i didn't mean only from the 90's .when i said it feels everything is getting worse. is because from 2008 ,most of the bands that existed then are getting worse. it's not onlythe deaths and the disbandments , the new bands they make and the new music they make in comparison with the older they had is disappointing. example vidoll,phantasmagoria,deluhi,mucc, girugamesh, lynch ,i hear people say that for the gazette too, satsuki, all psc bands etc .from l'arc en ciel we went to vamps) and i don't think it's because of nostalgia, if something great was going on now people would say it) but maybe new people that get to vkei now can't see that at all. and it doesn't matter. to be honest i don't even care anymore i am kinda happy with my new bands lately. i just can't find many new bands that i like,i like only very very few **** i remember how excited was everyone with deluhi i think kiryu are unique and one of the better bands but don't have the power to be the next great thing and kameleo and futurizm boyz maybe are cute but seriously... about mejibray i hear often. i actually like them. i think they are very commercial (but in a rock way, not mainstream) and that's a talend. seems that they are really trying.maybe they'll have success if they don't disband. their songs are pretty cool but they are not amazing enough. @Sakura Seven said about . honestly i don't see the power there to move emotionally crowds. be realistic. they are not good enough
  2. miyuu

    ↑ i listen to rock mostly my whole life too but not the same bands. you always find new bands. slightly different genres. i don't know maybe you are right, it's just so impossible to me from personal experience. i have changed so much. i actually think a person who listens with passion the exact same bands as their teenage years and hasn't changed at all, must be boring or something is wrong with him. also it's really weird to find a person who likes how they were in their teens and don't want to change somehow, especially in music that is like a lifestyle. (trying to explain my point) (after all the rock / punk / grunge /metal /gothic /alternative genres i had a phase with. how the fuck i end up in vkei the last years.and then i even changed the bands i listened in vkei. i didn't stay to the first bands i discovered except maybe dir en grey that they changed so much themselves so they get my point LOL. in some ways i totally understand why they wanted to change growing up.) yes sure i can still listen to guns n' roses for example , but rarely i do. i still like them. but i have new bands.
  3. miyuu

    i agree with the above. anyway there are 3 ways to judge 1) someone has good voice , has talent 2) has good singing technique / knows how to sing correctly ( you may have voice but don't sing correctly so it sounds funny) 3) personal taste in voice for example you may not like tatsuro's voice but noone can say he doesn't have voice/talent or he doesn't know how to use his voice . i am gonna say examples about people i like because the people i don't like are so many i don't know where to start. i like very much oz music but i hate natsuki's high voice so much. it annoys me. I HATE IT. but the lower voice has so much awesomness. i am amazed. seriously amazed. so i think he knows how to sing correctly although he doesn't have such a good voice kouki from d=out i think his voice is awful but he also knows how to sing correctly probably (you may don't have a good voice but if you know how to sing correctly the song can be listenable)
  4. miyuu

    my superband 1) i want 3 lyricists : kyo , satsuki but only from res days , and atsushi sakurai 2) i want music from deg & res (more deg though) (note but i want more songs before uroboros) 3) i want 2 vocalists the one with sexier lower tone voice like hizumi or otogi etc you get the point the other one like kyo etc 4) i hate satsuki personality especially now, i don't admire him i want personalities from indies bands / not major bands 5) and i want them to have more nagoya kei clothes and make up ,styling or even better deg from Blitz 5 Days or code of vulgarism styling
  5. miyuu

    lmao. but i agree in a weird way.i'm thinking punk rock for example suck at quality but is about revolution . who says is not art and didn't have success. you still can be a critic. since you can understand the difference between what is objectively good and what's your personal taste. also you can have no clue about music and still have more people that trust your judgment and agree with you than a musician.even choosing a critic that fits you and who is the best critic is a matter of opinion. * this is what annoys me with some critics.sometimes they look so much the details they loose prespective(the tunning. the technic someone plays the quitar, the quality of the sound...) and a song with less quality can still be better and has more success than everything else , just because of the way it makes people feel. emotionally well what matters most to me it's the way a song makes me feel because i am not a musician. except if you like listening to technical skills more. and then we go again to it's all a matter of point of view. and personal taste . art is supposed to be for everyone not only for experts. edit: and i wrote before for me both the opinion of someone who is not a musician and someone who is ,are equally interesting.i think you need to have both.
  6. miyuu

    it's like asking if it's more important for any art what the critics wrote or what the public said. both. it depends on what you are searching for and what you want to find. who do you want to impress with your music . for who do you care more i think being a musician can change completely your point of view. you can be more difficult also or search for different things. the more of an expert you become the more you have the need of something more complicated or different. this can be a good and bad thing. but never disrespect how amazing can be the (maybe "more simple for you now") song that for some reason spoke to everyones heart/ was loved from everyone
  7. miyuu

    i agree. with the 2 posts above. weird most of the times i don't like copies but there are very few exceptions in times that even if it's blatant copy i like it for some reason. this is one of them!!! and the Gauze-era is so adorable and nostalgic . most of the bands copy later eras. noone goes this back.
  8. from the new remakes i love 蝕紅 & 羅刹国 (Rasetsukoku) but these songs are not so ballads i'm trying not to freak out and just wait to listen to the album first hoping maybe it will turn out cool! although i am freaking out a little to not destroy old deg ;______; i'm terrified that he will put high voice/falseto in there together with weird new growls ( i like the old weird growls but not so much the new ones lol) i think it's bold & stupid trying to do a remake of the final. you could screw this up big time there the most famous songs is most difficult to remake and people to like it and accept it. but it's also interesting.i have some curiosity how can this turn out i think i used to be upset with deg because i had this feeling that they are being disrespectful to the past awesomness but now i am affiliated with change and think "just let it go" LOL
  9. miyuu

    eee i don't know why i like it though maybe i miss old kyo xD so i read an interview from them (accidentally it was on my tumblr dash) and they asked them what is your fav band guess what the singer said xD
  10. miyuu

    maybe a phase is more the thinking "omg this is ridiculous, how did i ever liked that" or "i don't find this so appealing anymore, i prefer another genre" and you don' try because you don't care if you still love vkei but you just can't find new bands that fit you it's another thing (sorry for the second post in a row)
  11. miyuu

    first of all if you are 15 or a teenager is definitely a phase.i don't know anyone who still listens the same music from their teenage years seriously. what is a phase if you listen for years it's not a phase but music taste evolves you can't listen forever the same, at some point everyone changes. i think the phase is liking every crappy visual kei band that exists just for the sake of being visual kei . at some point you get more selective and choose only what fits you. and sadly this may end up to be very few bands edit: also the above post i think is more about if visual kei is dying/changing and the quality of the bands today. because you didn't stop loving vkei /you just can't find anymore bands that fit you.
  12. miyuu

    maybe others don't see it but the way the singer moves he reminds me old kyo. i was thinking this also from their previous pv preview long time ago but didn't say it then.
  13. miyuu

    this is so true. yes it's not dead because there are new bands but i think the quality of the bands are way lower compared to older times. there are less good bands , i mean in a more artistic or creative point of view compared to older times. (music - lyrics- clothes/stage performance) even bands that used to be good,now starting to go bad, or disbanded or died or changing genres. i don't know if it's just my taste in music or maybe "the past always seems better" feeling but i am trying to be objective! what do you think
  14. miyuu

    i don't get it how people vote.do you mean you find zombies pretty, attractive and interesting or you just like the movies better LOL i voted for vampires. i hate Twilight it does ruin them so much.i try to forget it when i voted. and the movie in first post is awesome with the zombies. but still i find vampires more interesting and attractive to watch
  15. miyuu

    omg i just have to say i am laughing with tsuzuku's singing in 呼吸 but that's a good thing because it's not a song i'll think well that's so much crap and throw it and forget it. this is classic funny for me. the other two songs i like them! are pretty good. (well not anything amazing for me but pretty good!) D.E.INCUBUS is my favorite
  16. ^ this 1. i don't care if you call me weird ,but i just want to go to a shop and buy a fucking cd i like without having to order it from internet. and go to lives of bands i like. it's frustrating sometimes that i can't. 2. i think they are very pretty and you can be upset about it but i am just being honsest when i say i find them more pretty than many other people from other countries , so i would like looking like them. but i don't have a problem staying as i am now.because i think anyone who is obsessing over changing an impossible thing like this is sick and need help 3. i don't like living in my country. if i have a chance to leave for somewhere else better ,i would in a second! so i would want to live in america or japan. i wish for this 4. i love the language, i wish i could speak fluently. without having to find money to pay for lessons
  17. miyuu

    sorry if this shouldn't be in this thread but in deg's generall thread. i am bored and i can't sleep so here is my random & long opinion. to be honest i agree with @Rosà maybe i need to listen it more times but i got disappointed and frustrated and didn't listen it again / i didn't listen to it no more than very few times. the high singing annoys me in 輪郭 the constant growls annoy me too in 霧と繭 these are not songs that i would listen on repeat and love so much as older songs they have.but i love the very few seconds he actually sings in 霧と繭.so awesome. i can have only that on repeat but is very few. well i have some hope because i hated with passion lotus but i found some songs that i liked in dss. also i like the lyrics and i am gonna try to listen again to this song just because of that. (i really like their current style in looks btw. especially for kyo. and me liking or noticing their latest looks is so rare) i don't like experimental or progressive and i am so sad because they used to be a band that i liked 90% of their songs even in moab ! i love moab! and now this doesn't happen anymore. i love nu metal or death metal etc but i can't deal with too much experiments. and if you are thinking then why the hell i don't stop listening to them. yes few times i wanted to stop listening to them but there are no new bands that can come any closer to the awesomness of some of their songs for me. so i am sadly left with no choice. i they were better new bands i would probably had stop listening to them by now and move on. i wonder if fans just react in everything they do like is something so awesome just because they are dir en grey. and they are famous and highly regarded. and if they were a new band they would have a different reaction. more pure opinion. i guess that's the prize and price for being famous and looked up to, respected. i wish they would end up eventually in something i would be more ok with. not like the past (i personally hate Clinging in the past) but maybe more metal
  18. santa klaus ist tot avatars.. hahaha you guys lol
  19. miyuu

    i haven't voted. the difference is so big that it doesn't matter lol. plus i don't listen much to any of them although i find kamijo way more attractive than asagi!! but i'll try to be objective lol. i have listened more songs from D. i prefer their songs. i think asagi has a better voice, well when he is not doing funny high pitched voice or something that annoys me and can't seriously listen to it but i am laughing. also D's clothes amusing me more. * edit:i can't decide what to vote just because of kamijo. it's like an illogical bias.
  20. miyuu

    so i voted for lynch some time ago. i'm gonna say the same thing as others. although i like deathgaze style lately and i have tried to listen to them few times i find none of their songs stands out really. so they are boring for me. i am very disappointed with lynch last albums but their older albums had many songs that stand out and were pretty awesome.
  21. miyuu

    is there anywhere translated the interview with kyo and shinya? ? * who do you think deg is to people who don't know vkei, equal to sepultura or something? they used to be the king of vkei but when they decided to do something else and left it, the price was now they have to start lower . there is a saying that i don't remember how it goes exactly but when i see this thread about gazette and deg, everytime i think about it. what is better to be the king in a village or noone in the big city(something like this)
  22. miyuu

    but you can eat food and still be a lovely person. (plus eating disorders are off topic and you can have them with healthy food too.) alchohol and drug addiction turn people to assholes that can hurt people around them. smoke affects the person next to you too. so it's not just about you. anyway any addiction gives less freedom in your life. anything that you can't live without. it's so wonderful, until you want to stop and you can't
  23. miyuu

    maybe she hates yaoi. but yaoi fans have this thing when they are very jealous over other females but not jealous over guys. so maybe she wants to be the only girl in your life but doesn't care about you sleeping or being friends with other guys . but this can be applied in both romantic or only friendly relations i don't know if she wants more than frienship. but since you slept together it must be something more. but that doesn't mean she is crazy in love with you.or more in love with you than her boyfriend. that noone can tell .except her and maybe you can understand that if you know her well. (at least i can't tell only from what you described) but why do you ask? do you want more from her or just curiousity. maybe she is feeling unsecure to have a serious relationship with you or doesn't see it as an option if she feels you are more attracted to guys.
  24. miyuu

    i agree with @*りりこ* i can totally understand when people like both!! what i don't like and i think fake is when someone forget completly rock and go to pop yeah sure kpop and vkei both have to do with fangirling but i can't believe that someone who honestly likes rock sounds can forget them so easily and only listens to pop. he might change genres to non-vk or pop rock growing up etc but not only pop. at least so easy as these fans do. i think those people were in it only for the looks from the beggining, never for the music (also even about appearance. how can someone who admire rock looks suddenly like pop culture. there is a difference in culture and styling. unless you just go for the hot guy whatever he wears)
  25. miyuu

    (i don't know about haru but generally) hey i agree because about the natural instincts i have seen guys that although shorter and so cute , they give off this power and intensity and strong attitude and although cute , they seem more manly and way more attactive than a tall "weak" guy i am saying this for many shorter singers i have seen in lives xD in society standards i don't think if you are a girl you have so much problem it's cute until 150 cm and you can always wear heels for guys it looks bad if you are under 160 cm ,unless you are a girly jrocker
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