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Reincarnated Really Hot People
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Posts posted by miyuu

  1. i never thought they sound similar. i have tried galeyd by few pvs(because i saw people say good things about them) and i never liked them and wasn't interested and never listen more.while i used to listen everything from deluhi. i think they are better.

    for example i remember the first time i saw leda playing guitar in one video with deluhi song and i wanted to listen to everything they have. or with the firsts songs from deluhi. but galeyed sounds boring to me and i do not want to try more.

  2. this is for gaz then. you wrote an irrelevant  wall of test  to answer me previously. really try to understand what i said to you. it was simple. unless my english is so awful then ok. i am not willing to discuss this with you furthermore. think whatever you want i do not care.

  3. since you said that .really because my perspective was different.  i thought this thread was a joke. about fangilrs fighting. i discovered cq has more delusional fangilrs than lycaon. most of the conversation was nonsence with no interesting opinions , so i decided pointless to waste my time in answering. gaz was just provoking people to fight for amusment. so i wasn't going to get involved in this shit.and actually i am  embarrassed of this forum that someone says that mucc and gara can't sing and noone says anything. but they don't really need my defend anyway. somethings are objective and facts.i am not really interested to have convertation with delusional people. i do not care what band is better.probably both bands are not good enough. but cq is one generic band too with mediocre music. and awful clothes for vkei. and i am sure this is one of the reasons why they are not famous. their music is not good enough.

  4. although the polls have different opinion .they seem to find more easy the choice between these 2  than the previous poll.

    but for me this is more difficult than the other.


    i didn't vote maybe later. but my thoughts:

    i am not  annoyed by mahiro's voice. ok maybe it gets annoying when you listen all the time non stop in combination with this music.but subaru's tone of voice is not my favorite preference of voices either.
    their appearance and  vkei characters and visuals are both entertaining.
    i guess you could choose kiryu if you want something more strange and different as a fan and royz if you prefer something more pop/rock  but still dressed as vkei.(most bands  drop it and just wear fashionable clothes. i  like royz doesn't do that)
     i am biased  more over some members of royz and i want to vote royz because of that. but  i like kiryu as vkei characters too xD.
    ( about music even though  when i was new to vkei  i knew/listen  kiryu more and their songs.but i am not sure if royz existed yet. but today i can't say i listen to one more than the other.  nomatter who wins it's the same. dammit this poll xD )

  5. i know i shouldn't get involved in this stupid conversation but

    you said that like you actually think your music taste is better than others,while one minute ago you said you think cq are more interesting than mucc.
    this sentence alone proves you listen more generic.

    quess who is more unique from those 2 and who is generic . i hope you realize generic doesn't mean popular

  6. why those 2 bands why? i don't get it seems a little irrelevant or unfair

    i love vs threads. i want more.


    ok since i am not listening to any of them . this is how i choose:

    first aboout music. i never liked cq in music. i have listened old lycaon in the past and liked them. i hate the nasally voice but i know yuki can do lower if he wants.


    about looks. i do not like cq visuals and i do not like them as guys. only one of them is cute (if you do not care about looks or visuals  go away from vkei,you shouldn't be here)

    i think lycaon majority of members are more good looking with better visuals. (even if you do not like yuki ,they have fricking hiyuu)

    so generally lycaon is more entertaining to me.

  7. How could I miss this topic? :D


    Sun: Sagittarius (the best fucking sign ever)

    Moon: Libra

    Venus: Capricorn

    Mars: Scorpio

    Mercury: Sagittarius (moar best fucking sign ever)

    Jupiter: Aries

    Saturn: Sagittarius (and moar of this)

    Uranus: Sagittarius (and even moar!)

    Neptune: Capricorn

    Pluto: Scorpio

    Ascendant: Capricorn

    Chinese sign: kitty kitty Cat :D (or a Rabbit, but I'd rather use the Cat version)

    Numerology: 7

    (idk what other things I could list here)


    Basically, I have the most planets in Sagittarius and I'm totally one ;p (funny, rude mouth, honest, saying random and perverted jokes, philosphical, freedom lover, big child). Of course no person is the same, there are just some similarities between people of the same sign. I like asking for people's sign and observing them, there are really some things in common between them. I don't know all signs well, but it's also interesting how much I dislike people of some certain signs. That's when all the compatibility from the websites goes to fuck itself, because I totally hate Aquarius and Gemini (well, Geminis can be okay-ish if they're the fun friends, but nothing else), but all the sites say my sun sign is very compatible with them. That's why I say: don't look at compatibility people, it's bullshit. You need your own experience with people of the same sign. My friend (I have only one rl life friend xD) is Pisces and she's awesome. Pisces are great people in general. Also Aries, Leos, Virgos, Libras, Scorpios and Sagittarians, of course :D


    sorry for so many texts. i am just bored  xD. i went to do that too. from here though :  http://www.alwaysastrology.com/birth-chart-calculator.html

    if anyone else wants to do it.

    lol the personality tests i wrote above found the cancer and sagittarius i have xD. but these results are so many texts i am bored to read them XD



    midheaven: cancer (i think it shows this because i know time of birth)

    mars: cancer

    sun: leo

    mercury: leo

    edit : sorry for the edit , i kinda did it wrong by accident and can't do it again right now

  8. I gotta say I don't believe in astrology the slightest. Mostly because everything it has ever told about my sign hasn't really applied to me. Except creativity. I'm a libra. And yes, very creative. But my ex who was a scorpio was also very creative so... :D Then a lot of horoscopes and stuff tells that libras are supposed to be either balanced or seeking for balance. Fuck that. I act on impulse and can be difficult to deal with due to having a particularly strong nature. :3 So yeah, nothing has been able to prove that having been born on a certain day would somehow affect my nature or future. At least the way it's "supposed to".


    i do not think i have all the characterists my zodiac sign. like where the fuck is confidence and i am not  arrogant.or i do not feel optimistic


    the other day when i was writing in here i looked at zodiac signs and first time i saw there is supposed to be a cusp that if you are born first or last days ,you'll take characteristics of your next or previous zodiac sign. so maybe one of them is more implulsive or maybe you are just right.


    i have take 3 times ,just because i was bored, in random times .3 different tests that shows you what zodiac signs you might be if you are not your own. 2 times it showed to me cancer and the other time sagittarius or scorpio together.

    these tests didn't ask my birthday or my zodiac sign. and the funny thing is i was indeed born in the cusp between leo and cancer.

    i mean the first days of my zodiac sign. you see i do not believe either but random stuff like this do happen to me xDD




    edit: although i might be wrong because if you google different sourse it says i am not born in the cusp.(it shows different dates of the cusp)so yeah i do not have a clue.

    weren't there a thing also that the time of your birth matters. i did that years ago and i think i had a completely different sign than these i wrote.but i do not remember anything. so this is a mess and whatever.

    so i am pretty much 5 or more different signs or something(different astrological opinion say) and this is when it gets complicated and i loose interest in zodiac signs.

    feels like bullshit. this is the conclusion to when i try a quick search about them and i stop caring about them

    edit2: they are going to end up saying to you that you have characteristis from 7 different signs.(different planets in different moods) so basically they can justify everything with that. and my conlusion do not believe in them. everyone ends up having different personality if you are influenced by so many signs and you shouldn't believe in them


    edit again: i found a new test. it shows i am a leo xD. i post it here because it's the most fun test i saw if anyonw wants to do.


  9. are you a leo? but that was my test . you should do it too to see what shows for you too . i really do not remember if i have ever meet anyone virgo or not.

    i do not think though zodiac signs mean you can't be good friends with anyone if you want to.  only with some you would feel more compatible as characters nothing more.it will feel more natural to you the relationship and easy.

  10. they annoy me so much . i can't choose especcially the moment i have to register i get completely blank and with no ideas. while other hours i might have great ideas that i forget after. so i end up frustrating like an hour unable to find one username,  even if it's to sign for the most  stupid thing.and end up using something random.

    that sure has some relevance as a story of why i chose it with my interests.but it's not something others can understand unless it's a song title

  11. Just for shits and giggles...(but also because my results are eerily parallel to actual astrology)


    What Sign Should You Never Date?


    I got:


    You Should Never Date a


    Indecisive, flirtatious, and downright deceptive - your Libra will tell you what you want to hear. Problem is they'll be telling *everyone* what they want to hear. Instead try dating: Pisces, Taurus, Virgo, or Scorpio

    my results:


        You Should Never Date a


        Demanding, picky, and a total perfectionist - there's no way you want to live up to Virgo's standards. It's not that you couldn't please a Virgo... you would just hate yourself for doing it. Instead try dating: Libra, Leo, Aquarius, or Aries

        Share your result with friends to see what sign they should never date!


    i do not remember if i have ever meet one. i think i might but i am not sure. i forget the zodiac sign.i knew one girl

    we were good friends ,we used to hang out all the time. but i can't rememebr if she was cancer or virgo.but we didn't match so much because i felt repressed by her somehow.

    what do you think about leos??



    it might as well all this text of mine be bulshit and just i am influenced and prejudised  over people subcontiously sometimes because i grew up in a society who notice zodiac sings.but i guess there is no harm if it's just for fun why  not and not take it too seriously


    ok i'l write about zodiac signs because i am bored.although i do not seriously believe in them just for fun.i do not know anything but the basic stuff that you can google randomly.last years i do not feel i match so much with the characteristcs of my zodiac sign because life changed me. once recently i took a test of what zodiac sign i might be, except my own, and it show cancer. i am a leo.

    they say i match as a leo. the general idea if you google

     Compatible Star Signs :Leo, Sagittarius, Cancer, Libra, Aries

    Mismatched Signs :Virgo, Pisces, Scorpio and Capricorn

     funny but that test of @CAT5 found it. exactly

    sagitarius i only new one she was my best friend but years ago at school and then we got lost .

    they say i do not match with taurus but it was one of the best and most favorite relations of my life.

    but i have the feeling that i keep having the same relations with the same zodiac signs whenever i meet them.for example with aries i always have the same relation and it ends the same. i mean with friends and generally with people not only boyfriends.

    i feel some sort of great interest  at some point and a gut feeling that we match more than others.but i do not think it ends well. i have met a lot of aries compared to other signs.

     my dad is and i hate him but we do match a lot. the reason i hate him is his actions and not that we do not match as personalities.

    my mom is aquarius but i feel that she doesn't fit so much with the zodiac characterists. except half.we do not match so much but it's ok. i had a better realtionship with my mother than with my dad.that means my mother was closer to me emotionaly than my dad. i have no emotional conection with him.but when we had any kind of conversation i always felt that we match more with my dad . i do not really know why.the way we react in things.


    the funny thing everytime i say i like a personality of a famous person. and look.it seems to be an aquarius

    the general idea is I feel i like  they are more detached and more distant while aries are more intense.

    the other strange that happens to me is that i only knew one capricon which is one of the most awful relatinships of my life

    we care about it's other but we do not match at all and she annoys me so much.it's toxic.she makes me feel miserable although she cares about me i think.so i hate the zodiac sign.

    for years i never met anyone else but her but the last years i felt like i met all of a sudden like 50 capricorns.everyone i met was a caprcicon.i met one of the nicest girls and i liked her so much as a person.but i always had the feeling that we do not match so much with any of them that i met. it is funny because at some point it feels like the universe tries to make me like this sign. for some sort of ballance. since i hate it. why all of a sudden i met so much capricorns.like a conspiracy.LOL

  12. I t


    Music wise, I can find great VK music from every year, even today, I feel like the quality has never dropped off, styles and looks have dropped in populaity, but we have constant waves of great bands coming in that are far from generic or plain copies.



    who do you think today? i genuinely ask. i want to know people's opinion on this. what's your opinion. what bands

  13. about the last paragraph above but  @nekkichi you're missing the fact that good marketing stragedies play a role in being succesful at sales and not only how good is your music .
    they do have every right to  their opinion. (and besides if the are wrong or right) i don't think it was a very smart way to handle  things for audience outside japan specifically.
    it is probably more smart for example even the way you use your expressions and say things.
    you could take advantage  the love they have for you and what they would be willing to do as fans  than to be agressive to them.  it may would be more convincing.
    i do not really know though what should a band do .my job is not a manager

  14. are you saying i should stop now because this is spam.  you shouldn't ignore people when you don't agree. but is this case i agree is spam .what. aren't you having fun if you are bored.seeing us in a ridiculous conversation.

    anyway. i like kiyoharu the way he is.

    (i thought he looked like screw too a little.xD .you said that about Duff didn't you. byou is pretty but not in my favorite bands though.especially lately.)


    also i am not cutting the  "you are" i am going to say whatever i want. i do know you by your answers everytime . yuki  fangirling/fanboying

  15. Satoshi-lycaon-34563428-200-300.jpg       Satoshi-lycaon-36854229-200-300.jpg   Satoshi-lycaon-32683770-210-315.jpg  Satoshi-lycaon-29084133-250-376.jpg   Lycaon-image-lycaon-36085991-200-300.jpg

    As if i didn't now of that tribute but really it is nothing because they dont even look alike, like wow some glasses and hat (i guess anyone with them both is coping him too, to you). But he looks like a pretty Japaneses man with his lipstick, red hair (which is different looking), contacts (sunglasses don't cover his eyes), lip-ring. and makeup.  that tribute is like 2% of his overall look. copying my ass more like a side show "thanks for inspiring me."


    Looks like a vk pose though




    ps. i don't think of Yuuki-sama that way. 


    i am trying like 5 minutes i can't see the images. i do not know if is my pc fault maybe.

    yuki is  blatantly influenced by kiyoharu .

    satoshi is a blatant slash copy.

    and if you ever happen to ask yuki or satoshi i bet they would  defend kiyoharu or slash and say how much they admire them and how important they are to them and music. and admit they copy them. or had influence say it however you want to.

    old school wasn't a copy. was the style of a whole era.

    everytime i see you are drooling over yuki. and you are so delusional and blind . feels like talking to a vegetable. i give up on you.

    feels like trying to convince someone that the sun isn't blue.

    . keep drooling over yuki.


    edit: seriously though i can't see the images. is it my internet's fault?

  16. can i say something so stupid i forgot to say.
    and actually if i had to choose i would prefer in vkei if someone copied  young Axl Rose or young Duff McKagan and not Marilyn Manson .but that's personal taste.

    how many guys are going to copy mm meh.

  17. And exactly "WAS" meaning they finally realized how dumb they looked trying to imitate the west and instead embrace their Japanese characteristics highlighting what they already got.



    what is this argument way above makes no sence at all lol.

    you know when you google glam you also see guns and roses. that have some influence/similarities with glam/ miscategorized.

    who is copying slash?

    but ofcourse @blackdoll has a crush only on yuki .and being ignorant in everything else is going on xDD.

    but i like how guns and roses looked young so much. they do remind me vkei for some reason even if they weren't glam.

    i think maybe there are glam bands that were pretty guys. not everyone looked ugly .i remember one random jrocker who was obsessed with glam rock and keep posting a guy that was very pretty but i can't fricking remember who that was to post the band.



    anyway just for the sake of conversation. how about artistic merit.

    ok so no matter what you like more as aesthetics.some of them have more artistic value than others. for example being more crearive  or more phantasmagoric rather than a simple similar suit for all members .or had a bigger impact on people and in music.

    .i think   pretty and standardised pictures  have very small or not at all artistic value.

    do you think older bands had more artistic value ? i only remember the famous to be honest

    well some people prefer art. some people like more commercial products. some people like both



    someone may have a crush on yuki . i may like new bands too.

    but it's kinda obvious  which had more impact and effect  in a majority of people or change things.who was more important


  18. it's not about shocking you, if you are open minded .is about shocking and annoy a repressed , delicate society.to provoke those people by showing you do not care about their repressive rules. also it's a trick to attract attention. so the fan should feel some short of amazement or shock, if you feel they are laughable and ridiculous and there is no point .

    maistream media have use everything by now.and are more open minded compared to the past. so it's not shocking when people use it everywhere and have accepted it. but you still have to try and show the same.maybe it's like a tradition lol.
    if you have maistream accepted pop appearence and attitude. with pretty hair and fashion clothes.what's the point .i think you lost the meaning of vkei .and it's roots.
    remember old x japan that had kind of a thrash metal /punk glam ? influenced look with big hair.

  19. but today it's very difficult to be shocking or special.everything is accepted and maistream.
    it doesn't matter if they want to be pretty if they still have rock looks. or strange looks.how about these bands that dress like hosts in pop designer stage clothes. how is that vkei?just because you fix your hair and wear pretty make up and pop clothes, you are vkei? how is that different with pop.
    i do not have a problem with pop rock. but how are you vkei?

    i hate bands that  try to be ugly just to be shocking and fail miserably. and just look stupid ,ridiculous and just ugly.
    but not provocative or shoking at all or special. while there are pretty bands with more smart or provocative looks.

    but about music as much as i do enjoy new bands .
    i haven't found  a new that i can honestly say has better music than some older.(maybe it's personal taste)

     also i think neo visual kei it's just a word to describe things more easy,like old school. i do not get why it makes you angry.
    it doesn't indicates opinion of what is better.as a word.only that times changed.

  20. hey thank you i was curious about that.  i keep forgetting to mention yuchi in my texts and kanivalism.

    i keep talking about res and hey my fav songs are from uta and not takumi.surprise. from

    yuchi(and Mozart xD omg i didn't know that. i mean it's a famous song but i didn't thought of it at 2.30 xD until you wrote it )

    and kyo. yay


    • How do you feel about sukekiyo as a whole? Are you a fan of the band? Do you think it’s being overhyped? 
    • What do you think of their recent live performances having a specific dress code? Does it suit the atmosphere of their music more or does it turn you off?
    • Are the comparisons between sukekiyo and DIR EN GREY inevitable or justified? Do you think the desire to compare the two will die down once the novelty of  being one of the members wears off?
    • To what extent do you consider sukekiyo to be ’s ‘solo project’? Is it fair to use such a term when it appears that the other members also seem to have considerable influence on the band's music?
    • What would you like to see from the band in the future? Do you expect it to be a full time project? 



    i have write this in other threads but sure i'll do it again xD .sorry for the ramble xD


    1) i thought it was at first overhyped because they were some strange comments and reviews but then it got normal.


    2)i like the silence ceremony idea.maybe for personal reasons/taste .but i do think it's difficult  idea for live shows and people won't accept it ,but i would. although i  am afraid it might be a little boring. if they were ballads from deg. i could be still and silent easier.

    also i like the dress code. what exactly is the dress code?? i am not sure. but  if they asked to wear something i didn't like , i wouldn't accept. but this i like.

    (i mean you could almost expect a majority of kyo's fans to not have a problem with this specific dress code idea....lol.it doesn't seem strange to me) . i want to see/feel the atmosphere.   (you know i have heard the opinion that a lot of people go to  lives and are intense. and the point is  that relieves the tention and anger of everyday lives. so maybe this would have a differnet result in feelings to being calm or mourn for something that i want to see.


    3)  i think i am biased too.i mean i could listen almost anything with deg or kyo  maybe.i also like res .i just have found what i like in music.

    even though sukekiyo is a little boring for me his voice is a trap to listen.listening to something so familiar that you love.(one of the reasons it's inevitable to compare)

    after i got angry "omfg NO deg are better" ."you people stop saying the opposite, i do not want deg to disband" crisis lol. actually compared to others in jrock/vkei area i mostly listen they are not bad.but i wouldn't say the best either.

    they are a little boring,. deg is better for me.(definitely in music) (the falsetto is a problem with deg too) i think you can not compare really (although inevitable to compare generally with 9goats and res too/not only deg).

    i am under the impression that fans of 9goats would love this more than people who only like deg.might have a problem.


    4) i wish i knew. did the other members help him with the music? i think the general idea is they did.but it's not very clear to me in what extent.and if he had the lead


    5) i believe artists should do what they feel. if i could choose. i'll probably say to keep both bands. i do not know how he will find time.i prefer deg though so much more.


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