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Reincarnated Really Hot People
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Posts posted by miyuu

  1. why don't they let  kyo do it sometimes.lol .(just out of curiosity how it would be) i like some of his ideas in aftermath video.
    was he the director/his ideas/Producer? i am not sure how this works.


    i  like the pv. but i always loved videos with  scenes from lives in deg.

    also i like the repetition in chorus/music. (i enjoy straightforward  but i enjoy  more complex  too.)

    i think this song  is more addictive than unraveling and rinkaku.  i could have it in repeat for very long time lol.
    especially while watching the video i liked it even more or maybe i got used to the voice and sounds nice.
    since my only problem about this song is i think i will always  prefer songs without falsetto.
    but that's personal preference and personal taste because i think his high voice here is fine. it fits with the atmosphere so much.
    the music hits me in waves and   xDD


    (random i like the way he sings in Ruten no Tou in regular version though. (i mean not unplugged, not acoustic, the regular song)

  2. L


    I find it very weird to be able to fall head over heels for a guy I've only met 5 minutes ago. What is it that you fall in love with then anyway? Can't be much else but his looks, or some kind of aura?


    i think maybe the difference is that you can't feel sexual attraction.as you said?

    have you ever saw anyone or even famous that you would just want to sleep with?

    i mean having a crush is probably hormones maybe,i don't know. finding someone sexually attractive can lead to having a crush.

    so you can't stop thinking about him and suddenly you care about everything he likes and want to learn about it etc

    if i start finding him interesting intellectual or feel emotional connection or care honestly abour same things . that's love. that's where you're starting to love him.

    not being in love or having a crush.


    @Nyasagi yes maybe it's phychological to me too at some part ,sometimes i think .but i don't know why exactly

  3. that's ok .i did got a little defensive without reason.i  got a little upset to be honest because i could totally  imagine kyo would answer me the same as you. xDD

    for example: what is this strange question. wtf. because i like it. get used to it or not xD


    since you posted/talked about opera .so i am going to say something so stupid .nevermind me.
    so maybe they like opera lol.LOL.i was searching what FINEM LAUDA( -?a knot?only- tour)means some time ago
    and  i found  they had this phrase in the opera :Così fan tutte. and i was kinda find it funny because it felt like an inside joke in my head

    quote:According to William Mann,[6] Mozart disliked prima donna Adriana Ferrarese del Bene, da Ponte's arrogant mistress for whom the role of Fiordiligi had been created. Knowing her idiosyncratic tendency to drop her chin on low notes and throw back her head on high ones, Mozart filled her showpiece aria Come scoglio with constant leaps from low to high and high to low in order to make Ferrarese's head "bob like a chicken" onstage.[7]

  4. on this note above.i feel like i am the opposite maybe that's why i can't understand.but it's interesting reading the opposite side.

    many people say  you need to know someone to fall in love. try to date him for a while ,even if you don't find him attractive
    and at some point you'll start finding him attractive and fall in love.many girls have said to me i wasn't in love when we start dating.
    i can't do that or understand it. i tried it and it was disaster.
    i am so the opposite. i can have a crush from the first sight lol. being in love at first sight.i can totally do that.
    and it's impossible to me to date someone if i don't feel sexual attraction.
    but this is not good ,i think it makes thinks worst for me.

    this is with boys.


    with girls i think i can understand this thought above. i think i could date some girl without feeling sexual attraction.

    because any attraction i have with girls is more emotional and not about sex to be honest.

  5. we do not want to be pretty for the other gender though.

    we are obsessing over being pretty or thin for ourselves. i do not do it for others. i just want to look like the image i like.

    and by advising someone to stop obsessing, doesn't really make it stop.

    but i think pretty  or thin has nothing to do with being single or not.

    or being pretty has nothing to do with being happy or not. but sure it may help .


    anyway i am kinda curious i don't really understand asexuals.i always wanted to have a convertation with someone,out of curiosity. or with a bi person.

    but not someone who is open minded and would sleep with both genders.like i can understand to prefer one ,but don't mind sleeping with the other .

    but with someone who actually finds completely the same both genders.

    i am out of subject

  6. idk, find a sugar daddy? xD I don't know how to get money, it's so difficult.


    I think it depends on the country, it isn't very accepted here. Men in this country like only skinny, thin or a little overweight girls. I also know what comments they post online, even anime/Japan fans don't accept it. I saw lots of hate on overweight cosplayers, for example... and not many people are against such comments.


    I think you're being a bit too stereotypical here. Someone's taste says nothing about the personality. Just because someone likes cute things, it doesn't mean they're dumb and cutesy.



    guys here say they preffer skinny of curvy too. but i think when it comes to reality it depends on the character of the girl.and how easy she is.

    for example. my friend had more boyish attitude.so she could be their best friend. she was easy. and although she was kinda fat.

    she could use what she got.like big boobs. i mean she didn't wear cleavage but she knew she got them and had confidence.



    let me say this.if we see a cockroach i am not the one killing it. lol .

    but i don't know how to explain really lol.

  7. ishiki, I live in a country where people call gender studies a deviation... further comments aren't needed. It's basically what you just described. All these people just think they're open minded, but they're not in fact. No one has to date someone they don't find attractive, but being open minded is accepting every person as an equal human being, their taste and opinions, as long as their actions don't hurt anyone else. If someone doesn't do this, they aren't open minded. The only solution for you to be happy with yourself, is to move to a different country, where diversity is more accepted, I think. Look for someone from another country, with internet it's possible! Birds don't spend all their lives in the same place, people don't have to do it either, the whole world is available for us (minus North Korea maybe, but who would like to live there anyway? XD).


    like how??you have to be rich or have help. T_T


    ok so i am out of subject.anyway you comfort me when talking about this subject about liking only femine guys.

    because sometimes i feel like i am the only one and crazy.and i feel embarrassed to write these things too.

    being pretty has nothing to do.i don't consider myself  pretty but i know guys ussually like me. (because i don't know maybe i am thin.i fix my hair.i wear make up.)

    never had a problem . guys hit on me or like me but i just don't find them attractive.

    while when i see japanese guys i feel like a slut.

    also from all my girlfriends . the girl who had most guys wasn't the one that was the most pretty  ,in terms of what considered pretty. and she wasn't thin. and guys didn't care. i guess maybe because she was more easy.but i don't consider that bad. (or maybe because of her character?) and she did also have guys that were attractive and good looking.

    also i am more crazy because i don't like too feminine attitude, even in girls too much cute attitude annoys me.

    but i like feminine physical characteristics. has nothing to do with attitude.

    so i am  more screwed. because probably a guy that acts too "girly" would annoy me as much as a girl.

    (edit:for example do not act more girly than me dude)


    on the subject.i don't think i could be in a serious relationship because of personal reasons, it's not only the feminine thing that i am not willing to analyse in this thread.sure if there was someone who could make a difference and made me change it would be great.but in current situation i haven't met anyone who can make me feel different

  8. I don't get all these comparisons to old Diru, like Vulgar etc. It fits perfectly into the row of Rinkaku and Unraveling, and nowhere else...in my opinion. But I get now why Kaoru and Toshiya spoke of "simplicity". There would be really no better way to describe that song. The unpresent vocals and the only time the song actually gets some substance is in the chorus... I mean it's not so far from their past work, considering Kaoru's quote on saying "Unraveling is not representative for their current direction. Because it totally is. Sounding crazy and avant-garde, no matter what.

    It didn't grow on me at all by the first listen, the chorus gets boring quickly. Maybe after a few more listens.

    Why do you think you're supposed to get it? It's just a strange question to ask. He's another human being at the other end of this world and he has a different taste on music and expression. Get used to it or don't. :)

    because i find him interesting as person/artist and i am really curious & i care of what he thinks and of his opinion duh. but of course i am sure if someone asks him in interview he wouldn't be serious.and just say something irrelevant.

    also i can say my opinion.can't i? and of course i am not the person who follows someone blindly no matter what.and i don't support this attitude.

    if i stop liking someone's music , be sure i will stop listening to him.



    It fits perfectly into the row of Rinkaku and Unraveling, and nowhere else..


    also i agree so much with this.the only thing this reminds me is unraveling or latest works.

    nothing from the past. i thought to not mention it but since you said it. i was thinking the same.

    i mean vulgar?wtf you people. (edit:i mean if you see the song as a whole i could never imagine it in that album)

    edit:also i agree with people that say it gets boring quickly.but i thought maybe it does to me because of the lack of clear vocals.

  9. Is Kyo capable of singing without whining anymore? Dear God.




    can someone ask him in an interview why does he never stop with the falsetto

    and why he likes it so much, because i don't get it.

    can someone explain to me ,am i missing something?

    sometimes i miss his clear singing voice


    edit:i think my fav here is Ruten no Tou but of course he had to do falsetto again somewhere..

    also guess what my fav part from STU is .like the one second when he uses clean voice somewhere

  10. oh god when this guy sings and don't just do constant high and lows, whispers and growls.

    i mean don't get me wrong i wouldn't like deg as much probably if they weren't strange at some parts.

    but i love the melody and his normal singing voice too. that sometimes feels like he doesn't want to use anymore


    i was thinking about dss lately and i think what i miss most of old deg is the singing melody in some parts.without falsetto.the melody(i don't know how to describe it) somewhere at least after the screams.between the screams.

    that i feel they really want to do less as possible these days in singing.


    he does the same like his side project.either whispers or do falsetto. only in deg i like it so much more the way he does it than the side project

  11. Pl

    This was a gradual change per the band. Take all of their tours from the past 3 years and compare the evolution of their look. This has been in development for a while and is not necessarily sudden.


    i agree i mean there is always a time when you calm down lol. like when you discover something and being obsessed but when you are a fan for a long time you calm down a little xD


    i think they like dss . they always support their latest. i don't see every interview but  i randomly saw, they say

    when they been asked. to listen to the latest album

    that means unraveling or dss

  12. i am out of subject .
    i think being ambitious is very smart characteristic. (and not bad)
    and not being arrogant and care about your fans is very lovable characteristic. (especcially in succesful bands that can sell more easy)
    but there is a cool line where you must say "i'll do what i want " and stay true to yourself
    and deg always had that anyway. they were always strange.

    i mean idealism like "i only care about my art and not success". will probably keep you underground in real world.unless you are very talented or lucky.
    also there is probably always pressure from the music company or someone

  13. i like dss but it is  strange and not mainsteam/commercial sound.
    japan is a country that mostly loves pop boring songs, so there is no surprise to me.
    i can not deal with their top charts are very pop and boring to me.

    why they didn't succes in america where bands like tool exist.not my place to say.
    maybe you need a good sponsor as they said . also in a band like deg in my opinion you need to understand the lyrics
    and they can not sing in english and sound good in english for deg seems impossible. the results was awful to me.
    i mean sure bands like rammstein success but are fucking simple and mainstream metal

    (also in europe they make us choose german or french to learn in school. the majority pretty much more familar than japanese)

    one of my favorite albums ever is withering to death sound/type of music but i like every album to be honest.
    why do they care anyway and they just don't do whatever they like. of course i love that our opinion matters but not to the point if they make fake songs just to be likeable.

    lolol why don't you make half album a mess however you like and the other half more mainstream to see what songs will people choose LOL

    i think most rock bands that succed just did whatever they liked and it was an accident.

    pop probably is very controled

  14. i like clean vocals too. i could not like a band if it hasn't at some point clean vocals or melody.

    but the type of voice we like or the type of music . makes the music less or more important?

    does the music matter less in pop? well maybe but it has to be smart or catchy there too.doesn't it

  15. so i didn't want to write in this thread because all i have to say really is:
     i like it!
    i can't wait! :)

    but since i am bored here more unnecessary thoughts :

    for me who doesn't like the high meow voice, i actually i like this a lot. also the only thing that this sample reminds me is unraveling.
    i don't undertand how people say it reminds older albums but if this thought  makes you more excited,i don't want to spoil it. keep being excited :)

    also i see the nu metal influence(someone said above) in the studio version image. i like the video.
    but  kyo reminds me something i have seen.example in Pay money To my Pain  type of bands.

    (i don't mind though. i have no opinion on this.)

    (edit:personally i don't know if it is marketing but i kind find it adorable for some reason that he reminded me that , now)

    (edit2: &i don't think this nu-metal style/image influence is new anyway. it is be going on forever. just in this studio seemed more vivid )


    edit 3: i think i will always prefer something without falsetto though


    omg lol sorry with my edits

  16. i need both.  i have to like the voice and the music.i can not listen to it otherwise.
    unless it's just instrumental or A cappella that i like.

    but i know many examples in vkei with decent music and awful voice that i can't stand and so i don't listen to them.
    i don't remember the oposite.can you give an example were the music is bad but the voice is good or decent??

    i think good music  highlights a good voice.  a good voice would get lost without fitting music.
    but mediocore voice with awesome music is more possible to success maybe than the opposite.


    unless you can give me an example of famous good voice with bad music that i can't recollect

  17.  lyrics can make me love someone more or find him more interesting or stupid if they are bad and then i won't admire him.
    but music is equally important. my last example is i saw what kyo did without deg's music.
    i may like his lyrics but without deg's music i wouldn't have notice him. (at all probably /wouldn't care)
    but also without his lyrics  i wouldn't love some deg's songs as much.


    i have read interviews that music shouldn't be about understanding lyrics .it should be about what you feel.
    but  lyrics sometimes make you feel too and change your perspective of a song.
    it's awesome if you can have both.


    edit: but i quess i listen too to many bands with random lyrics and i don't care about them as long as then music is ok

  18. i don't undertand why people are so serious like this forum is a university or a band or a marriage.

    it's a forum.. what's up with the hiatus announcements and the overreacting. 

    i see this very often.you know forum means you can leave and come back whenever you want right?

    why do you feel like you have to make a decision.

    .you do not have to make a decision of leaving forever or not . just come whenever you want to say something or see something...


    or am i missing something


    or you just trying to make a complain this way

  19. i have one thing to say and sorry
    but thank god someone let him do solo work and i hope so now he doesn't have to put these ideas so much in deg.
    i am sorry but i am freaking out here with sukekiyo why does he like so much this high piched meow voice..when did he start and why.
    where did this come from whyyyyyy xDDDD .   nevermind me


    i mean @zess is right with his first comment under the video (i am bored to quote)

  20. this sounds like 9goats to me.

    (so my opinion is similar, i always preferred deg than 9goats . i was never a big fan of their sound. the opposite
     to everyone else on this forum that loved them. i never got it at all.
     lucky 9goats fans.)

    i like the music but not so much the voice
    as i have said before i personally don't like high pitched voice, he is doing there

  21. The Egnirys cimredopyh +) An Injection is very reminiscent in the bassline, which is a cool groove in the song.  The quality is poor, but understandable since they are live recording vinyl.  To be honest, if I am going to get into this, it is going to have to be a grower, because my first impression is nothing special.  It is devoid of the ethnic/tribal feel that was alluded to and the raspy chaotic vocal lines are a staple for Kyo, but there is nothing that really makes me want to re-listen immediately.


    I will judge the studio recording before I fully embrace or write this effort off.  RIght now, I am not very into the sound of it as something special after first listen.


    i should wait for the actual thing.or the aftermath video to say any opinions.seriously.it's not fair.

    but just for the fun of it. i like so much  Egnirys cimredopyh as a song

    i want to keep listening to it , although it's strange .

    but i can't listen to this .


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