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Reincarnated Really Hot People
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Posts posted by miyuu

  1. It very closely follows a certain trajectory that DIR EN GREY pioneered in the visual kei world; has nothing to do with a limited frame of reference.

    sorry for continuing this conversation but i agree with this!

    this just shows how successful are dir en grey and how they inspired many bands.maybe it annoys people but it's true.

    and anyway when deg was young ,people said the same about them. (kiyoharu)

    anyway i am happy, when every band turns to pop, 12012 decide the opposite.

    (i wonder why? maybe they tried more pop and failed?)

    but totally want to see more. can't wait

    So what? DEG is a reference these days, I'd be worried if the preview sounded like Morning Musume and Wataru was in shiny clothes like the guys form SuG.

    this! at this point with 12012 i am actually happy they sound like deg. no problem

  2. what about morrie ? with pics like these OMG

    guess his age, those who don't know!!



  3. being major is good for them because then they make money from what they love as a job and are enough to live with that. so is awesome to have as a job, what you love.very few people have this in their life.

    we should want a band to be successful if we love them.

    but the negative is that now is a job and that means you have to be serious and you have to care about money and what majority wants to a point.

    it's not just having fun or just friendship anymore.

    so i believe a band changes! not always for worse but the change is inevitable

    personally i prefer indies bands

    for completely personal weird reasons

    i feel i can relate more to them

    edit: but i wonder then can you be indies forever? i mean if you don't have some success or money to a point . won't you quit/disband at the end. when growing older?

    edit 2: to correct myself. i don't think being major always guarantees success.

    also the most important thing to an artist is freedom of expression. but apparently in this world free expression doesn't make money most of the times.

  4. maybe it makes people mad how could their fav singer break their fav band to get married.

    i don't think he lied about having problems with his voice but maybe he would keep trying,

    maybe there are a lot of reasons and one of them was that he wanted a family and stop touring, affected his decision

    i can't know anything of course but is very logical/common something like this to happen

  5. I care very much about lyrics. When I first listen to a song, I mostly judge it based on how it sounds, (because I can never tell what the vocalist is saying), but the words I look up will either make me love the song more, or make me wish I didn't even enjoy the song in the first place. The lyrics should enhance the images/emotions that the music creates and vice versa.

    Extremely stupid lyrics will occasionally make me like a song just to laugh at it, but usually the dumbtardedness causes an involuntary facepalm and, if they're consistently moronic, avoidance of the entire band.

    Basically: I love music and words above all else, so both have to appeal to me for me to like a song.

    ⇈ basically this is exactly how i feel & do.

    honestly apparently i do care about lyrics and .it's connected somehow to the previous discussion also.

    in japanese i can't understand when i listen to a song except few phrases if i pay attention. but if i really like the song,

    i end up looking the lyrics. the most i can relate to them or make me feel something, the most i end up liking the song.

    i think this is the way i choose even favorite artists at the end with combination with music. and this is one of the reasons i can never like too much the majority of pop songs.

    i think when you don't know a language well and you are learning it. discovering the meaning, emphasizes this emotion.

    because in english songs i don't care so much or even at all most of the times.

    of course i listen to a lot of music and not always pay attention in the lyrics.

    other times i am really annoyed if i can't understand the lyrics to the song i like.i want to know what it says.

    sometimes i get turn of if the lyrics are stupid. but i try to forget them , since i don't understand japanese is easy.

    an example i remember with oz songs when he says stupid english . if i read the lyrics i am kinda annoyed when i listen to the song.or laugh and can't take it seriously. but i end up getting over it, try not to pay attention xD.

    edit: the fact that i don't know well japanese not only emphasizes the emotion when you try to understand the lyrics to like them more,

    but also maybe makes the lyrics look less cheesy or stupid. sometimes i think if i was japanese maybe i wouldn't like them.

  6. (is like asking how you make decisions in your life. do you follow more your emotions or logic xD.

    i have no idea about life what i do. xD)

    but about music i'll probably will sound chessy but anyway

    Likewise, I can appreciate a deep or emotional release, but I enjoy plenty of music that isn't. Music can be created without any attachment to it by the artist or any emotional connection, and still sound great.

    this but

    of course i listen & appreciate both types too

    but the songs that end up to be my most favorite and stay in my mind & heart , are the songs which i feel an emotional connection with them. this means they made me feel something.and NOT the awesome technical skills.

    that's why i can prefer crappier music sometimes over a song with awesome proffesional techical skills.

    and there are some people&critics who choose with technical skills that will never understand this.

  7. @ you with tatsuro and otogi.

    there is a difference between "i don't like a voice personally" with

    "he doesn't have a good voice objectively".

    i do think indeed otogi and tatsuro are weird , unique voices.

    but they do have voice to sing/talent .

    (you can also have a good voice that you don't know how to use well/need to learn.

    or you can have a bad voice but you know how to used it, to have good result and good song.)

  8. i think he looks good. seriously. maybe you are used to him with make up.

    i think he looks like 35 -+. isn't that close to his real age? i don't remember his age.

    he is over 40? i though he was less. asagi is 30-35 if i remember what i had read.

    (sai i am guessing you are under 18 for some reason xD)

    for me gackt and hyde look older.

    because the blond hair and looking like a plastic doll look ,really reminds me 50 year old people who had done plastic surgery.

  9. the reality is music had always a connection with looks.

    even bands that say they don't care about looks, have a certain type of look you like and want to follow.

    try to turn Maximum the Hormone etc to look visual and see how many followers they will loose just because they changed look.(not music)

    or any metal band for example,or pop.

    most of guys actually and people would NOT listen to a band ,no matter how awesome the music is, just because they have visual looks.

    so that "i don't care about looks" excuse is crap.

    visual kei will always be underground. because guys that dress like girls can never be mainstream.

    the majority will always listen to bands that dress more mainstream.

    ---> so the majority totally cares about looks

    second i personally love the visuals and i choose them because i am so bored with western music.

    visual kei bands had something different and i don't want them to stop.

    i am fed up with the european ,american bands ideology.

    i am having fun that they dress like this to turn on girls.

    although most of my fav bands don't really do it and i still choose them for the music

  10. i think the problem is that people

    can't find anyone from the new bands who can be at the same level as xjapan for example, deg, gazette etc etc ,

    can't imagine anyone who can end up to be as much admired from everyone and accomplished.(and hasn't drop visuals)

    but maybe it's music in general like this now days

    or maybe we can't tell because we live now

    (personally though from my fav bands i don't have a problem like this. i am happy with them <3)

  11. no the scene is dying not because the music isn't good. i believe there are still bands with good music.

    the scene is totally dying because they are dropping the visuals and i think it will end up being very underground scene(the heavy visuals),

    like is punk for example today. but once upon a time was in fashion.

    I don't think music is dying and stuff... it's just that people's taste, the distribution of music, and thus music itself have changed. We only perceive older music to be better because that was what we were listening to while growing up (or if we were not listening to it, but discovering it just now, it's still that era/sound that we loved). As Lemmy from Motörhead said, "the best music you'll ever listen to is stuff from your childhood/teenage years" (or something along those lines). Of course this can vary from person to person, but I can really see this general tendency.

    With that said, I too am in that mindset, older/past music really sounded better to my tastes. :lol: But of course there's a good number of amazing newer bands/artists too, we just have to find them under that heavy pile of crap bands.

    Agreed, I think a lot of it has to do with us getting old. Goddamn kids these days with their music!!!

    i agree with this! xD

    but now feels like we are generally in a time of decadence and not creativeness and revolution

    sorry my english sucks i can't find better words to describe xD

    & good music or creativeness is not supported or noticed. as you said you have to search under a lot of crap to find it.

    older times seems like more radical music styles were in fashion.

    but maybe is just what @Arithmetica wrote! xD maybe in older times people were saying the same as i do now.

  12. Other than that, I've still been trying to embrace Deg's current style. 2deep4u - excuses just won't work, all I hear is the sea of cacophony, out-of-place screaming and Z-tuning bass thwacking noises (okay, at least it had LOTUS, which was "music" for me, unlike the most songs)

    Please Kyo, sing more for once - you fail at being Jacob Bannon / Oli Sykes - lovechild. Sry.

    OMG x2 !!!!!

    i could never hate them but my favorite band doesn't exist anymore.they are something else. i have to accept it and move on.

    and please new fans don't say :"they are awesome now" ,i know you like them now dah. but they changed and as much as i try because is hard to let go something you loved, i don't like them anymore. i am trying to find something to still like and it's very hard.

    ( i had hageshisa which i liked the most )

  13. i like the song (never going to be my fav or nothing special for me though)

    i hate the pv. i think it's terrible to the point it makes the song seem worse.

    it's ok to use autotune once in a while if you want to do something different i guess

    but i think is for people who don't have voice.

    i mean if you are talented with awesome voice

    it's a waste of talent if you only use autotune.

    for example i think tatsuro loosing points with this kind of songs

    edit:but i like change, is not always bad. you can't do always the same

  14. about until Withering to death.

    but nagoya styled bands still pass for visual kei even though they can be liked from people who don't know or like visual kei.

    can pass for just a simple rock style.

    i don't know if it was planned, but it's the natural thing that comes usually when you grow older to want less visuals.

    people and years are changing. the whole scene changed. and old school visual style disappearing.there is no way they would be so visual as the beginning for their whole life.(unless they are kisaki xD)

    but what they did after marrow of a bone. is something different. they changed completely. like they are a different band.

  15. i believe at and after The Marrow of a Bone

    not only the visual kei look ,the music started changing also then.

    edit: i can see why some say Withering to death

    but for me the real and big change to get out completely of visual kei was when i said.

    (Withering to death is like a middle era when old fans and new fans can like them at the same time ,

    not to mention it has final & Merciless Cult ,some of the most amazing songs that everyone can like. even people who don't like deg)

  16. (haha if that guy with the hat in pic is eros xD)

    it doesn't mean anything if he hasn't change his name. i have seen bands still having the name days after they announced disbandment. they don't change it right away. maybe we should ask the members?? not that they would answer.

    well if this is true i am starting to believe eros is an arrogant idiot

  17. (i disagree this versatility issue everytime hits on my nerves

    i love oz the way they are

    i don't think they need to change.

    what the fuck do you want them to do

    to sing rap or something

    maybe you just don't like them . it's like people trying to change them to pop so they can like them.because now they can't.

    well i like them the way they are now.)

    I honestly didn't notice the electronics when I first listened to this LOL. ..........The other two previews didn't really interest me, especially the slower ballad-ish song, Natsuki doesn't have a singing voice that fits ballads imo. It's kinda irritating to listen too.

    that's my opinion too

    but i think it's like he read somewhere reviews and try to lower his voice there in the sample. anyone else noticed? it's making me kinda lol. still don't really like ballad voice but he is trying <3

    i love the pv preview !!!. it doesn't seem they will change so much. yay

    can't want!!!

    also seriously the style in the pv doesn't fit the song natsuki

    (personally there is no way i am changing the last fm tag. even if they'll change logo.

    there is no way i am having like 300 different tags for the same band, everytime a band changes something in their logo)

    (i even hate in last fm when they change completely band names but are still the same people. then i have to change tags.

    like born for example)

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