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Reincarnated Really Hot People
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Posts posted by miyuu

  1. i have only listen to the pv song honestly.but i think his voice sounds like gackt style. and i think it's way better with this kind of voice style. fits him better.

    but i am not really a big fan of gackt or deathbie or ayabie. but i like more deathbie in voice.i could listen to it &like it. ayabie's yumehito voice really annoys me. i can't listen at all.

    i just wanted to say that somewhere

  2. i don't care if they wear it because i know the reason they do it but..

    i don't think they should wear it though because without the shocking factor

    (that obviously isn't working anymore, so you can't annoy people or provoke them with this)

    they just look like ignorant morons who only care about fashion

    and can't even be original but they are cute or hot though

    and personally i don't find nazi uniforms is something that makes you good looking

  3. but these things don't shock anymore. you just look like you have no idea what you are doing with the nazi stuff

    or lame with the burning crosses stuff

    it's like people have run out of ideas how to shock others. nothing shocks anyone , anymore.

    seriously people have to find new ways to be different or radical.

    there is nothing new or radical anymore

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