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Reincarnated Really Hot People
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Everything posted by miyuu

  1. miyuu

    also i said my opinion in deg thread. for me sukekiyo lacks music. i would recommend it to someone who like more 9goats type of music and not deg.because they are different. my fav songs above i think probably reminded more deg or res,from all the songs in the album. also i think kyo is very talended vocalist. because sometimes while the music is boring for me ,he leads more with his voice and creates interesting/beautiful melodies. while the music is meh. i mean in other words the melodies he creates singing is more interesting than the music. sometimes. he does that with deg too but there we have also amazing music (at least for me). maybe they seem a little unsynchronised lately compared to the past in dir en grey. lost comunication. but people who do not like last deg album should not only blame the music writters.what makes you think it isn't both the vocalist and music fault.not only the music. they just didn't find the right melody and singing. i am writing this in the wrong thread
  2. miyuu

    omg i like it. OMG that is kyo? i saw this somewhere and thought who is this random vkei guy. didn't recognise him. and pass him and go away without caring xD. random also the old filth pv is so wtf and strange that i like it even now xD
  3. miyuu

    omg what was i writing again before. embarrassed. i am sorry i edited deleted the above sorry. i am kinda embarrassed to talk about things like this but more simple. i am sexually attracted to guys who look like girls. or generally a majority of japanese guys look more feminine biological.(even the one with more masculin appearence seem attractive.) i am not sexually attracted to girls, i do not want to have sex with them but i am not disgusted to do it if i care about them.i would. i get more emotionaly connected with girls than guys. with guys is more difficult for me. guys that are very masculin seem disgusting to me. i do not feel sexually attracted to them. i wouldn't have sex with them. so i am a mess. i don't know what i am. can you tell? also i am thinking lately. i see a lot of people say they are asexual.and i am trying to understand them, out of curiosity. first when i was 15 i wasn't thinking about sex either. maybe it has something to do with age.maybe sometimes. because when i grew up this changed. also before i saw visual kei guys or japanese guys i was pretty close to be asexual too. i had sex. i could fall in love but i wasn't sexually attracted with almost anyone.with very few people. but with japanese guys i do clearly feel sexually attracted to the point i thought "oh that was what other girls mean,now i understand it" so you never know what will happen
  4. miyuu

    i bet most people would not like this idea for a show. but i want to go. dress in mourning clothes and do not speak at all. i also like the age thing limit lol. i want to go to see how it would be. maybe it would be strange or calming. also i feel like mourning lol maybe they want to succeed some specific atmosphere/feeling.(the opposite of deg).but it may seem as being snob to some. which is really bad idea for a show but i am curious . i wish there would be more songs like 鵠 thought. it's my favorite.(but because of the end mostly) the irony is i could totally be still and quiet with ballads from deg but i am afraid i might be bored with sukekiyo if it's for very long time
  5. miyuu

    i can't review. but can i say my favorite songs are: hidden one , mama , vandal , 鵠. i like new mama very much! i love the end of 鵠 when kyo sings
  6. miyuu

    i also thought that some comments are out of spite because they do not like deg's new direction. and found a new way to express it.because of these comments i want to say my opinion. first i strongly believe that people should do whatever they feel. i'm glad he did a side project. i'm glad he kept deg. res was amazing.i never liked 9goats at all. i love deg's music. i prefer deg than sukekiyo in music. i do not want to write this in the review because it's not a review. but since i disagree with most i feel maybe i need to express my opposite opinion. i do not really get the hype. sukekiyo is boring for me in music.i like some songs but i love deg's music. also i realize with this how important is the music to love a band and not only the vocals. and lyrics (nomatter how much i love a voice or the lyrics ,if i do not love the music it gets lost) sorry for the comparison but you can't really avoid it (i agree with cat 5). i agree also with dogmax maybe comparing doesn't help.because it seems that they are so different that they actually attract people who like different types of music. this is a little strange but apparently true? i'm not really interested in sukekiyo and kinda makes me sad the thought that if they ever disband ,this is what it will happen and i won't care about it as much. some great loss for me lol. but as i said i believe that people should do whatever they feel. i'm glad he did a side project. i'm glad he kept deg. sustain the untruth is a verse in repeat in music and i still love it more than everything in sukekiyo.because of the music.and that applies for many deg's songs.random example the only reason i like new version of zan when i hate the vocals is the music. (also that comment about kouhai. teachers should be proud if their "kouhais" are doing good. )
  7. miyuu

    i am sorry i can't remember right now songs to post but can i just say this thread is awesome. i remember ass n arrow too and i agree lol. lol that video with the phone camera wtf fav and the MEJIBRAY duck fav
  8. wtf i can not believe i have answered this before ,i do not even remember. i look at arms or abs but normal things. not too much muscles i do not like.
  9. miyuu

    #9 i think is gossip (later some members went to administrator , amber gris.bands you might know) http://www.lastfm.com.br/music/%E3%82%B4%E3%82%B7%E3%83%83%E3%83%97 http://www.vkdb.jp/gossip.html
  10. miyuu

    the most important is to give credit. when you don't write them you are just a beautiful voice. when you write your own songs you can express yourself through your music. is more interesting to me. i find so much more interesting an artist that expresses himself than just a beautiful voice. i tend to love more artists as a whole and not just voices. but that's just me. the majority in pop culture just loves voices i think. in my country pop singers is common to not write their own lyrics or music but some of the composers and lyricists get famous and succesful as song writers that are able to write songs that sell. and actually few of them run the scene and write for many famous singers. people know their name.the singers credit them. but what i understand from this is people who usually do not write their own music most of the times their main aim is to sell , the money and to entertain people at night clubs and they care more about the commercial value . while people who write their own music tend to care also about the artistic value.
  11. miyuu

    i am so late to comment but now i saw the comments. i agree i do not like how they look now either. except kyo is dressed ok. i like it i prefer them around 2009? time. when they had dropped vkei. and they were with just t-shirts. (but when they had that /at that time i didn't like it . i wanted them to be visual kei like for example in final,vulgarism etc. i have such a wrong timing, but now i can not really imagine them looking like that again) anyway i like now kyo's clothes. i miss the times when he had longer hair but whatever. after all this time i do not really care of what they are wearing and their styling to be honest.i am thinking whatever lol
  12. miyuu

    can't wait! (also about the english. when is not simple people say it sounds pretentious (see kyo) when it's simple people say it sounds too simple. what do you want. i like the titles or kyo's titles. what i do not like is fugly etc (screw) although it does an interesting opposition with the cover) (i probably could write this in kyo and screw thread also lol)
  13. miyuu

    i don't know why my first thought was too, why, where is riku. did they break up? lol i always thought i prefer if bands change their name if they change members. everytime i see it not only in this case. maybe it's not good marketing at all because it's like starting over. and you will loose time and money. but you'll always have emotional baggage even if all the previous members have no problem and there was no argument. cases in the past made me more furious when bands kept the name
  14. miyuu

    good point. i mean i am thinking why we have the feeling in vkei of conformism and why not in rock generally. i think because of the copying.while they want to be different from majority and they are. they still seem afraid to be really innovative or unusual in ideas among themselves. or be themselves. the majority prefer to copy or will follow trends. and actually noone seems to critique that or care about it. while for example in rock everyone has a rock style. but they can critique very hardly people who copy. it's not really acceptable in the same way. they support & promote more uniqueness as a way of thinking and acting ,nomatter what they do. this is the impression i am having while in vkei sometimes it feels that even the actual marketing strategy is copying. (i am thinking my problem wasn't that they were comformist in metal etc scene ,they can put limits in genres. but then create 1000 sub genres who don't fit the standards. and fight about it. i think they are more judgemental than conformists as a negative.)
  15. miyuu

    no they say they are repressed because i think they tend to censor it or avoid it so much in "maistream" everyday life and media. so it exists and thrives as reaction to this repression but as a cult or underground. when in europe for example they accept it more in everyday life but it doesn't really exist underground at this level. as result you can find so more of it in japan but only underground. while in everyday life(media) are more prude. opposed to europe or america 's everyday media. this this my impression but then i can't be sure since i don't live there. i'll answer the questions of the thread later
  16. miyuu

    maybe i just met the wrong people in the past. i like grieva. but to be honest i don't see them as an old school band. and i love their visuals but still they don't seem so old school to me. what other band except deg do they remind from old school vkei? maybe i don't know enough bands. as much as i like them they seem more modern to me than old school and i don't have a problem with that just saying. edit: i don't know it's confusing to me. maybe it's impossible to be old school again because it's 2014 lol
  17. miyuu

    i am bored to quote about @Kikyo_official . you remind me metal or goth or old school punk scene who refuse to listen to bands or take them seriously because "they are not original enough and they are fake". they put limits everywhere, even inside the band's songs. this is one of the things i hate in these scenes . i am so done with this pretentious bullshit of an attitude. one of the things i liked about vkei , maybe it has many bad things, but they sure feel free to do whatever they want. but i agree with you grieva don't really remind me old school either. what i don't get with grieva is how did they get from so unlistenable(reload) , to actually decent. even if you copy, it doesn't mean you can suddenly write better. i could never listen to reload but i am ok with grieva
  18. miyuu

    excuse me you don't know shit about me, and what i buy and what i download. but anyway you are right who am i to know anything. maybe morals and ideals are indeed useless in this world. maybe we shouldn't let kids know about them in the first place. irrelevant i think i overreacted. but anyway there must be a more clever promotion way or something that doesn't sound pathetic. i guess to be succesful you need to be clever , even if you don't have pride lol
  19. miyuu

    i really didn't want to comment but some opinions just hurt my brain. there is a difference with being ambitious and have no pride or no morals i am really tired to explain .so tired. it's not my fucking problem if you don't know what dignity is. so YAY!!! let's do anything for the money or because we are in love with a guy without having no morals, no pride no self esteem and no brain as always. both the bands and the fandom in vkei yay! like always! i actually believe the bands who do this, just do it out of stupidity or weakness, because they just follow others or what they have been told. without feeling the need to think maybe
  20. i think i was out of subject above though. you mean if you love someones music but don't want to buy their cd because he has shitty attitude. i have never had this problem. if i don't like his personality at all. i want to stop listening to him. and not keep listening but not buy the cd.
  21. this is the theme again if personality of artist plays any role in the music you like. and like 90% of people i am sure they would say to you :NO i only care about music. i have seen it so many times. excuse me but i care about personality too.at least i notice it. like it or not you can't avoid it. the art was made by a person, not by itself. so i say if you feel someones personality is so terrible you can not stand it or it goes against your believes. you should feel free to stop listening to him or stop loving his art so much or even boycotting.but of course you should boycott something only if your reasons are indeed noble or righteous !! (otherwise you are shitty personality too) you can stop listening though personally for whatever reason you want. music is for your own pleasure. you can even be superficial imo. on the other hand if you feel he has so great talent and you adore his art to the point you can not stop listening .then keep listening to it. but keep saying i don't support his attitude. music is about your own pleasure so if it bothers you stop listening to it. if it doesn't ,don't stop. also there is a limit in the opposite way. would you support an artist you hate his music because he has a nice personality? that's crazy too. a lot of people say you should be loyal to a band nomatter what. that's stupid. even in marriage you can get divorced. even in frienships if you do not have any connection anymore,how are you going to keep it. WHY would you want to keep it? what is the reason?
  22. miyuu

    http://www.cddata-mag.com/article/interview/2014/01/23/16/54/57 ↑ my opinion quote from the other thread. i like ruten no tou acoustic but Ruten no Tou is one of my favorites songs of dss.♥ so you could expect me to like the acoustic. (but there is some funny voice somewhere in the acoustic xD.) also i like unraveling but i think stu is more catchy.addictive to me.i never liked rinkaku. i suspect though & now is more clear to me what the problem is,maybe, not sure. i am having personal issues/problems with the falsetto xDDD ,not the music. obviously the way in rinkaku annoys me more. in stu i think it's ok .but as i said i think i wiil always prefer the clean vocals. the live it's ok ,nothing better than regular. kyo's lyrics are intriguing as usual xD ♥
  23. miyuu

    how do you fucking know what songs are more succesful.all their songs are on the top charts. and the recent onces are all between 2-6 hageshisa is number 2. higher from all. but i can totally understand why personally. also i don't understand the order. is it the sales? what is the order about. i see the ranking and how long it stayed but why something is first or second on the band's page. which i found pretty amazing btw that a band like deg does that. because compared to how i perceive things in europe and america. japan loves the most boring songs.i mean everywhere there is pop but in terms of blandness and boringness in sound, japan wins. and deg doesn't fit in this stereotype. you may love this kind of songs but they are indeed more bland. i mean look at the number one i am going to sleep.most of times it's like this when i look. and it's not because it's pop. they are bland. edit: and kpop is more lively and catchy than japan pop edit2: also i have to say sometimes i like japanese pop too but still if i am objective, they tend to be more bland
  24. miyuu

    if anyone cares my random opinion xD. as i said i love watching their live dvds.and i love merciless cult pv so much. i could watch it forever. one day i decided to watch all their pvs but i was a long time fan without noticing half of them them. i thought they were stupid back then.but now it think they are classic. from the visual days to be honest this. i don't care about the recent. i almost never watch the recent ones more than once. except this last one STU. i don't really like them or care.if i watch something it would usually be from visual days.but for memory sake not seriously.but i still love watching tsumi to batsu xD.i really wanted to see kyo dance in unraveling though dammit, i am serious.i would probably watch it more because kyo was dancing. and i like kodou !!, and i know you will laugh but i have seen the final in repeat so many times xD.but i guess this is old. while everyone was obsessing with obscure and child prey and saku, i didn't really give a shit back then about those, i liked different ones.and very recently i saw filth pv and was wtf!? xD edit:i do listen to their latest music i just don't seem to like the pvs, but i like watching the lives.. first time i ever wanted to watch a pv in repeat from recent was STU edit2:and kyo dancing in unraveling edit3: lotus had a beautiful pv idea. hageshisa has stayed in my mind as idea but still don't care really.
  25. miyuu

    i don't know to be honest i never loved deg for their pv's when i first listened to them. i was looking the lives mostly and loved them. before i was into vkei. but i think i am wrong in this because some of their pv's are shocking/provocative?strange? and have stayed "in history" lol for others. but i have no clue who does them
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